The greatest games of the decade


Needs Help
Oct 27, 2006
Co. Down
This idea has been completely stolen from the the thread in the footy forum.

Anyways, top 5 games please. If there is enough interest, someone, perhaps me may make a calculation determining the best game, which I might just base on my selection, and being drunk.

So vote, el cuntos.
In no particular order, and this is from my personal experience so feck off others who think others are better, they might be but I haven't played them.

Uncharted 2
Timesplitters 2
GTA San Andreas
GTA Vice City
1. Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
2. GTA: Vice City
3. Fallout 3
4. COD: Modern Warfare 1
5. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
I love it, I spread my playing time of it over 3 months just exploring and levelling up. My eyes nearly watered up at the ending. Mind you I was about 13 but still, never been more involved in a game than that one.
I loved 7,8 and 9 you see. There was something so different from those I didn't like or understand that I didn't give it a chance.

I bought 12 recently and plan to play it soon_ Hope it is good.
1. Morrowind (inc Bloodmoon expansion)
2. GTA San Andreas
3. Rome: Total War
4. Scratches (Terrifying point and click game - google for more info)
5. FM 2007

Edit: Oh and my special shout goes to Ultimate Soccer Manager 1998. Damn miss the days off actually offering George Graham a Bung and placing bets on my own team to lose.
From what I've played, and off the top of my head;

Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid 2
GTA: San Andreas
Bioshock (The story blew me away, loved every second of it)
Mass Effect
GTA: Vice City
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 (I spent years playing this game)
Final Fantasy X
Shadow of the Colossus
Jedi Outcast
Street Fighter IV
Resident Evil 4

(Thats just of the top of my head I'll probably edit it when I remember games later)
5.Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast)
4.Vagrant Story (ps1)
3.Shadow of the Colossus (p2s)
2.World of warcraft online (pc)
1.Baldurs gate 2 (pc)

Special mention to: Jet set radio,KOTOR,Mass effect,MSR,Diablo,Bioshock,HL2,LOTRO,
Dead Rising,Fallout 3, Knight Online (beta).
1. Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
2. GTA: Vice City
3. Fallout 3
4. COD: Modern Warfare 1

5. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion


Especially Morrowind. Can't comment on Oblivion as I've never played it, but in fact I think I'll give it a whirl now I'm on holidays.
1) Age Of Empires II (especially with the Conquerors expansion)
2) CM 01/02
3) Metal Gear Solid (the original Playstation one)
4) GTA Vice City
5) Rome: Total War
1. Shenmue II (Japanese Version) - I loved the first one and the second with original Japanese language just made it better.
2. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Just an incredible game
3. GTA Vice City - Setting was brilliant, characters were brilliant
4. Modern Warfare 1 - Got me into FPS on PC and ive lost alot of hours since
5. Richard Burns Rally - Incredibly realistic and still going strong today

Other games that just missed out MGS4, Uncharted 2, Fallout 3 and rFactor.
3) Metal Gear Solid (the original Playstation one)

I think that might be pre 2000

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 was a great game for me, the best one before they went shit and FIFA took over

I'll have a think about some more. Vice City is definitely a good game, an awesome soundtrack to that game.
For mine, it would have to be (all include the expansions):

Age of Empires II
Heroes of Might and Magic III
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Warcraft III
Fallout III
I think that might be pre 2000

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 was a great game for me, the best one before they went shit and FIFA took over

I'll have a think about some more. Vice City is definitely a good game, an awesome soundtrack to that game.
Yes, you're right. 1999 apparently.
I'll swap it with Cycling Manager 4 then :D
This is tough, there have been a hell of a lot of good games this decade, let's see...

1. Half Life 2: Reinvented the FPS for the next generation, amazing graphics, physics and gameplay at the time. Still the finest FPS I've ever played.
2. Chrono Cross: Was between this and FFX for RPG of the decade, but I just have to go for this. It's just so fecking awesome and a very different type of RPG to the norm.
3. Warcraft III: Haven't played an RTS as good as it in a very long time, not to mention the limitless online fun from it's expansions.
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Brilliant game, endless action, great plot, great twist. Shits all over Mass Effect.
5. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Best GTA game by a fecking mile. Came out before they made things annoyingly realistic in other GTA games. The city, music, plot and gameplay all fitted in perfectly. Loved it.
My favourites, in no particular order:

Uncharted 2
Demon's Souls
God of War 2
Half Life 2

I only resumed gaming quite recently after years in the wilderness of "real life."
1. Morrowind (inc Bloodmoon expansion)
2. GTA San Andreas
3. Rome: Total War
4. Scratches (Terrifying point and click game - google for more info)
5. FM 2007

Edit: Oh and my special shout goes to Ultimate Soccer Manager 1998. Damn miss the days off actually offering George Graham a Bung and placing bets on my own team to lose.

I remember getting Gary Pallister up to 96.

That was the best manager game i've ever played, enough complexity to make it work, enough graphical simplicity to make it playable.

these FM games are just endless streams of pointless text.
Metal Gear Solid 2
GTA: Vice City
Final Fantasy X

Does anyone else think MGS 3 was shit?
We going 2000-2009, right?


WRPG: Elder Scrolls, Oblivion - Just unbelievably good and drags you in. (Fallout 3 was just pipped)

Action/Adventure: Uncharted 2 - Wow, and the Aussie has a nice arse.

Not even sure what to call it: Shadow of the Collossus - So that guy about fifty times the size of me, you want me to climb onto it's head and repeatadly stab it... okay.

Sandbox: GTA Vice City - It was acceptable in the 80's, everything that is.

FPS: Half-Life 2 - A great story, and a brilliant setting sets it apart. Now hurry up and finish it off!

JRPG: Final Fantasy X - Persona 4 runs it close, but X blew me away when i first played it and that wow factor gives it the nod.

Platformer: Braid - A great twist on a classic genre.

I couldn't pick 5 of the best so i'm going for 7 of varying genres. Lots of great games missed out.
In no particular order:

Half Life
World of Warcraft
Warcraft 3
Deus Ex

In terms of popularity and simply being revolutionary/groundbreaking games rather than my own personal favourites.
World of Warcraft deserves a massive shout, between 04/05-08/09 it was amazing.