The inbetweeners movie

I 8-2 tell you, Alastair... but sometimes some mindless childish humour is all you need. As Urbanned said, with Inbetweeners you know what you're getting, if you watch the film expecting some deep sarcastic witty comedy, you're in the wrong place
People are easily satisfied these days it appears.

This movie epitomized quite how lazy 'comedy writers' have become. Endless vulgarity is not funny. It's not like I'm some kind of prude that can't stand bad language, but swearing and overt sexual references/behaviour is grossly over-used in comedies in an attempt to make up for the fact there is no real wit attached to the writing.

Take the dance scene. Basically, the writers have said 'oh look, we've got this hilarious concept of four rather awkward guys on holiday - let's make them do a stupid dance in front of some girls.' Well done, top marks for originality there. Maybe I ask too much from a film, but this was just a hopeless attempt in every way.

I don't think you necessarily have to take out the bad language aspect of comedies or anything like that - The Thick Of It works brilliantly with a swear word every line, but it's wonderfully ironic and there's a huge depth to the plot which makes it genuinely entertaining. The Inbetweeners is patronising to young people who actually have a brain, but then half the Caf turns up and says it's brilliant. It's beyond bizarre.

The Thick of It doesn't use language in an ironic way. Tucker shouting 'cnut!' five or six times an episode is down to getting laughs, not for an underlying satirical purpose.
The Thick of It doesn't use language in an ironic way. Tucker shouting 'cnut!' five or six times an episode is down to getting laughs, not for an underlying satirical purpose.

He rarely says cnut. He comes up with wonderfully clever ways of calling someone a cnut like 'giant gaystacks or tin-tin's sexy sister.'