@Barca84 Despite answering posts either side of this one, you seem to have missed it. Thoughts on my question?
@villain You are usually the best person to clarify these things on here and I trust your judgment these days, so I have a question. What is the purpose of this discussion in particular? As in, what's the goal here?
Now that might sound like a simple thing (obviously not in practical terms mind!), to end Racism but what I'm specifically referring to is the thread title. "Lazy Black Player". Now is there a huge amount of this actually being said, or is that misleading? I mean only an idiot would think this isn't an actual thing, people may not even know they do it, but stereotyping is real and this off course happens. I'm guilty of it myself, and I'll admit it, I often think of black players to be more physical specimens when in reality obviously that's wrong.
What I'm getting at, is what are we actually saying here? Stop calling black players lazy full stop? Is it ok if we all agree and promise to only say it because someone is actually lazy? I'm not being funny with this at all, I just think these discussions don't actually go anywhere because this kind of question isn't ever answered, i.e if most of use aren't actually being racist and just think a black player is lazy, how is the difference seen?
I'm probably explaining my point badly, but I guess what I'm saying is the thread title is loaded and there doesn't seem to be much discussion on the way we move forward. It doesn't help that those little loops are thrown in from the start, like the question to barca above and the whole "stop saying the race card is being pulled!" thing. Because just as sure as there are people with inherent racist views, there are those who jump to the wrong conclusion about these matters over and over. Just seems to me like a vicious circle and there's never an honest answer to an honest question.