The Nostalgic Computer & Video Games Thread

I've never even heard of Ishar! before - was it popular or one of those underground games no-one knew about?
As I recall it, it was eagerly anticipated (at least among gamers into RPGs), but never really took off once it was released.

The reason for both the anticipation and the (relative) flop was one and the same -- it was extremely realistic and detailed. Huge stretches of terrain you had to map, where an important NPC could suddenly be found after miles and miles -- and you had to find your way back to him, too. You had to train and train to level up, mix your own potions (after working out the recipes), the members of your party could start fighting amongst themselves and sometimes refused to fight enemies if they felt allied to them (e.g. my lizardman refused to fight enemy lizardmen), you had to eat and drink constantly to keep up energy, and everything cost gold (even saving the game!).

It really had all the tedium and drudgery of everyday life, and I absolutely loved it! :D

Here's an old review I found --
Ishar: Legend Of the Fortress

Mario Bros, Contra, 42 in 1 (oh those days), Battle City, Super Mario 3

FFIII, Secret of Mana, Nobunaga's ambition, New Horizon, Super Punch out

Resident Evil, Xenogears, FFVII, MGS,

Starcraft, Jagged Alliance, WoW, Starcraft II, too much to be told
Bruce Lee (C64)

Everyone rated this but I thought it was crap. I was hoping for something more like Yie Ar Kung Fu or Kung Fu Master but with Bruce Lee. Instead I got a hybrid platformer/beat em up with only 2 enemies - a ninja and a green sumo man thing. Plus it was feckin hard.

Speaking of hard games....

Ghost n Goblins

Had to be the hardest game I've ever played. Just f'kin ridiculous. I don't think I ever made it to the end of the first level.

I loved this:

and this:

and most of all this:

Still a great game:

And there's a level in a pub (where else?) in Ireland. Der's more ta Oirland dan dhis:

Speaking of hard games....

Ghost n Goblins

Had to be the hardest game I've ever played. Just f'kin ridiculous. I don't think I ever made it to the end of the first level.

GnG was truly difficult. I spent that entire game running around in my boxers :eek:

I loved this game so much that when my mate found his old Speccy in his loft, I lent him my brand new Amiga so I could play Dark Sceptre.

Exceptional game. Revolutionary at the time. fecking loved it! Still looks fun to play. Plus, it looks like they're updating it:

Loved this one. Used to crash all the time, though. Still, played it to death.
Head Over Heels! One of the first games I played on the Spectrum - fantastic game.

Other strange games on the Speccy that I loved:

California Games on the C64 :)

Nebulous on the C64

Syndicate on the Amiga

Millenium 2.2 on the Amiga

I bought an Atari Jaguar about 10 years ago when EB was selling them for £25 and Syndicate was thrown in for free. The gauss and miniguns were :drool:

And with regards to Kick Off (that someone posted earlier), I'm sure Steve Bennett has modelled himself on S. Screech. Every challenge was a yellow or red card. I'm sure he was the first computer character I actually despised. What a cnut!
2 more favourites:

The Sentinel


The Bard's Tale was my first RPG. I got a demo from Your Sinclair magazine (I think) and played it to death. I was always envious of C64 owners, coz they had the better graphics and were able to get the Wastelands sequel, which just wasn't available for Speccy users.

I loved Eye of the Beholder (posted above), Dungeon Master and Bloodwych as well.

Did anyone ever play Legend? You could make whatever spells you wanted. It was fantastic.

Some cracking games being posted in this thread that I completely forgot about.

Who remembers...

...and my ALL time favourite SNES game