Creator of the Caftards comics
I'd definitely get a scope for the rifle. You might need it at one section.
I have about 300 scrap

I'd definitely get a scope for the rifle. You might need it at one section.
While the vast majority of reviews have lavished The Last of Us Part 2 with all sorts of praise, a handful of outlets — Polygon included — have been slightly more critical of the blockbuster game. According to Zacny, Vice’s review prompted a Sony representative to reach out on behalf of Naughty Dog.
“They felt some of the conclusions I reached in my review were unfair and dismissed some meaningful changes or improvements,” Zacny told Polygon over Twitter messages.
Zacny clarified that the exchange wasn’t “confrontational,” but that it was nonetheless “unusual,” as the site doesn’t typically have big publishers asking in an official capacity why a review reads the way it does. Such things can happen, of course, though often with smaller developers, or from publishers who have spotted a factual error in a piece that they want corrected.
“I was happy to unpack a bit of my reasoning, however, and received a perfectly cordial message in response,” Zacny said. Naughty Dog’s PR team declined to comment on Polygon’s inquiry about its exchange with Vice
Baker comes across as a twat there. Not the first time apparently too.
Surely bonuses would be based on sales targets, no? Metascore would be a bizarre criterion.The conspiracy theory is they have to match or better the first game's metacritic score (95) for bonuses to kick in. I remember Bethesda wormed out of giving employees bonuses because one of their games missed the metacritic target by one percent.
I know, it's a strange way to determine it but apparently it's a thing...Surely bonuses would be based on sales targets, no? Metascore would be a bizarre criterion.
Contracts use Metacritic thresholds to determine developer bonuses? If your threshold is 85 and you get an 84 - no bonus?!
I was surprised how many people didn't know this or didn't want to believe it. It's all too true and all too common. You can say until you're blue in the face that Metacritic is designed to assist players in finding games they want to play. It may have started out that way. The people who run it may think it's still that way. The fact is it's a tool - a weapon - wielded with a heavy hand by publishers. Developers sign away bonuses on Metacritic scores for games that don't even exist as a single page concept doc. If you believe in the validity of review aggregation that may not sound like such a bad deal - the people who pay for a game should base bonuses on some measurable standard. But if you (a) don't believe in Metacritic's validity or (b) know how freakin' hard a team has to work to make even a “bad” game, that one-point Metacritic score difference means a lot.
Baker comes across as a twat there. Not the first time apparently too.
There is history with Jason and Neil. Jason leaked how ND are crunching which quite frankly everyone do in industry. If you think how companies get you shiny new phones in 6 months then you would know how crunching is the norm and not how Jason put it " Naughty Dog problem".
Vice review was the worst one out there. Sony only contacted them and there is not even a mention of what was discussed apart from disagreement. The journalist just took Sony and Naughty dog and got the attention which was originally intended. Polygon and Skillup also gave them bad review but they weren't contacted.
Also Sony is not the only company which follows with reviewers. There is nothing wrong in following up. If journalist was intimidated, then it's wrong. But all that journalist mentioned was they contacted, which could be absolutely anything. Naughty dog are easy target just like Rockstar to get attention
Calm down, very defensive of Sony or anything naughty dog related aren’t you?
Rockstar have changed their attitude due the pressure by the gaming media. They have made changes.
Naughty Dog staff were doing crunch and weren’t even getting paid overtime.
I know the history between Jason and Neil. Having a go at Jason because he’s calling out Naughty Dog or any other company is ridiculous from you. And no he hasn’t just called out Naughty Dog over it. He’s called out several companies. Yeah IPhones are made in shitty work conditions that doesn’t make it alright. Everyone can improve. Rockstar have improved from pressure, so can other companies. What’s your problem with that? Unless you a blind fanboy you’d want every gaming company to improve their working conditions.
Also can’t believe you are defending a company contacting a reviewer over reviews. It’s their opinion. Companies shouldn’t be contacting them unless they gave mis-information out. And why was the Vice review the worst out the lot? Because you didn’t agree with it? You are as bad as that Geko. Reviews are opinion pieces, try not to get worked up over them.
Also Jason just had to say video games are too long and then Baker comes out with the biggest overreaction ever. Opinions. People are allowed them.
I am not defending anyone. You just posted a tweet next to no context.
Vice review was negative interms of criticism. Not that I am accusing them of bias. I don't know why you got so angry ( maybe I didn't explain it well). I didn't say I didn't like their review. Sony has always followed up with reviewers, and this isnt such a big deal. Microsoft,EA and other big companies have done the same. Microsoft even reneged on deal after the guy they hired for fair review didn't write the review they wanted.
Also I don't think Crunching is fair. But the way it has been mentioned as if it is exclusive problem to Naughty Dog is wrong. This is mostly the perception if you read gaming forums out there after Jason article. I work at one of the leading Mobile Processor company and fill out work time sheet as 8 hours for Monday to Friday but our work mostly take 12-13 Horus a day ( more during tape outs) and for months there are no weekends. So I will be last guy who actually defends any company for crunch time. It's just felt like a hit piece against Naughty Dog at that time.
It’s not a hit piece against naughty dog though. Jason has called out several companies over it. He’s one of the best gaming journalists regarding issues like this.
So what if he’s only calling out naughty dog over it? If they are doing it then feck them. Why defend them? If someone calls out EA sports only over micro transactions, I wouldn’t give a shit. Good on the gaming media for doing their job.
You don’t think crunching is fair. Then why try to justify it by saying how iPhones are made within 6 months. That’s a strange comment.
Companies shouldn’t be calling out reviewers non stop. Why are you defending this again by saying because someone else does it that’s it’s ok. It’s never ok if MS, Sony or Nintendo do it. In this case we are discussing last of us because we are in the last of us thread.
Your logic is someone does crunching it’s ok. Another company calls out reviewers then it’s ok. Make your mind up. Are you against these things or not? Don’t try justifying it by saying others do it. So it’s ok then.
It was not just Jason calling them out. It was their own animator who left that was calling them out on Twitter.
Reviews are opinions. If we all said the same thing on here the forum would be boring. If Geko got banned from here this thread would be boring.
I never said it was okay. It's just weird that they get called out for that while almost every company out there is doing this and nobody even mentions it. I gave iPhone or Android phone just as an example. I hardly see people bringing it up to shoot their work. In every negative review, Naughty Dog crunch culture was brought up. I don't see that happening with Apple or Qualcomm latest Processor. It was just an observation and not defense of crunch culture. Maybe it came out as bias towards Sony or Naughty Dog which isn't the case.
Anyway let's leave at that as it is derailing the thread.
Furthermore, Dunkey's humor, while sometimes brilliant, is always crude. He frequently uses racist, sexist and ableist language. In one of his more high-profile and least auspicious moments, Dunkey was banned for hate-speech from the online multiplayer game League Of Legends, one of the games he covered the most extensively. He later defended his abusive language as part of the game, doubling down on a position that's increasingly indefensible. That stance says a lot about where he's coming from, as he stubbornly upholds the patriarchal assumption that it's okay for video games to reinforce white-male-dominated space. Though he doesn't seem to harbor hate for anyone in particular, he's certainly not playing by anyone's, much less Madison's, liberal standards of basic decency when he's calling other players faggots and pussies.
Late game spoilers
I'm at the beginning of Santa Barbara at the moment, just regained control of Ellie after yet another short segment with Abby. I just don't get why the feck the game is trying so much to force me to think Abby is the better character out of the 2, while Ellie is the real devil who just seeked revenge and killed a pregnant woman and stuff, while Abby is a real hero who saved 2 scars, their enemy and refused to kill Dina at the end, or even Ellie, and let them live. All Abby's journey so far has been as if they are trying to make me feel much more connection with her than Ellie. I like to have gray characters all around but Ellie has done nothing right since the beginning of the game so far, and Abby looks like the real hero of the game.
Let's see how this is going to end and better be a good ending.
And AJ's
Yahtzee's review. Contains spoilers.
Does he do a good job at explaining all the agendas none of us have encountered yet? Or is this, as I expect, you trying to justify your "criticism" by posting a negative review to try and imply that is what you meant all along?
Yeah, he calls the A.I "surprisingly dynamic" which is laughable, but what's sad is he makes reference to the Lesbian aspect twice.
I'm not interested in that kind of edgy gamer-bro bullshit, no one should be.
Yeah, he calls the A.I "surprisingly dynamic" which is laughable, but what's sad is he makes reference to the Lesbian aspect twice.
I'm not interested in that kind of edgy gamer-bro bullshit, no one should be.
Yahtzee for me is more there for comedy relief for than anything else. In a AAA game where 2 of the main characters are lesbian and another is trans of course he is going to mention it.
And AJ's
Yer fella Alex hasn't been a good addition to the team imo he doesn't realy seem to like anything. All of them don't seem to be very good at actually playing games either which I find hilarious for someone so successful. In his Uncharted 4 review for example it looked like he played the whole game with auto aim on
Why? What difference does it make? And why in a negative way?
It's that kind of shit attitude that makes things worse. Plus he spends most of the time bitching about that and the story, but somehow forgets to talk about the game problems. Maybe because he clearly doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, and just wants to imply they've taken their eye off the ball just to include "minorities".
It's a trash review.
I don't see the value of such an opinion. In fact that's the crux of the issue, the idea that "fitting in" non-straight characters should somehow have an added value to the story, because it "deviates" from the norm and therefore should be have some justification. Anyone perpetuating that idea actively harms inclusion and diversity and should never be dismissed as comic relief.I just think he's pointing out that in his opinion one of the hyped sequels to a game loved because of its story and character, the fact that 3 of the main characters were non-heterosexual failed to make the story or characters better written or more interesting. But yeah there is a reason why Yahtzee's reviews are mainly only 5 minutes long, but he is mainly there for comic relief, he sometimes makes some good points, but I don't take him too seriously.
I just think he's pointing out that in his opinion one of the hyped sequels to a game loved because of its story and character, the fact that 3 of the main characters were non-heterosexual failed to make the story or characters better written or more interesting. But yeah there is a reason why Yahtzee's reviews are mainly only 5 minutes long, but he is mainly there for comic relief, he sometimes makes some good points, but I don't take him too seriously.
But it doesn't read like that, it reads as if he thinks they are focusing on it and it's hurting the game. Answer me this, would you have the same opinion if he said the same about black characters? Think about it.
In any case, not that I'm digging you out mate, it's just a perfect example of why gaming culture is seen as increasingly toxic. Thing is, it's such an easy thing to change and it wouldn't hurt anyone for that to be different, no? I mean take out those stupid little unneccesary comments and it's the exact same review. He's pandering to gamer-bros, the exact type who bitch and moan about agendas then want to claim "jokes!" when called out.
You can be funny, or faux angry about things without being a bigot.
For me this is one of the reasons why Olly is saying the CAF is becoming an increasingly boring place to be. It's getting tiresome to almost pretty quickly being branded as a racist or hater if you step out line with the conventional culture on here. I wouldnt compare blacks to homosexuals in the first place. One is a sexual preference, the other is a skin colour. Yeah, I get it, if he had mentioned a game having 3 black main characters and it failed to make the game more interesting, it would certainly seem more racist.
Who's branded you a racist or hater?
No, you have it backwards. Olly left because of conversations like this where someone refuses to get what's being said and the need to play devil's advocate to someone who clearly is problematic.
The fact you are getting angry about a conversation about this says it all.
Well, I was more on about that I am not supposed to think that Yahtzee is funny and no one should. Well I do think he is funny. My brother in law is a homosexual jehovas witness christian who refuses to date a man because his God tells him that it's wrong. There is actually nothing more than I would like to for him to say feck it and date a man anyway. I am all for equal rights for gays or transgenders and all that, but I opted out of watching A movie called The Danish girl(im Danish btw) when I found out it was about the story of a transgender man because it simply doesn't interest me.
Why are you explaining yourself to me? I clearly stated I wasn't digging you out. I'm talking purely about that review.
And I also said it's fine to find people funny, but surely he's just as funny if he wasn't being bigotted in that review? I mean, again, WHY does he have to twice bring up those aspects as if they are a negative? And if you calm down and think with a level head, you'll get I wasn't comparing black people to homosexuals as you put it, I asked a very fair question as to why any of that makes any difference at all to the game or the story.
It's 2020, we are supposed to be more progressive and it's only fair questions are being asked and people are being called out. Joking about this is one thing, and there'll be people who'd want to call me out on that (as you know, jokes are bad now!), but actually going on about things like this as a negative is something entirely different. Do you see where I'm coming from there?
If we are going to talk about progressive gaming isn't a about time then that we looked at the problem that nearly all our beloved games and gaming franchises are inherently very violent? It's always centered around combat and killing either humans or other beings. Yet we all enjoy it anyway and the most of us don't walk away from it as violent sociopaths. But yeah you can rightly point it that Yahtzee comes off in that review as less progressive for mentioning the word lesbians twice.
He actually says "minority" the first time, and both mentions are negative.
But you are right, this is the exact kind of conversation Olly left because of. Just not in the way you seem to think.
So I'm going to end it there as it's going to continue to be circular.
If we are going to talk about progressive gaming isn't a about time then that we looked at the problem that nearly all our beloved games and gaming franchises are inherently very violent? It's always centered around combat and killing either humans or other beings. Yet we all enjoy it anyway and the most of us don't walk away from it as violent sociopaths. But yeah you can rightly point it that Yahtzee comes off in that review as less progressive for mentioning the word lesbians twice.
Well, I was more on about that I am not supposed to think that Yahtzee is funny and no one should. Well I do think he is funny. My brother in law is a homosexual jehovas witness christian who refuses to date a man because his God tells him that it's wrong. There is actually nothing more than I would like to for him to say feck it and date a man anyway. I am all for equal rights for gays or transgenders and all that, but I opted out of watching A movie called The Danish girl(im Danish btw) when I found out it was about the story of a transgender man because it simply doesn't interest me.