How about the middle east Asian countries and Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. Even few south American countries have an organized league in cricket but only the British expats take up the sports rather than local South Americans.
Cricket is being played in more countries in organized leagues although the teams are pretty much shite- after the FIFA WC and Olympics, cricket world cup 2003 was the most watched event in Sports even if ICC controlled by the BCCI morons tried their best damage all the world cups.
Football is greatest sport in the world bar none. but Test cricket if played properly comes close to football and offers as much as football. T20 leagues can challenge any yank sport in terms of plastic excitement and if marketed can knock the sports out of their perch even in their own backyard.
Like I said, I`m sure most countries play to
some extent, but it`s only very big in a few countries isn`t it? Take this example, how many countries could possibly be top 10 in the world? If you take football, swimming, tennis, golf, tracks, volleyball etc you`ll have most countries regarding them as a huge sport, and most countries having it practised by a large portion of their inhabitants. You can see a great tennis player coming from all differtent kind of countries, Sweden, Australia, USA, Switzerland, China etc. That wouldn`t happen in Cricket, if you get what I mean.
In real numbers I`m sure Cricket is up there, cause of how many people live in countries like Australia, Pakistan, India etc. But it`s not widespread like other sports.
When none of Europe (bar England) and the United States don`t play it to any mentionable degree, it can`t be regarded as one of the most widespread sports IMO. Just like I wouldn`t call Babe Ruth the best athlete ever, I wouldn`t call a cricket player the best ever. Same goes with my Norwegian athletes. Bjørn Dæhlie is the best skiier ever bar none, he did some insane things that will forever stand. But skiing is only big in Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, Austria, Czech Rep and a few other central/eastern European countries. That obviously makes it easier to become the best.