Television The Propgropthrop

Main event should be good
Hopefully. I mean WWe

I'll probably watch this tomorrow
Oh ffs, I just became a Roman fan. Feck off already Cena. It's embarrassing that this clown is 17 time world champion.
It's a never-ending cycle. It's like nothing ever changes.

EDIT: For those wondering

Why is Brock Lesnar back again? We know that he's not going to hang around for too long, anyways.
It's a never-ending cycle. It's like nothing ever changes.

EDIT: For those wondering

Why is Brock Lesnar back again? We know that he's not going to hang around for too long, anyways.
Thing is if he had came out and had a face off with Lashley I would have cared.
You don’t seem to get the point in much at all. Of course, Summerslam 2011 disappointed in terms of PPV buys. The CM Punk angle jumped the shark almost immediately after MITB and they only had four matches on the card with a week to go. As we can keep labouring, that whole period in WWE was a complete mess booking wise. Everyone’s push was either completely botched or sabotaged. The Rock could stay over by staying as far away from WWE as possible for 11 months of the year.

How can you blame the WWE champion for underwhelming PPV buyrates when the WWE Champion, and the title itself, was treated as a midcard attraction? It was John Cena who was booked as the main event during that period, just go through each and every PPV card. I was one of the fans who lost patience and stopped watching during that period. The Summer of Punk period was completely botched with Kevin Nash’s, HHH’s and Laurinaitis’s involvement. Then once they put the title on Punk for his record reign, the entire focus of the WWE was still on John Cena with Punk in the midcard – despite him being the top champion? We literally had John Cena vs Kane, John Cena vs Big Show, John Cena vs John Laurinaitis, and John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler all as PPV main events in 2012, with Punk defending the WWE Championship in the midcard or not at all. Despite not being champion for a minute in 2012, Cena still dominated the main event scene and is widely regarded as having one of the worst years of his career with some god awful matches.

Why would anyone other than the habitual buyer have become invested in ordering WWE PPVs during that time? Punk and his reign were treated as an afterthough, Cena was in horrendous storylines against terrible opponents, and the whole company was just going through the motions between Cena v Rock matches.

This is a very basic causality fallacy. Why do you think Punk was relegated to midcard tier? Because he couldn't draw anywhere near the crowd that the Cenas and Rocks could.

You've written long blocks of text, repeating the same point, that you believe the entire booking was a mess. Even if that were true (it isn't), that wouldn't explain why someone like Cena was able to draw higher crowds while being held back by the same "awful booking" that Punk was.
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I wonder was HHH ever out politicked again after that? Once he got his claws/schlong into the McMahon family he was a made man.

I do love that OSW story from I think the 2001 Royal Rumble episode, where HHH was lobbying to take the belt off Kurt Angle because he was too small. Pat Patterson piped up “ok, you wrestle him for real then” and he shut up pretty quickly after that :lol:

He was sitting on creative meetings before he married Stephanie, but things obviously changed as he entrenched himself in the McMahon family after marrying Stephanie, and that's when we began to see him running roughshod on the Raw roster.

The Patterson/Brisco story (the identity of the agent who told HHH he's welcome to fight Kurt changes depending on who's telling the story) always makes me laugh. Cornette, in particular, seems to love saying it.

For what it's worth, Triple H allegedly had the HHH-Stephanie-Angle 3 love triangle storyline cut short when he was told that the plan was to have Stephanie reciprocate Kurt's feelings and branch off before circling back to a big HHH-Kurt blowoff. I'm not sure whether it's insecurity, or whether it's that HHH genuinely sees Kurt Angle as someone who's on a peg below.
Just flicked through the highlights of Summerslam. Just Christ, it looked awful.

They immediately killed Becky’s return by having her squash Bianca. Just have bianca squash carmella and Becky come out and challenge her afterwards?! (Unless bianca is injured or something, that can be the only reasonable explanation)

The Goldberg match was a fecking disgrace. Why are they protecting a 54 year old part timer and building to a rematch?! Nobody gives a shit about Goldberg or his son.

Brock’s return. Meh. Feuding with Roman again?! :lol: The only interest I have in this is Heyman. But if this means Brock doing his own promos… oh boy.
Face Brock v Roman could be loads of fun, Roman in with someone he can’t physically dominate and the story being that Roman can no longer trust Heyman could be fun too.
The Backlash for Sasha being replaced by Carmella was huge last night & now being are complaining at about the title switch.

To be honest, WWE had 8 days where they knew Sasha wasn't going to be there and still promoted the match until the very last second.

Sasha is huge in terms of people wanting to watch her, so WWE played a very wrong game here & pissed off a lot of people & the return was so clearly forced its kinda had the opposite affect.

This is the problem with WWE .... Vince.
Face Brock v Roman could be loads of fun, Roman in with someone he can’t physically dominate and the story being that Roman can no longer trust Heyman could be fun too.

Has potential, but maybe Brock confronting Lashley might have been better perhaps?

Looks like Brock will be Romans next feast, before they Have him face Rock at Mania (if that's still the plan).
They've known about the Sasha thing for ages and it's been rumoured Becky would be back. WWE knew for some time I'm sure and this was what they went with

Vincent at his best again.

Promoting a match he knew was never happening is a big no no.

People love Sasha and this match to many was the main event.

Bad bad booking destroyed Bianca and lots of people unhappy at her treatment.
Other than Edge's entrance was anything on this show worth watching? A lot of the matches seem either terrible or dissapointing.

Also where's Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn? I also thought Keith Lee was back too.