Television The Mandalorian - TV Show

This is about 35 mins without credits, commercials etc, usual hour long show is at around 41, 42 mins or so. So it is about 7 mins shorter than usual shows.

Think that might just be the pilot though. Hopefully thats the case anyway, 40 minutes is short enough for most shows to tell a decent story.

Right now this is the only big new show on the service you'd think they would have pulled out all the stops with it and had every episode be 50-60 minutes long.
Enjoyed it, promising start.
Think that might just be the pilot though. Hopefully thats the case anyway, 40 minutes is short enough for most shows to tell a decent story.

Right now this is the only big new show on the service you'd think they would have pulled out all the stops with it and had every episode be 50-60 minutes long.
The length is probably a budget thing. It looks so expensive for a TV show.
So I'm a bit pissed off. Why does this character get to be able to immediately tame animals cos his tribe allegedly rode some mythical creature and no one complain, but if you are able to do some magic rock lifting the world ends? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed parts of this story, but that really wound me up. Think this has got a chance to be good but we'll see.
So far it looks like a simple premise in Firefly's mood. Just a veteran and guy for hire trying to make credits, taking weird jobs, eventually involving himself in even weirder plot.

They dropped fanfare soundtrack and took me by surprise by entangling some electronic music, even some guitar motive in a forge scene.

Finally something to take attention from the obnoxious torture ST-Discovery became. Filoni didn't screwed SW:Rebels so perhaps there is hope in this after all...
The length is probably a budget thing. It looks so expensive for a TV show.

Its definitely a budget thing but as i said i find that a bit odd with this being their flagship show. If they were all about saving money then 20 minute episodes would be even cheaper again.

Was hoping this was going to be like HBO where if the episode needed to be 40 minutes then its 40 minutes. But if it needs to be 1 hour 10 then so be it, seems like they are going to rigidly stick to 40 minutes for every episode.
Isn't little Yoda the cutest thing ever?
So, what's the timeline on this? Compared to the original movies.

We know very little about Yodas species, given he's already 50 years old though he was born when Yoda was still alive.
It's interesting to see where they'll go with that. Seeing as the main character is human(-esque), the timeline will be closer to ours, so that baby has no chance of growing up through the series. Maybe they'll find his parents?
It's interesting to see where they'll go with that. Seeing as the main character is human(-esque), the timeline will be closer to ours, so that baby has no chance of growing up through the series. Maybe they'll find his parents?

We don't even know if his species have parents, could be a clone for all we know. i'm hoping it's more of a long plot point with sub plots happening throughout than just one big plot about a potential baby Force user.

Next episode is tomorrow at least. :)
Not that much action and suspense in episode two, but it keeps the great atmosphere, music is fantastic and it’s really fun. Can’t wait for the next one.
Nothing says Star Wars more than exploding Jawas and it wasn't even sand people or the Empire. Now please explode some Ewoks and this show will be my all time favourite.

On a serious note, the bounty hunting droid got fecked bit too fast, but that's not even a complain.
Kind of sad what the over saturation of Star Wars by Disney has done. A decade ago the prospect of a high budget A-list Star Wars TV show would've send the world in to an epileptic hype fit. Now it's just, meh, we'll see.

120% agree.

Started watching this, dull AF
First episode was great. Second episode had a couple of decent moments but was generally really dull. Like pretty much pointless. And incredibly short. Extremely disappointed in that.

Also the music in this second episode was just appalling. Off puttingly bad. Cheesy as feck.

Hoping it gets back on track in episode 3. If I didn’t get Disney+ as part of a low cost bundle, I’d be close to cancelling right now.

Plus releasing one 32 minute episode a week is just lame. Needs to be an hour long to be worth that kind of wait.
If you don't love this show then Star Wars is simply not for you. It's been excellent so far.

Pretty much this, brilliant two episodes so far, only thing I don't like is how short they are.

Great OST too, much different than usual SW.

Brilliant theme!