The murder of Sarah Everard | Couzens sentenced to a whole-life order

Was it ever said how he actually managed it without anyone seeing or hearing anything?
On the BBC:
A number of leading media websites are currently not working, including the Guardian, Financial Times, Independent and the New York Times.
The UK government website - - is also down.
Affected websites displayed the message: "Error 503 Service Unavailable".
Early reports have suggested it could be related to Fastly, a cloud computing provider, which underpins a lot of major websites.
I wonder what that means in practice regarding the murder charge.

Found this explanation on reddit:

He hasn't pleaded guilty to murder yet. He's admitted responsibility for the killing but his legal team are waiting on medical reports. That means they're exploring the possibility of (at least) diminished responsibility with a view to a manslaughter conviction.

It's a common tactic for a murder case where responsibility for the killing is indisputable to try to aim for a manslaughter conviction. Whilst the maximum sentence for manslaughter is life, it is a discretionary life sentence rather than the mandatory one for murder - and manslaughter rarely results in a life sentence.

If he can get a diminished responsibility manslaughter then there's a possibility he might be made subject to a hospital order rather than being sent to prison. As a police officer, he'd likely be a lot safer in a secure hospital than in prison where his life is guaranteed to be hell (not commenting on whether that's morally right or not).

Of course, the CPS don't have to accept da plea to manslaughter and can proceed to trial if they believe murder to be the appropriate offence.
It would be so easy to trick a woman if you had a police warrant card. I imagine a scenario where he'd stopped and told her she shouldn't walk at night as there had been assaults, I'm a police officer, I'll see you home ....
It would be so easy to trick a woman if you had a police warrant card. I imagine a scenario where he'd stopped and told her she shouldn't walk at night as there had been assaults, I'm a police officer, I'll see you home ....
Must be really worrying too, because I’d imagine you’d be a bit wary but fearful of saying no.

I can only hope her death was quick, which is an awful thing to have to say. This at least saves the family/friends from having to go through a traumatic court ordeal.
Must be really worrying too, because I’d imagine you’d be a bit wary but fearful of saying no.

I can only hope her death was quick, which is an awful thing to have to say. This at least saves the family/friends from having to go through a traumatic court ordeal.
Strangulation isn't a very quick way to die, sadly. That poor woman, how terrified she must have been.
In news that will shock absolutely nobody, he actually tried to blame it on foreigners.

He'll get to put his feet up in the nonce and old boys club wing of a prison for a few years. Nobody he'll come into daily contact with will even look at him funny.
In news that will shock absolutely nobody, he actually tried to blame it on foreigners.

He'll get to put his feet up in the nonce and old boys club wing of a prison for a few years. Nobody he'll come into daily contact with will even look at him funny.
I hope he gets many, many years. The crime itself is horrible enough, but the fact he was a police officer makes it much worse.
Still really intrigued as to how her got her to get into his car. Especially if it was a white Enterprise rental which is usually very noticeable. I wonder what he actually pretended was happening. I don’t blame her in the slightest and it was probably very confusing and felt urgent that she needed to act.
He’ll surely get a whole life sentence, the crime is made all the worse due to him being a copper.

Also the thread title needs updating to include the murder confession.
What was his motivation? Is he just a bad apple like Bundy that targeted random people.
Should never be let out.
Giving your real phone number when you're hiring your murder van seems a very basic mistake, especially for a police officer. The fact that he emailed work afterwards to say he should no longer be carrying a firearm is also interesting. Hopefully it suggests that this was his first and only victim.
Still really intrigued as to how her got her to get into his car. Especially if it was a white Enterprise rental which is usually very noticeable. I wonder what he actually pretended was happening. I don’t blame her in the slightest and it was probably very confusing and felt urgent that she needed to act.

He could have used his badge to make her lower her defences a little and get close to her, then could have attacked her when he was close enough. Not sure she needed to willingly enter the vehicle for him to get her in.
He could have used his badge to make her lower her defences a little and get close to her, then could have attacked her when he was close enough. Not sure she needed to willingly enter the vehicle for him to get her in.
It's really sickening when you think about the thought process that goes into planning something like this.
Giving your real phone number when you're hiring your murder van seems a very basic mistake, especially for a police officer. The fact that he emailed work afterwards to say he should no longer be carrying a firearm is also interesting. Hopefully it suggests that this was his first and only victim.

He was CNC Police which is basically a security guard with a gun at nuclear sites. He then transferred to the Met, and was quickly parachuted into an armed guard role again. He will have had basically zero investigative experience
He could have used his badge to make her lower her defences a little and get close to her, then could have attacked her when he was close enough. Not sure she needed to willingly enter the vehicle for him to get her in.

Yeah I just feel like it would’ve been so much more obvious to do that. And also how would he drive with her fighting him off in the car?
It's really shocking that as a result of this incident, 12 police officers have now been called out for misconduct in basically (for the majority of them) protecting one of their own.

They even called this guy The Rapist as a nickname,

I know she won't, be ultimately Dicks has to take responsibility for all of this and resign.
It's really shocking that as a result of this incident, 12 police officers have now been called out for misconduct in basically (for the majority of them) protecting one of their own.

They even called this guy The Rapist as a nickname,

I know she won't, be ultimately Dicks has to take responsibility for all of this and resign.

Having read the article, that nickname wasn’t in the Met. It was CNC
Having read the article, that nickname wasn’t in the Met. It was CNC

Ah i missed that, but still......... Working with someone with that nickname and allowing such a person to get away with so much, is still so shocking.
It's really shocking that as a result of this incident, 12 police officers have now been called out for misconduct in basically (for the majority of them) protecting one of their own.

They even called this guy The Rapist as a nickname,

I know she won't, be ultimately Dicks has to take responsibility for all of this and resign.
What an absolutely bizarre and completely misleading post. You’ve seemingly read an article and then put your own spin on it and then posted ‘the gist’ of it in here presumably to show that you’re a good person and that you get outraged at the right things.

First of all, it’s twelve officers from different forces, so I’m not sure what the relevance of Cressida Dick resigning is ?

Secondly , “majority protecting one of their own” ? The majority of the charges relate to posting inappropriate things on WhatsApp. Absolutely nothing to do with disrupting the actual investigation of the case and his actions on the night. There has been absolutely no protecting him in relation to this case. That is a flat out lie.

Not bothering with the ‘rape nickname’ as youve already been called out over it.

Do you think doing this makes you a good person? Genuine question? I see people do this all the time on Twitter. Basically tell lies on any subject matter to appear to be on the “right side”.. I promise you, it doesn’t make you the good guy.
What an absolutely bizarre and completely misleading post. You’ve seemingly read an article and then put your own spin on it and then posted ‘the gist’ of it in here presumably to show that you’re a good person and that you get outraged at the right things.

First of all, it’s twelve officers from different forces, so I’m not sure what the relevance of Cressida Dick resigning is ?

Secondly , “majority protecting one of their own” ? The majority of the charges relate to posting inappropriate things on WhatsApp. Absolutely nothing to do with disrupting the actual investigation of the case and his actions on the night. There has been absolutely no protecting him in relation to this case. That is a flat out lie.

Not bothering with the ‘rape nickname’ as youve already been called out over it.

Do you think doing this makes you a good person? Genuine question? I see people do this all the time on Twitter. Basically tell lies on any subject matter to appear to be on the “right side”.. I promise you, it doesn’t make you the good guy.

Okay, here I go.

You just answered your own question, Dicks is the head of the Metropolitan Police. The most famous police force known in the world and where under her own watch, this guy was hired and carried out not only, a kidnapping,a rape, a murder, but also carried out other sexual crimes under her watch, which was let go by other officers under her watch. (Believe me, there is a lot more not being publically reported, as yet).

Other officers under her watch covered up, previous offences and as part of the institutional coverups in this case, there are many many more, because the police worldwide, let alone in London or the UK look after their own, which has been proven time over.

Dicks has come out shocked and surprised by this (in public) however, she was one of the senior officers who has let this culture within the police carry on.

Cousins had been flagged previously and yet despite his nickname amongst colleagues, female officers being uneasy working near him, 3 investigations (internally) the Met police under Dicks, hired him as a Police officer.

So with all that background, he clearly received glowing reports from his bosses and colleagues, probably to move him on and subsequently he took his deviance to the next levels, pretty much believing he was untouchable.

Now, throughout the UK, as I said, 12 officers were given 12 miscounducts as a result to incidents all linked to this officer.

How many of them have been removed and fired?

You say i'm wrong to say that he was protected, but he was and that is on record and this is only some of the information that has been released about him.

Called out about his nickname? No I wasn't. That was factual, the only difference was, he was working not on the Met watch, but for CNC which is even more high profile, given the nature of the role. So if his colleagues called him the rapist and knew about his history and didn't report it, then they are also in part responsible for what happened ultimately, which was he took his deviance to the next level.

So again, it was an institutional result of looking after our own.

I know very well what goes on within the police and other organisations of similar cultures and how the first attitude is to keep everything in house, until something blows up.

These old institutions, just like Parliament or Congress in America, are all the same.

Dicks and all senior members of every force responsible for any part, should be held accountable, because they are the example and if the officers act this way, it's because they are allowed to.

And lastly,

Please don't come on here and blow air about my character, you know zero about me, what I do in life, and neither do I have to reveal or comment about my achievements in life.

So expressing my views, is my right and for you to try and belittle that, pretty much says more about the low quality of your character, as you seem to direct that comment at others generally, going by your wording and context.

And here is another sobering article about police protecting their own.

Have a lovely evening.
Cressida Dick not only survived leading an operation that executed a Brazilian electrician on a train, then released a series of lies that are still being spouted as gospel to this day, but got promoted after it.

This is an absolute piss of piece to navigate through in comparison to that. More chance of her getting a payrise than being told to resign.
Okay, here I go.

You just answered your own question, Dicks is the head of the Metropolitan Police. The most famous police force known in the world and where under her own watch, this guy was hired and carried out not only, a kidnapping,a rape, a murder, but also carried out other sexual crimes under her watch, which was let go by other officers under her watch. (Believe me, there is a lot more not being publically reported, as yet).

It's 12 officers from various police forces in the UK. Cressida Dick isn't the Commissioner for the entire police force in the UK.

As for the bit in bold, considering none of that information has been reported, do tell us where exactly you got this information from? and what were the sex crimes? And in what forces? Then maybe I wont accuse you of massaging the truth.

Other officers under her watch covered up, previous offences and as part of the institutional coverups in this case, there are many many more, because the police worldwide, let alone in London or the UK look after their own, which has been proven time over.

Dicks has come out shocked and surprised by this (in public) however, she was one of the senior officers who has let this culture within the police carry on.

Cousins had been flagged previously and yet despite his nickname amongst colleagues, female officers being uneasy working near him, 3 investigations (internally) the Met police under Dicks, hired him as a Police officer.

So with all that background, he clearly received glowing reports from his bosses and colleagues, probably to move him on and subsequently he took his deviance to the next levels, pretty much believing he was untouchable.

Now, throughout the UK, as I said, 12 officers were given 12 miscounducts as a result to incidents all linked to this officer.

How many of them have been removed and fired?

You say i'm wrong to say that he was protected, but he was and that is on record and this is only some of the information that has been released about him.

Here's the article about the 12 officers being investigated. "One gross misconduct notice and six misconduct notices relate to a probe into allegations officers from “a number of forces” breached standards of professional behaviour by sharing information linked to the prosecution of Couzens via a messaging app. "

Gross misconduct notices have been served to three officers over an investigation into a probationary Met Police constable who allegedly shared an inappropriate graphic relating to the Sarah Everard case with officers over social media before subsequently manning the cordon at the scene of the search for her.

A probe into the Metropolitan Police’s alleged failure to investigate allegations of indecent exposure linked to Couzens in February 2021 continues with two officers being investigated for possible breaches of professional standards that may amount to misconduct.

As I said the majority of the misconduct charges is related to the sharing of information and crime scene images, these do not relate to a cover up or attempted cover up, it's probably better to process what you read as opposed to trying to fit it into your own narrative.
The only crimes that have been reported in the media are two exposure incidents, these are not the kind of incidents that would constitute having some kind of huge elaborate cover up. The likely hood is that the officers were negligent and did a bad job of investigating it and thus are now being investigated. It wouldn't even need for the suspect to be a police officer for someone to do an inadequate job on investigating an 'indecent exposure' due to the grey area such a crime has.

And removed and fired? Well they'll probably want to investigate it first before they start firing and removing officers. For someone who is seemingly an 'in the know' with police matters, that it something you should really know.

Called out about his nickname? No I wasn't. That was factual, the only difference was, he was working not on the Met watch, but for CNC which is even more high profile, given the nature of the role. So if his colleagues called him the rapist and knew about his history and didn't report it, then they are also in part responsible for what happened ultimately, which was he took his deviance to the next level.

So again, it was an institutional result of looking after our own.

You're clutching at straws here. it sounds like his colleagues nicknamed him that due to odd behaviour around women as opposed to seeing him actually rape someone. I don't need to tell you that it is very common for people to 'jokingly' label people rapey or predatory based on certain behaviours they have. Unless again, there's some history that we and the media know about but you somehow do? Again, I'd ask you to enlighten.....

I know very well what goes on within the police and other organisations of similar cultures and how the first attitude is to keep everything in house, until something blows up.

These old institutions, just like Parliament or Congress in America, are all the same.

Dicks and all senior members of every force responsible for any part, should be held accountable, because they are the example and if the officers act this way, it's because they are allowed to.

And lastly,

Please don't come on here and blow air about my character, you know zero about me, what I do in life, and neither do I have to reveal or comment about my achievements in life.

So expressing my views, is my right and for you to try and belittle that, pretty much says more about the low quality of your character, as you seem to direct that comment at others generally, going by your wording and context.

And here is another sobering article about police protecting their own.

Have a lovely evening.

Now you're just going off on a tangent. There may be truth to certain elements mentioned here but that's not what I initially responded to so don't try and rope me into that because that isn't a fair argument. It's clear I was solely talking about this case and those particular instances, which are based on what information has been released, you are coming up with contradictory statements and that's what I was questioning.
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Okay, here I go.

You just answered your own question, Dicks is the head of the Metropolitan Police. The most famous police force known in the world and where under her own watch, this guy was hired and carried out not only, a kidnapping,a rape, a murder, but also carried out other sexual crimes under her watch, which was let go by other officers under her watch. (Believe me, there is a lot more not being publically reported, as yet).

Other officers under her watch covered up, previous offences and as part of the institutional coverups in this case, there are many many more, because the police worldwide, let alone in London or the UK look after their own, which has been proven time over.

Dicks has come out shocked and surprised by this (in public) however, she was one of the senior officers who has let this culture within the police carry on.

Cousins had been flagged previously and yet despite his nickname amongst colleagues, female officers being uneasy working near him, 3 investigations (internally) the Met police under Dicks, hired him as a Police officer.

So with all that background, he clearly received glowing reports from his bosses and colleagues, probably to move him on and subsequently he took his deviance to the next levels, pretty much believing he was untouchable.

Now, throughout the UK, as I said, 12 officers were given 12 miscounducts as a result to incidents all linked to this officer.

How many of them have been removed and fired?

You say i'm wrong to say that he was protected, but he was and that is on record and this is only some of the information that has been released about him.

Called out about his nickname? No I wasn't. That was factual, the only difference was, he was working not on the Met watch, but for CNC which is even more high profile, given the nature of the role. So if his colleagues called him the rapist and knew about his history and didn't report it, then they are also in part responsible for what happened ultimately, which was he took his deviance to the next level.

So again, it was an institutional result of looking after our own.

I know very well what goes on within the police and other organisations of similar cultures and how the first attitude is to keep everything in house, until something blows up.

These old institutions, just like Parliament or Congress in America, are all the same.

Dicks and all senior members of every force responsible for any part, should be held accountable, because they are the example and if the officers act this way, it's because they are allowed to.

And lastly,

Please don't come on here and blow air about my character, you know zero about me, what I do in life, and neither do I have to reveal or comment about my achievements in life.

So expressing my views, is my right and for you to try and belittle that, pretty much says more about the low quality of your character, as you seem to direct that comment at others generally, going by your wording and context.

And here is another sobering article about police protecting their own.

Have a lovely evening.
I'm not going to bother suggesting what you know or don't but if you are going to be claiming some sort of expertise in the case at least get his name right, it's Couzens

Sabina Nessa: Murdered teacher's body found hours after attack
The body of a murdered teacher was not found until hours after she was attacked, the Met Police said.
Sabina Nessa, 28, was killed on Friday in Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, at about 20:30 BST, police believe.
Her body was found the following morning. Det Supt Luke Marks said there was a "short delay" because her body was "not in the main walkway".

Det Supt Marks has appealed for anyone who saw anything suspicious in the park and for any motorists with dashcam footage from surrounding roads to contact police.
"This did not happen in the middle of the night; people would have been in and around the park at the time," he said.
"We are horrified by the shocking murder of Sabina Nessa, and our thoughts remain with her family and friends," he added.
"We have extra officers in the area conducting high-visibility patrols, and anybody in London, regardless of gender, should be able to go out in an evening and not be concerned about being the victim of violent crime."
This is so sad.

(Is this ok to post here? Maybe this can morph into a violence against women thread.)

Sabina Nessa: Murdered teacher's body found hours after attack

This is so sad.

(Is this ok to post here? Maybe this can morph into a violence against women thread.)
Very sad. Was just reading about another case where a man had murdered a woman and three children. Any murder is of course sad but those involving children I find particularly upsetting.

Killamarsh: Man in court charged with murdering three children and woman