The Opening Ceremony for Beijing 2008.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
Opening ceremonies in gernal can be all too often rather excrutiating things to watch [they can have quality within and be of interest but this is spoilt by how they drag on], but the word on the ground in China is suggesting that this will be alright, so we shall have to see.

Starts at 11:45 GMT by my reckoning.
Might watch if it's on tv when I turn it on
The chinese are always well organized, some good stuff so far.
We're gonna look a bit shit in 2012 in comparison.
:lol: the scots wont stop playing the bagpipes

Or are they meant to?
it was passable what i saw of it, but i'm not going to get as carried away as the rest of you about it.

London should try and do its own thing, and maybe have it a little shorter too. I'm thinking it could start with a load of sky divers, some kind of representation of Stonehenge, Romans, and an elephant. JMO :D
I can see it now, Spinal Tap stone henge introduction, red arrows over head with sky divers (been done before), with girls aloud riding elephants to "sounds of the underground" accompanied by kids all wearing hoodies and burberry. Sounds good!
As if you wouldn't walk out with a fat Cuban cigar if you were from Cuba.
I can see it now, Spinal Tap stone henge introduction, red arrows over head with sky divers (been done before), with girls aloud riding elephants to "sounds of the underground" accompanied by kids all wearing hoodies and burberry. Sounds good!

Sounds great, though you missed both the elite band of morris dancers and group of binge drinkers. ;)

The Cockney Olympics will be shit. I reckon the opening ceremony will be of a load of market stalls selling fruit and veg.

Piss off.

EDIT: We're still not out yet btw.