The Fast Show

I'm on to series 2. It's still one of the funniest things ever to grace the TV.
I love Professor Denzil Dextor of the Univeristy of Southern California and the pointless experiments.

Stuntman and Jazz Club were both brilliant

And who could forget......

Edit: Can someone let me know if you can see that video. Having a bit of trouble embedding lately
I fixed it for you. On You Tube videos you just need to go to the 'Share' button and then from the web address copy everything after the = sign and put it in You Tube brackets. Sorted.
From the Aussie piss water peddlers that brought you Alan Partridge back. I (well, they) give you...


Foster's Gold - The Fast Show - Vic & Bob - Mid Morning Matters and Good Call by Brad & Dan

1st Ep (or mini-ep, or sketch, or whatever) on the 10th.
Great news.Always worry when successful shows are revisited but i have a good feeling they can pull it off.

Last 2 are decent (completely agree on the stupid bar stools they make pundits sit on) first two not so much. Aherne should do more stuff. She should've been the female Coogan.
Not getting a whole lotta love these are they...This is probably the best yet if you ask me.

Swiss Tony talking about the mussels was class. The rest of it was so so.

That's the first I've seen. I'll watch the rest later on

EDIT - Paul Whitehouse, not actually Fast Show but worth a mention all the same!