The Guess the Movie screenshot game

For some reason i want to say Patriot Games, although i'm almost entirely certain that it's not.

Mr Bean's Holiday?

Hopscotch II: Skippy's Revenge

Looks like French Connection or something from that era.

this is bugging the feck out of me..

First thing that sprung to mind was Carlito's Way for some reason....but i doubt that's right.

Mean Streets ?

I want to say French Connection, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.

Nope :D
One of my favourites...


Dog Day Afternoon?

HAHA! You know, Gene Wilder was the first person i thought of when i saw the pic but i dismissed it and spent 30 mins googling movies set in the 70's. I ran out of ideas after Dog Day Afternoon and then it just hit me out of nowhere why it made me think of Gene Wilder....quality!
Never got an answer on drag me to hell.
Never got an answer on drag me to hell.
I answered in post :p

Serioulsy Brocky i'm gonna need some more clues here. That cat could be from anything!

It's twistin' yer melon though, aint it? :D Ok, but i'm going to have to think about it for a while as i can't think of anything right now that wont give the game away too easily.
Ok, this is really the best i can do. I actually think this does make it too easy.


You can at least see a bit of the set.

All i will add is that it's a very well known scene....that has absolutely nothing to do with cats. :D
I actually meant wall, i've no idea why i said roof. Actually i could be from googling "cat" and it kept coming up with Cat on a hot tin roof. Yeah i'll blame it on that.
Of course, got it, don't want to spoil Xanders frustation though will pm brocky
Is this going to be one of those situations where a giant penny is going to drop and i'm going to kick myself?


Gambit did indeed have the correct answer but seeing as he is getting pleasure from Xander's failure, i'll leave it open for a little while....or until someone else posts it. :D
For some reason Batman has been floating around my head every time i look at that last picture, but i don't remember a cat on a wall at any point.

Anyway i'm off now for the night. Hopefully someone will stick an answer up before tomorrow, and hopefully i've never seen it or i'll be very annoyed.

At least i got some work done in betwen googling hehe.
Something about comparing football and life. Rules of the game and how after 90 minutes it's done. Can't remember the exact quote.

The ball is round, the game last 90 minutes, the rest is bullshit. or somehting like that.