The Non-Anglo Saxon music thread.

I came across Fabrizio De André at some sort of Italian language website yesterday. Apparently he's the Italian Dylan/Cohen, and and far as I can tell with my limited grasp of Italian, his lyrics do seem quite brilliant. This is a gorgeous song:

This one too:

And here's another one:

I've started listening to a radio show about the tropicália movement in the Brazil. Have no idea what most of the lyrics are about but some of the songs are quite good. As I don't remember the names I just posted two random songs of artists mentioned in the radio show, but the first song is a favorite of mine.

Gilberto Gil

Gilberto Gil with Os Mutantes

Caetano Veloso
I came across Fabrizio De André at some sort of Italian language website yesterday. Apparently he's the Italian Dylan/Cohen, and and far as I can tell with my limited grasp of Italian, his lyrics do seem quite brilliant. This is a gorgeous song:

Good call. De André is brilliant.

Another good Italian singer/songerwriter is Rino Gaetano.

Good stuff man, can't get enough of Fela. His whole discography is on the internet (torrent), the best stuff are the longer tracks that have the 10 minute instrumental before he says something (Confusion being my favorite)

Yeah I feel exactly the same way, Confusion is also a great track but by far my favourite and well worth posting again(because they took the other one I posted off youtube) is Trouble Sleep Yanga Wake Am just a beautiful piece of music:

Its one of the arts that sadly gets used all too frequently nowadays, the art of letting an instrumental piece of music build to crescendo by allowing it to flow for over 5 mins. He was a master at it.
I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, but if we're going to stay on the folk music or singer/singwriter theme, from Sweden Cornelis Vreesvijk is pretty much the undisputed king.

Here he sings a song by Sweden's historically most influential musician, the 18th century decadent party animal Carl Michael Bellman. There's a great version of this track by the punk/rock group Imperiet too.
I have no idea what it's about and it's shit but the video is hilarious.