Television The Propgropthrop

Why is Eve Marie wrestling?

Good question. I have loads of stuff to improve myself, especially with more than basic matches. I had my first training last night after 10 days of Covid self isolation and I had my most "complicated" match so far, lasted about 11-12 mins. So I try to refrain from criticizing people's ability to work since I started training myself.

But with Eva Marie I can confidently say a week 1 or at worst week 2 student could do her match. Theres not much put into it from her side
Good question. I have loads of stuff to improve myself, especially with more than basic matches. I had my first training last night after 10 days of Covid self isolation and I had my most "complicated" match so far, lasted about 11-12 mins. So I try to refrain from criticizing people's ability to work since I started training myself.

But with Eva Marie I can confidently say a week 1 or at worst week 2 student could do her match. Theres not much put into it from her side

I mean, the mismatch makes it impossible to have any type of good believable match and just comes across as really poor booking yet again.
Keith Lee is now Keith Bearcat Lee.

I mean, people usually lose a name... so the fact that he's gained one must make him extra super special right?

Slightly disappointed thye haven't gone the tradtional way though.... he could have been just "Keith"
Good RAW that all things considered, and a really strong main event.

One thing I am enjoying about WWE currently is that several people have an issue with Roman simultaenously. You've got Brock, Balor, Big E and now Bobby (All the B's) who now either do or might have an issue with him, and whilst yes it has made Balor a bit of an after-thought unfortunately, it's made for some fun TV of late. Plus it makes sense that several people would be after the champ, more so then just one different person every few months anyway.
I mean, people usually lose a name... so the fact that he's gained one must make him extra super special right?

Slightly disappointed thye haven't gone the tradtional way though.... he could have been just "Keith"

They gave him the name bearcat to honour one of their old HOF'ers Bearcat Wright
Good RAW that all things considered, and a really strong main event.

One thing I am enjoying about WWE currently is that several people have an issue with Roman simultaenously. You've got Brock, Balor, Big E and now Bobby (All the B's) who now either do or might have an issue with him, and whilst yes it has made Balor a bit of an after-thought unfortunately, it's made for some fun TV of late. Plus it makes sense that several people would be after the champ, more so then just one different person every few months anyway.

I still feel Roman is kinda left alone compared to say how Big E will be in the headlamps going forward.

I suspect Roman will switch to Raw at the draft.

Roman as a heel is actually pretty good and it works, so yes, Vince will fk it up 100%

I would love to see Roman v Rock at next years Mania, but after Roman wins, you have to wonder who will beat him for the title that maybe isn't Lashley, Brock, although he would have already beaten them perhaps prior.

WWE just has such a lack of believable main eventers now
Meltzer getting called for bullshitting (again)...

I havent really watched Raw in a while but came in here to mention that segment, but reading that I’m wondering how he came to that conclusion as the crowd seemed totally in to that segment. “Chanting we want Charley” reacting to the two of them trading barbs And so on.

I actually came in here to say that really if Alexa could wrestle or maintain performances like an Askua or Banks she would be the absolute full package as her acting/character work is 2nd to none. I kinda hope her match with Charlotte is actually a good match, but guess it will just be more of the same old same old.

Anyway, I quite enjoyed Raw, BiG E was right, there is still something great about some mighty meaty men bumping meats in the middle of the ring. Last night I feel like the three of them really showed how athletic and strong they are. It was physical, it was well paced and I just enjoyed it.

Is there also anyone in wrestling who commits to that suicide dive tackle like Big E does. Everytime I see him do it I react. He just goes full send all the time. The only thing I feel that match was missing was a Brock showing up smashing folks and getting a square off with Lashley. Oh yeah and now I need to see Roman vs Lashley.
Anyway, I quite enjoyed Raw, BiG E was right, there is still something great about some mighty meaty men bumping meats in the middle of the ring. Last night I feel like the three of them really showed how athletic and strong they are. It was physical, it was well paced and I just enjoyed it.

Is there also anyone in wrestling who commits to that suicide dive tackle like Big E does. Everytime I see him do it I react. He just goes full send all the time. The only thing I feel that match was missing was a Brock showing up smashing folks and getting a square off with Lashley. Oh yeah and now I need to see Roman vs Lashley.
As odd as it sounds; Carmella. She always torpedoes herself.
I havent really watched Raw in a while but came in here to mention that segment, but reading that I’m wondering how he came to that conclusion as the crowd seemed totally in to that segment. “Chanting we want Charley” reacting to the two of them trading barbs And so on.

I actually came in here to say that really if Alexa could wrestle or maintain performances like an Askua or Banks she would be the absolute full package as her acting/character work is 2nd to none. I kinda hope her match with Charlotte is actually a good match, but guess it will just be more of the same old same old.

Anyway, I quite enjoyed Raw, BiG E was right, there is still something great about some mighty meaty men bumping meats in the middle of the ring. Last night I feel like the three of them really showed how athletic and strong they are. It was physical, it was well paced and I just enjoyed it.

Is there also anyone in wrestling who commits to that suicide dive tackle like Big E does. Everytime I see him do it I react. He just goes full send all the time. The only thing I feel that match was missing was a Brock showing up smashing folks and getting a square off with Lashley. Oh yeah and now I need to see Roman vs Lashley.

I was hoping Brock would come out and destroy them to end the match in a way that protected them all, but that ending was okay also.
Bryan Alvarez on the latest WOL claims that someone from WWE who was in the building on RAW texted them all right after the Alexa and Charlotte segment and told them that 700 people left the building. He says that same person texted again yesterday and questioned the 1500 number that Meltzer had reported, but and Alvarez said he's quoting it "I would stand by the number of 700"

Why he reported 1500 I dont know. Maybe some fans who were there helped him come up with that number saying it was more than the WWE source. And maybe they were wrong. Maybe the WWE source who was at the building was also wrong. But it does at least seem like hundreds of people left.

Ringside news quotes 3 fans disputing it on twitter.

Also Alexa put an extra t ("litterally") in literallly in her tweet and then put #YoureEmbarrassingYourself. Unfortunate double typo timing
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They got caught bullshitting and are trying to split the difference to save face. The idiots who trust him will lap it up though.
Also Alexa put an extra t ("litterally") in literallly in her tweet and then put #YoureEmbarrassingYourself. Unfortunate double typo timing

Weird thing to pick up on to try and divert attention from Meltzer being a tool. Don’t these 2 have history anyway as he “slut shamed” her and said she was sleeping her way up the WWE ladder. With non substantiated claims.

Wasnt she engaged to Buddy Murphy for ages and now engaged to some ex pop star.

I feel like we need a The Cult of Meltzer thread soon. Or at least have an intervention for Ekeke.

@Shane88 Youre right forgot about Carmella, she is pretty good at it.
@choccy77 Yeah I suppose it being a triple threat it had to have a winner unless he beat them all so bad they couldn’t even stand.

You know I’m starting to think the brand split is a large part of the problem with WWE. Someone mentioned it earlier that it was good to see many people having an issue with Roman. Which is how it should be instead of the stale formula they have now. I seem to recall watching and never knowing if it’ll be HHH vs The rock or The rock vs Mankind, Triple HHH vs Mankind, Kane vs Austin and so on so on. Now every week you can pretty much declare what’s gonna happen before it happens.

If it’s the stories are carried over the two shows it just seems to work better.
Weird thing to pick up on to try and divert attention from Meltzer being a tool. Don’t these 2 have history anyway as he “slut shamed” her and said she was sleeping her way up the WWE ladder. With non substantiated claims.

Wasnt she engaged to Buddy Murphy for ages and now engaged to some ex pop star.

I feel like we need a The Cult of Meltzer thread soon. Or at least have an intervention for Ekeke.

@Shane88 Youre right forgot about Carmella, she is pretty good at it.
@choccy77 Yeah I suppose it being a triple threat it had to have a winner unless he beat them all so bad they couldn’t even stand.

You know I’m starting to think the brand split is a large part of the problem with WWE. Someone mentioned it earlier that it was good to see many people having an issue with Roman. Which is how it should be instead of the stale formula they have now. I seem to recall watching and never knowing if it’ll be HHH vs The rock or The rock vs Mankind, Triple HHH vs Mankind, Kane vs Austin and so on so on. Now every week you can pretty much declare what’s gonna happen before it happens.

If it’s the stories are carried over the two shows it just seems to work better.

Can you at least quote these things?

It obviously backfires when you're talking about embarrassing yourself whilst simultaneously misspelling it and other words. Perhaps you're so used to embarrassing yourself that you're immune to it.
Can you at least quote these things?

It obviously backfires when you're talking about embarrassing yourself whilst simultaneously misspelling it and other words. Perhaps you're so used to embarrassing yourself that you're immune to it.

Can you at least quote these things?

It obviously backfires when you're talking about embarrassing yourself whilst simultaneously misspelling it and other words. Perhaps you're so used to embarrassing yourself that you're immune to it.
Only to pedants, nobody cares if there is a minor typo.
Can you at least quote these things?

It obviously backfires when you're talking about embarrassing yourself whilst simultaneously misspelling it and other words. Perhaps you're so used to embarrassing yourself that you're immune to it.
Only the terminally online find misspellings embarrassing, normal people don't really care about a single mistakenly added letter.
The diversion tactics :lol:

You can't pull a number out like that and report it and get away with that shit. That some carny BS if you're claiming that as a journalist without the means to back it up

It's weird that 'wrong News' by one journalist is actually defended by one poster
Funny too
Meltzer could burn down an orphanage and these bootlicking vegetables will still try and defend him.

Don't think I've ever seen Ekeke say meltzer was wrong, despite him being objectively wrong countless times.
Meltzer could burn down an orphanage and these bootlicking vegetables will still try and defend him.

Don't think I've ever seen Ekeke say meltzer was wrong, despite him being objectively wrong countless times.

Just read the thread, I've said he's wrong, or that I disagree with him at least 5 times.

I've never said he's wrong when he's said people have left a show I wasn't at though. Thats true, I dont just automatically assume he's wrong
So what I’m gathering is, Meltzer repeats any bollox someone tells him without getting any sort of confirmation and when it’s proven to be wrong it doesn’t matter because all he’s doing is repeating what his “source” said, not reporting it as fact?

He’d fit in well at most tabloids tbf…
Really looking forward to the day when Ekeke just says he's working everyone in this thread and you're all just a bunch of jabroni marks that have worked yourselves into a shoot.
So what I’m gathering is, Meltzer repeats any bollox someone tells him without getting any sort of confirmation and when it’s proven to be wrong it doesn’t matter because all he’s doing is repeating what his “source” said, not reporting it as fact?

He’d fit in well at most tabloids tbf…

What would be the confirmation here?

A WWE employee telling him seems like a very strong source to me.

We dont know where the 1500 number comes from. I can only assume it was fans there at the show. Whats being used to discredit that is people who say they were there on twitter. I dont know if you've ever seen WWE and AEW, or wrestling related replies on twitter... Its even worse than here. Point being people who were actually at the show would be a better source than people who just say they were at the show on twitter. Because there are WWE fans, and AEW fans who will literally say anything in replies on twitter.

I would like to know how he came up with that number, hopefully he'll say so coming up. Thats the part that needs some clarification. People did leave, but was it even close to 1500 or was the WWE employee at the show who has doubled down on it being 700 people far closer to the number.
@Ekeke Meltzer doesn't verify his sources, or at least not all the time. He once said he was interested in the results from Eurovision because someone tweeted him saying it was a big EU indie show ffs
@Ekeke Meltzer doesn't verify his sources, or at least not all the time. He once said he was interested in the results from Eurovision because someone tweeted him saying it was a big EU indie show ffs

I'm sorry but this is silly. Just because he's interested in getting reports from something doesnt mean he's going to put it in the observer or talk about it on the radio. Getting reports is how you get sources of information, from there you decide what to put in and what you dont. As if an American not knowing what Eurovision is means something
'A WWE employee' is the wrestling version of 'a source at the club' or 'a source close to the player'.
'A WWE employee' is the wrestling version of 'a source at the club' or 'a source close to the player'.

To you. Not to the person receiving the information. They know if they do actually work there and if they were at the show.

But WWE took the tag titles off Nattie right after the information comes out that AEW are working with the Owen Hart Foundation. You really want Meltzer to name his source and get someone fired from their job? Because thats what would happen if he put the name there and didnt protect his sources.
But didn't Alexa, a WWE employee, come out and deny it? So it's one confirmed WWE employee's word against an un-confirmed WWE employee's word?

Surely there would be proof if such a large volume of people left. In this day and age, somebody would film a mass exodus like that.
But didn't Alexa, a WWE employee, come out and deny it? So it's one confirmed WWE employee's word against an un-confirmed WWE employee's word?

Surely there would be proof if such a large volume of people left. In this day and age, somebody would film a mass exodus like that.

How would she even know? She's in the ring performing. It isnt her job to find out whats happening at the exit, its her job to be staying in character doing her segment. And isnt it in her best interest to deny it given its negative news about something shes doing?

Lets say for one second its true. Do you think Alexa replies "Yeah loads of people left right after my segment." ? Or do you think its more likely that she wouldnt want people to know if it did happen?

One more thing is, wrestling is all about selling/working. And conflict leads to more people talking and caring about something. Alexa gets talked about more if shes making a reply like that. Mojo Rawley has said that this about social media

"I don't know if the fans realise how much power their tweets have but the company sees everything. There's a social media report that's compiled after every TV where they track all the tweets and see if they were generally positive or negative, how many views, how many retweets, likes, all that cr*p. They're delivered for every segment and that's how they dictate TV time moving forward in a way," Rawley stated.

So in every conceivable way someone working there is going to deny it and stoke the fire on twitter. Thats business. So its reasonable to be skeptical about what Alexa has said about her own segment.
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How would she even know? She's in the ring performing. It isnt her job to find out whats happening at the exit, its her job to be staying in character doing her segment. And isnt it in her best interest to deny it given its negative news about something shes doing?

Lets say for one second its true. Do you think Alexa replies "Yeah loads of people left right after my segment." ? Or do you think its more likely that she wouldnt want people to know if it did happen?

First point. She was there. I think it's patronizing to imply that she couldn't do her job and also take in the crowd reaction at the same time.

Secondly, I think if it was true, surely she'd just ignore it. Not blatantly lie and claim it didn't happen, again, out of fear of proof coming out and making her look silly.
I'm sorry but this is silly. Just because he's interested in getting reports from something doesnt mean he's going to put it in the observer or talk about it on the radio. Getting reports is how you get sources of information, from there you decide what to put in and what you dont. As if an American not knowing what Eurovision is means something

No, but it does show he doesn't do that first level verification.

How do you know he's verified this WWE employee actually works for WWE and it wasn't just some chancer messaging him going "hi dave, I work for WWE and was at the event tonight and loads of people left early"?

The answer is that you don't know.

He's got literal decades of form for just spouting the first shit he's told by literally anyone.
If alexa denies it despite it being true and provable that would look worse on her

Although if true, she could ignore it (Charlotte has so far it seems - then again I'm sure Charlotte has had a recent issue with meltzer calling him out too and telling him to go to hell)
As did Nia? I'm sure rollins called him out too? And Asuka denied something that was reported by him?

He is getting called out more and more and I don't think it's just about being WWE company people. It's direct stuff involving people
No, but it does show he doesn't do that first level verification.

How do you know he's verified this WWE employee actually works for WWE and it wasn't just some chancer messaging him going "hi dave, I work for WWE and was at the event tonight and loads of people left early"?

The answer is that you don't know.

He's got literal decades of form for just spouting the first shit he's told by literally anyone.

Of course he doesnt do first level verification on what he's being sent. He's going to verify it when he has it not based on something someone randomly has said on social media
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If alexa denies it despite it being true and provable that would look worse on her

Although if true, she could ignore it (Charlotte has so far it seems - then again I'm sure Charlotte has had a recent issue with meltzer calling him out too and telling him to go to hell)
As did Nia? I'm sure rollins called him out too? And Asuka denied something that was reported by him?

He is getting called out more and more and I don't think it's just about being WWE company people. It's direct stuff involving people

Meltzer had been reporting some bollocks about why Asuka was off TV that was utter shite, and she responded saying she'd never spoken to him or anyone representing him, along with a picture of her arm all braced up in a sling, which was not the reason Meltzer said she was off tv for.
Of course he doesnt do first level verification on what he's being sent. He's going to verify it when he has it not based on something someone randmly has said on social media

You genuinely think Meltzer was demanding proof this person worked for WWE?