The ever growing list of child sex abusers that aren't drag queens

'Child sex tourism,' my fecking god...

The language around this stuff needs to change to call it out for what it really is. It's not Child Porn, it's images of Child Sexual Abuse and 'child sex tourism'... Get fecked.
These are the sentences we should be seeing...

Absolutely. They need to lock these feckers up for good. There's no rehabilitating someone like this.
Pretty mind blowing thread. Yet staunch Maga Republicans would attempt to have you believe its all coming from the illegal invaders, or nefarious groups down in South America (and the gay community). And they truly believe it too, because they lap up everything they are fed by Newsmax, OAN etc
The language around this stuff needs to change to call it out for what it really is. It's not Child Porn, it's images of Child Sexual Abuse and 'child sex tourism'... Get fecked.

Absolutely. They need to lock these feckers up for good. There's no rehabilitating someone like this.
Lock up for good for this kind of monster is wasting tax payer money.
True but I don't believe in state sanctioned murder.
Agreed, and it is not even cheaper than lifelong prison either, so even that strawman of an argument doesn't hold up in favour of such action.
There is a Lowkey? Clip where he says he did some research into child grooming and went to the ONS.

According to him one year in England and Wales showed 600k reported incidents of child abuse.

*Lowkey is that rapper/poet bloke I've seen on Piers Morgan.