The Guess the Movie screenshot game

Correct, 1 is Amelie, 2 is Cloverfield.

3 has yet to be guessed, which is surprising, because it's gotten great reviews on the Caf.

Mate we are still waiting to finish the fantasy draft - get it sorted - cheers !
Boom. This guy knows what he's talking about. Full marks.


I totally recognized the scene but couldn't quite put my finger on which movie until you said that part about rave reviews.

I didn't get enough tactics sent for the latest round so there was no point finishing it :(

:nervous: It's probably my fault. I was lazy and couldn't be arsed writing another long post about tactics and I guess I forgot about it including everyone else after a while.
Was a great idea at the time - shame it never ran the full course

I totally recognized the scene but couldn't quite put my finger on which movie until you said that part about rave reviews.

Ah yeah it was good fun. Best part was the draft itself. The matches and tactics kind of got a bit tedious though, so I can understand why folks lost interest. Might do another one some time and just leave it at the draft itself, and instead of matches just get people to rank the top teams.
ye I blame you R.Nilson ;)

Erics_Collar - you should resurrect it, would fill the void while we wait for the WC to start - just get people to vote based on the teams, forget the tactics
Nobody got it yet?

I'll give you a clue. It was this director's first film and it didn't get a full cinema release in the UK (and probably not in the US) which hurt him.