The inbetweeners movie

This is definitely worth a trip to cinema. Brilliant from start to finish. Did the series justice

'I want to change to the deal we had, instead of me having sex with you in a year how about I have sex with you for a year.'

'You mean like a girlfriend or a prostitute?'
Was brilliant!

Surprising that not many people here are talking about it.

Just one thread with 5 posts?
Was planning to see it with my mates tonight only to find out they decided to go and see it yesterday, need to find someone else to go with now!
Really enjoyed it - nothing new but if you like the series, you'll like this. Not really a surprise......
Very improvement on the stuff they were putting out for series 3.
I am a big fan of the show but I didn't think that much of the film. It was worth seeing but I expected more. I didn't burst out laughing that often anyway. Maybe I was just expecting too much.
I thought it was quite poor. :confused: Surprised at the reviews by a usually very cut throat Caf! I normally tolerate a lot of crap that gets flamed on here!

I felt it was covering a lot of old ground that they've done before and, at 18, they just wouldn't behave like that anymore. At 16 when they started, fine, a blow job was exciting perhaps, but not when you're going to Uni and all four of you, surely?! Whilst that's fine if it's funny, I felt it failed to make me laugh much anyway. Huge fan of the show and whilst series three wasn't as good, I thought this was a step down.

A lot of it was very predictable too. Which always makes it less funny if you see it coming.

The wheelchair around the pool was the same as the Thorpe Park ride. Great the first time, obvious this.
When they arrive at the hotel, they try the suspense tactic of wondering whose it will be, but straight away you know its theirs. They could've made that just as funny another way.
Simon jumping into the sea and getting nowhere and needing saving after being in there for ages was a tap-in, how were people laughing at this?!

There were plenty more and the ending was also bizarre/cut dead.

It had moments, but very few and nothing where I was laughing really hard like it used to.
Absolutely loved it. The first half in particular was hilarious.

I'm sure some "experts" or movie snobs will criticise it for being cliché and crude but I thought it was very funny.
Yeah it was amusing enough, had a few laugh out loud moments. However I saw a top ten show about the funniest moments in the series and nearly all were replicated in the film in an obvious manner.

I'd say it was a good film, but they really need to leave it there now as it's clearly run it's course. Would have probably been better after the second series.
I just saw it there. I thought it was good, harmless fun. It's not at all original and it is a bit laboured at times but there were enough funny moments to keep me happy.
I thought it was quite poor. :confused: Surprised at the reviews by a usually very cut throat Caf! I normally tolerate a lot of crap that gets flamed on here!

I felt it was covering a lot of old ground that they've done before and, at 18, they just wouldn't behave like that anymore. At 16 when they started, fine, a blow job was exciting perhaps, but not when you're going to Uni and all four of you, surely?! Whilst that's fine if it's funny, I felt it failed to make me laugh much anyway. Huge fan of the show and whilst series three wasn't as good, I thought this was a step down.

A lot of it was very predictable too. Which always makes it less funny if you see it coming.

The wheelchair around the pool was the same as the Thorpe Park ride. Great the first time, obvious this.
When they arrive at the hotel, they try the suspense tactic of wondering whose it will be, but straight away you know its theirs. They could've made that just as funny another way.
Simon jumping into the sea and getting nowhere and needing saving after being in there for ages was a tap-in, how were people laughing at this?!

There were plenty more and the ending was also bizarre/cut dead.

It had moments, but very few and nothing where I was laughing really hard like it used to.

you boring fecker,bet you are great dinner company :rolleyes:
I just saw it there. I thought it was good, harmless fun. It's not at all original and it is a bit laboured at times but there were enough funny moments to keep me happy.

Just saw it where?
I enjoyed the film. I've never seen the series, but I found that the characters were set up quickly (then again, they're not exactly the deepest of characters).
Dire. Yet another nail in the coffin of British comedy. It's unnecessarily crude, and just endlessly cringe-worthy as a result of shite acting, no story-line of worth and a complete lack of any entertainment for anyone who isn't a 14 year old. 0/10. No saving grace. It was shite.
Dire. Yet another nail in the coffin of British comedy. It's unnecessarily crude, and just endlessly cringe-worthy as a result of shite acting, no story-line of worth and a complete lack of any entertainment for anyone who isn't a 14 year old. 0/10. No saving grace. It was shite.

This doesn't surprise me. I watched the Inbetweeners comic relief thing yesterday. And by 'watched' I mean I made it about 4 minutes in before having to turn it off because it was awful.
Only just seen this thread! Was hilarious. The dance scene near the beginning had me in stitches. Will definitely be buying this on DVD. Yes, some of the humour was predictable, but that doesn't make it any less amusing! It was going back to the same level as the first series. Really funny.

Dire. Yet another nail in the coffin of British comedy. It's unnecessarily crude, and just endlessly cringe-worthy as a result of shite acting, no story-line of worth and a complete lack of any entertainment for anyone who isn't a 14 year old. 0/10. No saving grace. It was shite.

Get out. Out!
Only just seen this thread! Was hilarious. The dance scene near the beginning had me in stitches. Will definitely be buying this on DVD. Yes, some of the humour was predictable, but that doesn't make it any less amusing! It was going back to the same level as the first series. Really funny.

Get out. Out!

Do you find women new and exciting? Because that's who it was aimed at as far as I could tell.
Was ok, a few decent laughs

the fecking carly thing went on ridiculously long though. In fact all 4 love angles were stupidly predictable


Jane was quite hot! :nervous:
Oh and
maybe it's just because it's been all over facebook for the past week, but the God/dog thing was incredibly weak I thought. Really not in anyway funny. Which was odd, as I find Neil hilarious usually
Thought it was brilliant, absolutely loved it.
Thought it was brilliant, absolutely loved it.

Same. I don't get the hate for it, it's mindless childish humour basically. You know what you're gunna get before you watch it and that's a lot of crude, childish and pointless gags.

Storyline? Oh give over. I didn't wanna watch it for the plot twists and intense moving scenes. I wanted to watch it and laugh at some stupid teenagers fecking about on holiday. Which it well delivered.
People are easily satisfied these days it appears.

This movie epitomized quite how lazy 'comedy writers' have become. Endless vulgarity is not funny. It's not like I'm some kind of prude that can't stand bad language, but swearing and overt sexual references/behaviour is grossly over-used in comedies in an attempt to make up for the fact there is no real wit attached to the writing.

Take the dance scene. Basically, the writers have said 'oh look, we've got this hilarious concept of four rather awkward guys on holiday - let's make them do a stupid dance in front of some girls.' Well done, top marks for originality there. Maybe I ask too much from a film, but this was just a hopeless attempt in every way.

I don't think you necessarily have to take out the bad language aspect of comedies or anything like that - The Thick Of It works brilliantly with a swear word every line, but it's wonderfully ironic and there's a huge depth to the plot which makes it genuinely entertaining. The Inbetweeners is patronising to young people who actually have a brain, but then half the Caf turns up and says it's brilliant. It's beyond bizarre.
But that's what the Inbetweeners IS Alastair. Like I (and some other people) have said, people don't watch the show for it's storyline and deep moral meanings and understandings. They watch it for it's brand of humour, which while you may feel is vulgar/overused/hopeless, is hilarious for a large amount of people, which is why the films' so successful.