Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

I dont think this supposed secret mechanic of enemies weapons scaling with your progress happens at all apart from perhaps in the main story temples because its still the same crap drops they make and im end game but trying to postpone going after the final boss. Im just concerned about rushing in there with my crapstack of weapons.
I dont think this supposed secret mechanic of enemies weapons scaling with your progress happens at all apart from perhaps in the main story temples because its still the same crap drops they make and im end game but trying to postpone going after the final boss. Im just concerned about rushing in there with my crapstack of weapons.

Mine seem to always be increasing. I’ve got a lot of 25-40 power ones atm.
Mine seem to always be increasing. I’ve got a lot of 25-40 power ones atm.

Ive got 1 atm that is 41. The rest are from 6-14. And ive done all main story temples and just in general put a lot of hours into to this. Like i said enemies in temples seem to drop decent weapons but outside that its not been my experience.
Ive got 1 atm that is 41. The rest are from 6-14. And ive done all main story temples and just in general put a lot of hours into to this. Like i said enemies in temples seem to drop decent weapons but outside that its not been my experience.

I've just fused everything. Especially things like Black Bokoblin horns and whatever they're called. Also the things that are dropped by Flux Constructs fuse well.
I love that you can "cheat" most shrines, by sticking stuff in walls and clear them in the obvious "wrong" way.
Where is the guy that can transform koroks into additional slots?
I'm still not being allowed to play this. Thanks son. But what a massive game. Love all that building flying vehicles and stuff. I think the graphics are an improvement as well.
I am absolutely loving this. I was nowhere near this impressed with BOTW. I enjoyed it but only clocked about 35-40 hours, probably enough to get the proper grip of the world but not enough to feel any fatigue which made the transition easier, and this feels so much better in every department. I think it may easily become my favorite game of all-time.

Perhaps one key difference for me is the fact that I felt compelled to do quests in BOTW and progress the story, whereas having played it more and getting to understand dynamics properly I have come to realize that it is not really what this game is about - contrary to virtually all other generic open world AAA productions, which pretend to give you 'open' world but in fact require you to specifically complete certain tasks in order to move on. Zelda does not really need you do anything, if you want to spend 200 hours exploring and crafting, you are free to do so and there will be no major limitations stemming from procrastination.
Where is the guy that can transform koroks into additional slots?
You'll run into him going towards the Rito village from the starting area, close to a tower. Can only do 2 with him there, not sure where he goes from there.
Anyone know how to get the coordinates to follow your cursor on the map? Like it was on botw. So like when a guide says, item x, is located at xxx cordinates you can actually find them.
Contrary to what I said a week ago, I've switched off the pro HUD on and it's a better experience. It's too much of a pain entering the menu to see the map.
You'll run into him going towards the Rito village from the starting area, close to a tower. Can only do 2 with him there, not sure where he goes from there.

he goes back to Lookout Landing
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Ive got 1 atm that is 41. The rest are from 6-14. And ive done all main story temples and just in general put a lot of hours into to this. Like i said enemies in temples seem to drop decent weapons but outside that its not been my experience.
I would say go fly up to Hyrule castle and loot all those weapons . Then you can fuse materials on there, and you will get you a really good start against minibosses and starting Lynels. You can do that at the beginning almost as soon as you get the paraglider and maybe a few easy to make sta elixrs/food. Those weapons were very easy to get and maybe triple your top end range 6-14 you have.

You can go repair weapons and upgrade them with the rock Octorocks near Goron City. I go drop my stuff off in front of them let them suck it up and repair/upgrade it with additional bonuses. They will spit the repaired and upgraded weapon back at you. Then kill them.
It finally clicked for me and I love it now. I do suck at it. I just blew through all my expertly cooked food, because I took a huge hike through a cold area without any peppers or warm clothes and just ate all my food to keep replenishing my hearts.

I also can't find the stupid Korok seed thing to expand my inventory, but I don't really want to spoil myself and just find him myself.
I’m playing botw. Should I sell gems? Do they have no other use?
Some of them are used for late clothing upgrades or to craft some necklaces which I never used, so for me was easy sells. Even if you want to use them later, sell them early as you'll find plenty later if you want.
My game has the latest patch so its probably fixed.
Was working for me yesterday.
I used it to get a butt load of diamonds and sold them to beetle for fast rupees then went and bought the cold weather gear so I could finish the Rito boss.

My problem is I still have shit weapons and have only upgraded my weapon and arrow slots once. Can't be bothered to find koroks as I keep getting side tracked every time I start playing. I always start with a goal to farm items or complete shrines or towers and end up stuck on some half ass challenge.
Was working for me yesterday.
I used it to get a butt load of diamonds and sold them to beetle for fast rupees then went and bought the cold weather gear so I could finish the Rito boss.

My problem is I still have shit weapons and have only upgraded my weapon and arrow slots once. Can't be bothered to find koroks as I keep getting side tracked every time I start playing. I always start with a goal to farm items or complete shrines or towers and end up stuck on some half ass challenge.

Oh its working for me now, but im kinda in the end game, so i dont need the items as much, i just wanted to fully upgrade my armour set, but i lack item i dont know where to look for. The shield breaking whilst doing the glitch sucks a bit though. Like Botw apart from the fact its the same map is the pacing issues. I think on my part is an age issue. I simply can't bothered searching for hours for a non optional item or exploring the same map botw. This game objectively has some credible mechanics but its botw 2.0 + zonai devices. Because someone here said its not botw 2.0 i bought the digitally without reading the reviews behind the scores. But essentially its botw. 2.0 >zonai devices
Next patch should let you disable that annoying blood moon cutscene that interrupts things.
Oh its working for me now, but im kinda in the end game, so i dont need the items as much, i just wanted to fully upgrade my armour set, but i lack item i dont know where to look for. The shield breaking whilst doing the glitch sucks a bit though. Like Botw apart from the fact its the same map is the pacing issues. I think on my part is an age issue. I simply can't bothered searching for hours for a non optional item or exploring the same map botw. This game objectively has some credible mechanics but its botw 2.0 + zonai devices. Because someone here said its not botw 2.0 i bought the digitally without reading the reviews behind the scores. But essentially its botw. 2.0 >zonai devices
Do it in snow. I use the snow right behind the stables. Avoids that. People say sand too but I know for a fact snow works I did it all day yesterday
Just completed the map, which is possibly my favourite task in these games. Probably going to mainly do the shrines for a while now before returning to the main quest.
Ended up in Garudo canyon I think last night. A lot more diffficult to do the signs and the koroks when your temperature needs are constantly changing. Made a cool boat though. I think I’ll do a couple things but come back to the area later. I’ve still not explored a single northern area. There’s still shitloads of depths stuff too. I’ve had the game for nearly two weeks and I feel like I just started.
I've had it a week and a half and haven't even seen the depths that everyone keeps talking about. I have got that glow in the dark suit now though so maybe I should investigate. Like @decorativeed I prefer to get all the map unlocked first and smash through as many shrines as possible.

Also if I ever see sign man I absolutely have to stop and sort him out.
I've had it a week and a half and haven't even seen the depths that everyone keeps talking about. I have got that glow in the dark suit now though so maybe I should investigate. Like @decorativeed I prefer to get all the map unlocked first and smash through as many shrines as possible.

Also if I ever see sign man I absolutely have to stop and sort him out.
:confused: I got the suit by going to the depths and finding treasure map spots. How'd you get it?
Bought it from the shop in Kakariko unless it's a different suit I'm talking about?
I guess you can do both. But now I'm glad I got it free :lol: It's worth fighting the Mega constructs in the sky as they drop those treasure maps.

To be honest it doesn't do that much in the depths, you still need a lot of brightbloom seeds to find your way.
I'm actually finding the depths quite bland and boring.
They're different sets of armor. I've spent a good bit of time exploring the depths but still haven't found the central mine or many statues. Feel like i've probably walked past the mine 20 times at this point and just keep missing it.
Im on 50 shrines finished. Think its the only thing i've really progressed. Started a million quest chains but haven't got far in any.
I guess you can do both. But now I'm glad I got it free :lol: It's worth fighting the Mega constructs in the sky as they drop those treasure maps.

To be honest it doesn't do that much in the depths, you still need a lot of brightbloom seeds to find your way.

I took one of those constructs on but couldn't figure out how to damage it and ended up leaving it. It doesn't help almost all attacks one shot me so I have to be perfect in combat. Old habits die hard and I've been putting all my points into stamina.
Jaysus this runs poorly on my mac. Time to play around with mods and settings.

I’m currently enjoying Botw especially since exploration is pretty much my favourite thing in gaming now. The world is a bit more plain and barren than I expected. Have only scratched the surface so far though I imagine.
I've still not even found Kakariko village that everyone talks about.