The Human Centipede | Sequel banned by BBFC


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
WTFF?!? And now I've heard it all....this is actually a movie.....

Synopsis (from Popbitch)

A crazed German doctor decides to create a human centipede by kidnapping three people and ********ly joining them together. He removes their kneecaps to make their legs bend forward from the knee, like a centipede, and then joins them together, mouth to anus, to create a three part creature. The doctor feeds the first person. The second is fed through their mouth being attached to the first's anus, and they in turn feed the third person in the same way


And I'm gonna spoiler this youtube clip because the ending is possibly NSFW

If there was a vomit smilie available to me I'd have posted 3 of them together in a kind of smilie centipede.

Whoever made this needs locking up for even thinking about it. Whatever happened to enjoying the classics like The Jungle Book or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
Do I even want to know what that is?

Something that whilst shocking at first will turn out to another boring concept film that won't be able to hold a story with interest or pace for an hour and a half.
:lol: I just realised I didn't spoiler that clip

May not be safe for work but it aint to shocking a clip. The only thing that gets me going eww is the idea that he's connected all their digestives sytems so the second person drinks and feeds from the firsts refuse ands so on.
May not be safe for work but it aint to shocking a clip. The only thing that gets me going eww is the idea that he's connected all their digestives sytems so the second person drinks and feeds from the firsts refuse ands so on.

Yeah same, and the fact that they are connected mouth to ass, wouldnt be so bad being the 1st guy, but the third is by far the worst
Surely the middle one is the worst off. She not only has her head up someone's ass, but someone's head up her own ass!
I few of my friends have seen it. Apparently it sucks ass.
Just saw the trailer today.... I take it this hasn't been released into mainstream cinema?

I wana watch it!
What I want to know is, who the feck comes up with ideas like this?

Seriously, not in a million years would I have been able to think of a movie like this.
100% medically inaccurate :lol:

And apparently the first was designed simply to desensitise the audience to the idea, the second movie is supposed to be the full on one.
Was on ScyFy tonight.

Pretty shit. Odd ending. Snooty bloke a bit much.
Not a sick film, it's fecking garbage. Never been so bored by an over hyped "horror" film before
I'd say this is like Teletubbies compared to A Serbian Film.

I've just read an article about that - it's beyond fecked up - people shouldn't be able to make films about such things even if it is in the name of cinema
A Seriban Film genuinely sounds like the most horrific thing I could ever be forced to watch. I literally grimaced several times just reading the plot synopsis. Though I'm sure, as with all these things, it's probably far less horrific and shocking than it's portrayed or sounds.

Human Centipede just sounds like trash I'd find hilarious if I was drunk enough to be in a "bad movies are funny because they're bad" mood. I'd need to be on amyl nitrate and meth to even contemplate watching the opening 10 minutes of A Serbian Film, no matter how bad or not it really is. I also hate nasty films that claim they're an allegory. Make a better allegory, preferably one that doesn't involve baby rape. It surely can't be that hard.
I wish I could unread that....I will never, ever watch A Serbian Film.
A Serbian Film plot reads like the inside of a psychopath's head. Sick shit that tries to masquerade as art.
I wish I could unread that....I will never, ever watch A Serbian Film.

The synopsis? Or just my quick allusion to it? Cos tbf, even that's bad enough to read. Considering the plot is about a man who thinks he's in an art film, but which is actually disgusting exploitation, I think the actual, and more appropriate allegory is blindingly obvious.