There’s a long and pretty interesting twitter thread from the creator about the conception and production of episode six, that’s both fascinating, and also kinda part of my (admittedly small) problem with the show..
I mean, from an artistic POV it’s really impressive, but it’s also very evident that they based a lot of their creative decisions for the show as a whole around this one stunt ep (including one of my main bugbears, casting two similarly aged and different looking men as the same character 26 years apart) and while there’s nothing necessarily wrong with cool art for cool arts sake, a part of me can’t help but think, was it really worth it? The show definitely peaked at that point, and got messier after, and the ep in question wasn’t even presented as one continuous shot (which was evidently the initial pitch) so I can’t help but think it’s not really such a brilliant idea to build a whole 10 episode series around one technical mid point showpiece...
Could just be me though.