I find that a lot of groups and advocates of 'anti-racism' or 'equality' are only in it for a certain group and are not looking to remove racism/ discrimination across the board
One example is the accusations of institutional racism when it comes to managerial positions, using 'under representation' stats. Yet when it comes to players in the Prem, I believe the stats show that certain ethnic groups* are 'over-represented'** with the implication that 'white'* players are under represented. Where are the calls off institutional racism, racial stereotyping and advocates of measures like the Rooney rule?
Seems discrimination can only work one way for some groups and organisations
* I hate dividing people into broad boxes base on so-called racial differences, but have to use this PC parlance to make my point
** I don't subscribe to this idea of under over over representation by ethnic group. As alluded to above, categorizing people based on skin colour (or other factor) is daft. Best person for the job in my view