Absolutely loved the episode - easily my favourite from the series so far. It's already been mentioned - but Rosario Dawson did a great job bringing Ahsoka Tano to life. The tilted head, the smile, the witty dialogue, the lightsaber technique, the exaggerated pauses - and the pain of that not-so-subtle reference to Anakin. Also love the new mechanics they're introducing - like telling us how Beskar can't be melted by a lightsaber. I think this was the first time I saw a HK-47 after KOTOR.
The Thrawn name drop was
. They're letting the story dip into the threads from Clone Wars and Rebels, especially the latter. I think the Jedi they're looking for could be Ezra Bridger - both him and Thrawn had unresolved stories at the end of Rebels and the timeline fits in well. Could it be Cal Kestis from SW Jedi: Fallen Order? The actor who played him, Cameron Monaghan, is very young but experienced. I don't know if they 'll take the game so seriously, though. And of course, it could be Luke before he vanishes, but unlikely. I don't know if there's any more options from the books or comics.
Here's a detailed reddit post by someone who saw too much into the wall paintings in Rebels, and almost linked Baby Yoda (what kind of a name is Grogu?) to Ezra a long time ago without even knowing it.

The Thrawn name drop was
Here's a detailed reddit post by someone who saw too much into the wall paintings in Rebels, and almost linked Baby Yoda (what kind of a name is Grogu?) to Ezra a long time ago without even knowing it.
Filler episode...