So I watched this properly. The first time I saw it I was on my phone travelling and getting distracted etc, so I sat down and watched this on a big screen to give it a proper go, and I have to say that this is arguably the worst film I have seen in a long, long time. Definitely the worst film I’ve seen this year. Truly fecking terrible.
The SFX were ropey as feck, the dialogue just terrible (“Come on Barbie, let’s go party”, wtf?), and the acting was simply appalling. Even if Miller was the most likeable person in the world, his performance was horrendous, and we had to deal with two of him not just one. But the fact he’s a world class creep just made it all the worse. Skin crawling stuff seeing him on screen, and be so heinously shit.
There are about a million plot holes and devices I can’t even be bothered to get into, but suffice to say that the script was terrible. It made little to no sense and was told in such an uncompelling way, that you just wanted this horror show to end. I am genuinely surprised they didn’t just shelve this project and take the tax write down. With the money they’d have saved from the huge marketing campaign, the losses would’ve been around the same anyway; and they wouldn’t have incurred the huge reputational damage that comes with releasing yet another steaming pile of turd into the DCEU.
No idea how they recover from this. It’s all switched to Gunn now, but aside from their stand alone R rated movies, like Joker and The Suicide Squad, I wil personally never take the risk paying for another DC movie - cinema or streaming rental - again. I’ll firmly wait the 6 plus months until it becomes free to view on MAX. This is especially true when looking at their upcoming slate, which looks shocking to someone like me who likes a good comic book movie but doesn’t have a deep grounding in reading the comics as a kid/adolescent. And I would think, in terms of engagement, my level of pre-existing knowledge of the DC universe is representative of the majority of viewers.
As far as I could see, the next movie is about Blue Beetle? Yeah, no. A shit studio, churning out shit films, in a now defunct universe, offering up a marginal character that the vast majority of people, except comic book fans, have never heard of. Sounds like a shit Ant Man. Or a serious version of The Tick. If they had tons of credit with the fans, and people knew they were likely to get something great because of who was making it, then they’d do well. But everyone knows that most DCEU movies are fecking crap, and now we have one about a marginal character. Yeah, no fecking idea how they are going to persuade anyone to watch that. Because even when they do an okay movie with a new character (Shazam wasn’t great but it had charm and was a decent origin movie - especially by DC standards), they follow it up with something so bad as to be almost offensive (Shazam 2), and put another nail in their extended universe coffin.
I’m honestly still in shock that DC put this film out knowing how fecking crap it was and the toxicity of their lead star. One or the other, okay, but both? That’s universe building Suicide. I am so, so done with them. They could be hiring Denis fecking Villneuve for all I care, because a studio that has their track record of utter shite and then tried to right the ship with successive turds of the scale of Black Adam, Shazam 2, and this abomination…..well, all I can say is no. No to anything they put out at this point, unless it’s a standalone R rated, disconnected film (which is almost like a different brand/studio at this point). What the feck were they thinking? Something is seriously wrong over there, and hiring a one trick pony in Gunn to head up the entire DC studio isn’t going to suddenly transform this into where it deserves to be.
It’s hard to contemplate how badly DC have shit the bed on this whole thing. I think they’ve missed the huge comic book wave, as audience fatigue sets in, and they’ve made so many bad decisions along the way that it just beggars belief.