Ah. Ok I'll post another one

Hang on, is it Inside Man?
Video quality is shoddy as hell....so I'm going with some random 80's caper film, probably made in cheap britain ><
A Fish Called Wanda?
The Stand?
The Collector?
Dumbo already got it
It's the best movie ever made if that helps.
All Quiet On The Western Front?
Well done. Brilliant movie. They should have stopped after that one.
If you like Great War movies, watch Beneath Hill 60 which is an Aussie flick, brilliant true story of the miners who dug tunnels below the German trenches and then set bombs.
Paths of Glory is a great WW1 flick
I think the 'could be' didn't really confirm it for me!
Keep them coming, and for God's sake next time, something other than only five people have seen....
Hang on, you've already done that one.
It is one of this really famous 70s car chase scenes isn't it. Which makes me think of Bullit, Crazy Larry and Dirt Mary (or was it the other way round?), Gone in 60 Seconds or The French Connection but I don't think that it is any of those. Bugger.
Nope it isn'tThis is an 80s buddy-cop film.