The Manager's Press Conference | 21 July 3:30am BST

The press are going to use a scatter gun approach and attempt to accurately "call" who the surprise signing will be by linking us to everyone possible and hope of them sticks!
If Darmian is a backup to Valencia for the RB spot, maybe it is time for LVG to get off his pills. That would be mad. Basically an Italian international RB will be a backup to a player who was so atrocious as a winger that he had to be converted to a FB.
Also, this goes against the big boast which LVG made last presser about no one having a guaranteed starting place.


Valencia wasn't a world beater at RB but was definately not even close to how awful you're describing him to be. I'd say he was among the top 4 RB's in the PL last season.

I dont think Van Gaal was saying that Darmian has no chance of starting. Just that for now, Valencia is #1, while Darmian will be backup as he adapts to the league and gets settled in.

I can imagine the knee jerk reactions on here if we end up playing Darmian before he's ready and he has a poor game. Being an Italian international is not a god given right to start. Balotelli is an Italian international.
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Been thinking of the players we've been linked to least if at all; Suarez, Messi, Neymar, Ibrahimovic, Lacazette, Benzema, Aguero, Costa, Griezmann, Higuain and Icardi. All of them tier 4/5 strikers, are any of them at all feasible? Maybe one or two, I have no clue who it could be.

I'd say you can rule out all of Suarez, Messi, Neymar, Ibra, Aguero and Costa. Benzema very unlikely, especially if this Ramos deal is as close as it appears to be. Griezmann, Higuain and Icardi just don't seem like 'surprise' signings to me. Lacazette could potentially qualify. It's possible that we were linked to them but not as much in the last couple days. Muller certainly seems to be the main suspect in the media atm. Perhaps it's someone like Lewandowski or Cavani (personally I'm hoping no on Cavani) who has been linked but less so than Muller. Then again maybe it's someone crazy like Ronaldo lol (there were those quotes by Cassilas's agent :nervous:)
Great news about Johnstone, the Darmian thing makes no sense to me, I thought LvG said before that no one was a guaranteed starter. I was hoping we'd do something a bit different in the second game with the formation, or at least mix the combinations up.
If it's someone that hasn't been written about then I think it's more likely to be a relatively small name.

I wonder if this is the corporate side at work. LvG strings the media along, the club gets written about for weeks, etc.

I doubt it as I don't think we need to play games to keep United in the papers, and if there is no striker at the end of this it comes off more like messing with the fans than the media.
I doubt it as I don't think we need to play games to keep United in the papers, and if there is no striker at the end of this it comes off more like messing with the fans than the media.
True. I have no idea tbh, there are just too many potential players to choose from. I hope it's Lacazette.

*Although, there are better players than Lacazette, just not sure if any of them are available.
I'd say you can rule out all of Suarez, Messi, Neymar, Ibra, Aguero and Costa. Benzema very unlikely, especially if this Ramos deal is as close as it appears to be. Griezmann, Higuain and Icardi just don't seem like 'surprise' signings to me. Lacazette could potentially qualify. It's possible that we were linked to them but not as much in the last couple days. Muller certainly seems to be the main suspect in the media atm. Perhaps it's someone like Lewandowski or Cavani (personally I'm hoping no on Cavani) who has been linked but less so than Muller. Then again maybe it's someone crazy like Ronaldo lol (there were those quotes by Cassilas's agent :nervous:)
Was genuinely thinking that, then I just thought I can't do this to myself again :lol:
True. I have no idea tbh, there are just too many potential players to choose from. I hope it's Lacazette.

*Although, there are better players than Lacazette, just not sure if any of them are available.

It's all very weird for us as Fergie never did things this way. I have no idea who it can be, I mean people are taking his comments to mean that the striker is not someone we have been linked with in the media, which seems practically impossible, so my guess he just meant in the media right now i.e. Cavani, Muller and maybe Pedro, if he is considered a striker.
He must mean it's not a striker that we have been heavily linked with i.e Muller, Benzema etc.
Surprise striker? Charlie Austin? Not been linked to United. Not saying i want him, but he is a cheap bench guy, scores plenty of goals well. Valencia is like a turd that won't flush away. People can throw all kinds of stats at me, but he is simply does not have the positional sense of a right back. He is a good 1 on 1 defender, but that's all he is. He leaves the right side of the defense too exposed.

De Gea is being saved for the transfer. Don't want him to get injured.

Valencia wasn't a world beater at RB but was definately not even close to how awful you're describing him to be. I'd say he was among the top 4 RB's in the PL last season.

I dont think Van Gaal was saying that Darmian has no chance of starting. Just that for now, Valencia is #1, while Darmian will be backup as he adapts to the league and gets settled in.

I can imagine the knee jerk reactions on here if we end up playing Darmian before he's ready and he has a poor game. Being an Italian international is not a god given right to start. Balotelli is an Italian international.
You need to see posts before jumping in with silly smilies.

I said Valencia was so awful as a winger that he needed to be converted to a RB. I did not say he was awful as a RB. He was decent there and I have said so many times so stop putting words in my mouth.

Next, saying a player is a backup to another player and saying Darmian won't be rushed in and helped get settled in gradually are two different things. Unless you know how to read LVG's mind, your interpretation of his statement is not accurate.

Lastly, there are many internationals. Balotelli is a very good, albeit over rated, player but it is his attitude which lets him down and not his lack of talent. Darmian has never been reported to have such issues. He is highly rated across Europe as on the better RBs in the game now. There are plenty of other Italian internationals but you picked out one exception to the rule to justify your point. That is clutching at straws mate.

Also your point about Darmian not having any right to be a starter for us is correct but you put it across as if I have said so. You start imagining points which I have not even made and start countering them without any reason. All I said was LVG had said that Darmian and Valencia would have to fight it out for the RB spot, which I think is fair. He said it in his last presser. So to now change that tune and claim that Darmian is back up to Valencia is strange.

If you want to post another smart smiley without reading the points, be my guest but I would suggest you read posts properly before hitting the reply button over enthusiastically.
Surprise striker? Charlie Austin? Not been linked to United. Not saying i want him, but he is a cheap bench guy, scores plenty of goals well.

If it was someone that low on the totem pole you wouldn't think it would take much of a process, QPR would welcome the £10M I think.

De Gea is being saved for the transfer. Don't want him to get injured.

Unfortunately I think you are right.
I think he really is injured. Otherwise why bother bringing him on tour? Could have just said he was injured and left him in England.
I think it's about letting the players adapt to the league well before starting them. Lvg did that for falcao. He didn't have a choice with Herrera blind and rojo because they had been first choice at their position. I wouldn't expect depay schweinsteiger or darmian to start the first game. Schneiderlin is used to the league so he should start. It's quite possible that young would start over depay and Valencia over darmian. Not because depay and darmian aren't good but they have to get used to the league. No point in playing them and then them having a bad game (which is quite possible in their initial games).
The Darmian thing is being blown out of proportion. He's a new young RB from Italy while Valencia is the seasoned pro. Obviously he has has to "earn his spot" on paper but everyone knows it's just a formality. Within maybe the first few weeks he'll be starting ahead of Valencia.
All the new boys have to earn their spots. If I had to bet, only Schneiderlin is a guaranteed starter. And LvG has already hinted towards that, saying the other 3 new signings have to adjust to the league while Schneiderlin doesn't.
to me, when he referred to the striker, that he meant it was not a big name instead of someone who the press simply has not written about. it'l be a talent we'll sign.
De Gea is being 'saved' from potential injury before transfer. Hmmmm. By this logic we are selling Valencia too.
I think it's about letting the players adapt to the league well before starting them. Lvg did that for falcao. He didn't have a choice with Herrera blind and rojo because they had been first choice at their position. I wouldn't expect depay schweinsteiger or darmian to start the first game. Schneiderlin is used to the league so he should start. It's quite possible that young would start over depay and Valencia over darmian. Not because depay and darmian aren't good but they have to get used to the league. No point in playing them and then them having a bad game (which is quite possible in their initial games).

How exactly do you adapt to the league if you don't play in it?

Just by watching? Do you absorb the ability to play in the premiership by way of osmosis?
How exactly do you adapt to the league if you don't play in it?

Just by watching? Do you absorb the ability to play in the premiership by way of osmosis?
Exactly. I understand if you don't play them in a big game against a top side early on but as a generally stance that's a strange one.
Really hope it could be Lewandowski with the surprise striker, it makes so much sense yet it would be horribly tough to steal him from Bayern.
All the panic with Valencia being 1st choice RB was expected but..
Darmian is new to PL so its only natural for him to adapt to the PL football and settles in by playing less minutes in the beginning. LVG didnt say Darmian wont start if Valencia will be in a bad form or if Darmian proves he's better of starting.

And club saving DDG for a transfer? That's just silly.
How exactly do you adapt to the league if you don't play in it?

Just by watching? Do you absorb the ability to play in the premiership by way of osmosis?

Players do have intelligence. They can see the game and understand how to be mentally and physically prepared for it. Its not some attribute that you gain on FIFA that you have to earn by playing. It's watching and understanding the pace of the game, then preparing yourself for it. It's not rocket science. Lvg may also put them into the game on as a substitute in the 70th minute or so.