The Nostalgic Computer & Video Games Thread

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
We definately need a thread to remember (and laugh at) old games we loved and hated.

Man Utd in Europe (Amiga)

I loved this game but looking back, it was a bit shit really.

*** Durach (ZX Spectrum)

What a game! Ahead of it's time.

Batman The Caped Crusader (Amiga)

One of my all time favourite games. I'll never forget that my The Joker disk didn't work so I could only play The Penguin campaign.

Hunchback on the C64. Outstanding platformer.

The Last Ninja. One of my favourite games of all time.

Rick Dangerous 1 & 2.

Spy Hunter. Loved it, but never came close to beating it. Badass music, too.


And many, many more.
I've never even heard of Ishar! before - was it popular or one of those underground games no-one knew about?
The Sacred Armour of Antiriad.


Myth. Loved this game.

Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight. Amiga gorefest.

feck you Lance. I was gonna post The Last Ninja. Anyway....

Kung Fu Master (arcade)

I was obsessed with this game as a kid. Christ knows how many 10p's I pumped into it in the arcades of Chapel St Leonards. Never did finish it.

Airborne Ranger (C64)

Looks shit but it was a great tactical stealth game from Microprose (who also made the excellent Microprose soccer). You had to be tactical about where you dropped your supplies and then make your way to the top of the map using bunkers & cover before blowing up a target and then getting to the pick up point. Addictive.

Road Rash (Megadrive)

Racing and beating the shit out people. The perfect gaming fusion. Surprised that they have't remade it.

Road Rash (Megadrive)

Racing and beating the shit out people. The perfect gaming fusion. Surprised that they have't remade it.

fecking loved that game!

Anyway a few from me

Sonic the Hedgehog

Revenge of Shinobi

Never could master this game...always got to stage 4 or 5 then managed to feck it up.

Kickass music score for the Megadrive too

My first introduction to violence (well, some sort of it anyways) in a game. True story.
Also, there was a spate of movie cash in titles in the old C64/Spectrum days...

2 of the better ones....


Great music. Stupidly hard game, particularly as the all the jungle looked the same and as such it was incredibly easy to get lost. Probably quite like a real jungle.


Another stupidly hard game (weren't they all) but it brilliantly recreated the tense sweaty palms moments of the movie as you flicked between your squad before they got raped out of nowhere by a facehugger.

2 of the shitter ones....

Masters of The Universe

Had to have it because I was obsessed with everything MOTU at the time. In hindsight both this and the movie were utter turd.


It's Ghostbusters isn't it. Yeah it was crap but for some reason I still found it more memorable than the recent Xbox 360 version. Go figure.

Platoon was great. I could manage to get out of the jungle, but then some bald dude came along and torched me with a flame thrower.
Some great calls here.

A couple of amazing martial arts games for the amiga:

International Karate


Chambers of Shaolin Awesome music :drool:
Some proper classics here

Also for Amiga I loved:

R type


Shadow of the beast

Shufflepuck cafe

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

Golden Axe

Terry's Big Adventure

Good stuff. That Batman game on the NES was damn hard. NEver completed it and I recall breaking my NES pad in anger due to it.

Italia 90 on the Megadrive was terrible...but everyone I knew owned it. Did it come bundled with the console? think it did

Other great calls Road Rash, I think the poster asks why it has not been remade. I think it has plenty of times but they have always been awful. Part 1 and 2 on the Megadrive are all time classics though.

Also Speedball 2 is another great suggestion for the thread
Good stuff. That Batman game on the NES was damn hard. NEver completed it and I recall breaking my NES pad in anger due to it.

I still can't beat it :D Been playing it the last couple of days.

Italia 90 on the Megadrive was terrible...but everyone I knew owned it. Did it come bundled with the console? think it did

I'm not sure. I had it with Columns and Super Hang On on this


I can't remember if it was bundled or bought separately.
Thats what it was. That case brings back memories. I owned Mega Games and I do think it was bundled with the system.
Yep, the covers and boxes of games always bring back plenty of memories.

This thread is going to make me end up looking in the eBay Retro gaming section even more than usual. I didn't think that would be possible.
Crustanoid has picked my three favourite Amiga games. Used to love Shufflepuck Cafe, Terry's Big Adventure and Shadow of the Beast. Batman the Movie was great too:

It is too late to post a bunch of youtube videos, so titles only.

Ikari Warriors


Who Dares Wins

Bangkok Knights

Yie Ar Kung Fu


Target Renegade

Chase HQ


I will come up with more.
Quake III Arena (Dreamcast). Godlike...