Watched it again...
Only one place to start... When they showed the X-Wing, I thought hmm maybe... then the green lightsaber, I thought possibly... then the gloved hand & the way he moved in combat, I thought nah they wouldn’t... then the reveal!!! They actually went there!! My reaction was basically like the Vince McMahon gif falling off the chair.
It was the logical choice to have Luke being the Jedi who felt Grogu’s presence but I didn’t think they’d actually get him on the show! A really well done reveal that built up the excitement as he made his way through the ship. The music that accompanied the scene was perfect.
Begs the question, what happens to Grogu between this episode & when Luke disappears in the sequels... if that fecker Kylo killed him then I will hate the sequels even more. Hopefully we see Grogu again before this series ends, but I reckon they’ll release some novels focusing on his training with Luke.
The episode itself was excellent & a strong finale. The reveal aside, it had action, drama, tension, fear, hope, emotion & a conclusion that was satisfying for the main characters... pretty much nailed what Star Wars is about. Loved the scene between Moff Gideon & Mando - I thought he actually would’ve let him go with Grogu. Then the reveal to Mando that he “owns” the Darksaber as it has to be won in combat was nicely revealed - almost like he had planned it. I had forgotten that the Darksaber had to be “won” in battle, it’s why Bo-Katan was so keen to make sure she was the one who got Moff Gideon to surrender. Giancarlo Esposito is excellent in pretty much every role.
The Darktroopers were very cool & I liked how they set them up as this near invincible army but Luke just deals with them effortlessly.
Grogu & Mando’s farewell was emotional & him taking his helmet off for him again showed what Grogu means to him. The evolution of Grogu being just another mission to someone he genuinely cares about is probably my favourite part of this series.
Looking ahead, I’m guessing Grogu’s done with this show for the near future but did Moff Gideon get his blood to the empire/First Order & is that connected to how Palps returns?! Also they need to resolve the thing with the Darksaber and the future of Mandalore, which I’m assuming will be the focus next season.
Overall an excellent season. Filoni & Favreau did great once again.