The Kooks

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Clearly an over rated band, and the Irish public do it again! What do I mean ? Well it never ceases to amaze me how the Irish public can all get so fecking excited about a band that are decidedly average. I think it's because they're told to like them. They're the "in" band and if you don't like them then there is something wrong with you.

Was quite funny actually but over the Christmas my missus happened to randomly bump into their lead singer. Bit of an arrogant tosser. She has never heard of the Kooks as she is from America, and yer man was talking to her assuming she knew them. When is sort of dawned on the lead singer that she had no idea who the feck they were he wasn't quite sure what to say. A few people laughed at him.

Anyway, I've listened to their stuff and they're just this season's flavour.
Why create a thread about a band you thinka re average? surely you would be better pointing out a lesser known band that you really like and fellow caftwards might not of heard of. As for this seasons flavour, they had their first UK top 40 in July 2005, so its not like they have just popped up.

As for the lead singer, I agree, he is a cock!
Clearly an over rated band, and the Irish public do it again! What do I mean ? Well it never ceases to amaze me how the Irish public can all get so fecking excited about a band that are decidedly average. I think it's because they're told to like them. They're the "in" band and if you don't like them then there is something wrong with you.

Was quite funny actually but over the Christmas my missus happened to randomly bump into their lead singer. Bit of an arrogant tosser. She has never heard of the Kooks as she is from America, and yer man was talking to her assuming she knew them. When is sort of dawned on the lead singer that she had no idea who the feck they were he wasn't quite sure what to say. A few people laughed at him.

Anyway, I've listened to their stuff and they're just this season's flavour.

The kooks have never been rated by anybody with half a brain. So I honestly can't see your point. Radio-friendly music no more no less.
Im sorry but i disagree completely not all their songs are the tripe you make them out to be and they arent this season's flavour unless you class this season as almosy 4 years!
I dont know any of them personally but in terms of their craft i cant deny their ability to make very good music
One of the best bands of the last 20 years without a doubt. Got their full collection and been to see them 4 times.

ok i lied they're shit
They're not that bad live tbf. Seen them at a festival and it was decent enough from what I remember. They're just a fairly average pop/rock band, not as bad as is being made out.

I understand the sentiment, the more popular an average band are the more it annoys me, but there are far worse popular bands that are much more deserving of our hate.
I'm going to buy 20 of their CD's and distribute them between friends.

feck they're fantastic.
Shame on you narnar. At least Elvis managed some white text.
I said they were decent. Not everyone in the thread is badmouthing them CLK
In all honesty they're ok, bit like the Killers. Can listen to them, but nothing to go crazy about.
I like the killers too :(

recommend me some bands please

As i said i don't mind the Killers. Prefer the Killers to the Kooks, must be said.

Urm... depends on what type of music. Majority of bands i like, you will think are shit.
Yh I understand but the way some people are going on you would think they are the worst band in the world!

No, they're just over rated. They're average, and I often feel that average bands get more exposure than they deserve. It's annoying.

Simple really