Gaming The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

I don’t remember much about oblivion but I remember the Dark Brotherhood quest being amazing
I don’t remember much about oblivion but I remember the Dark Brotherhood quest being amazing
Yes! Loved Shadowmere.

Remember Skyrim’s dark brotherhood quests being underwhelming in comparison.

Morrowind is the GOAT though. Used to be straight on the PC after school.
Damn what a bump. This was the game I bought an Xbox 360 for back in early 2006, what a time that was. I still have that soundtrack ingrained into my brain.

I know a lot of people prefer Morrowind, but there was a magic to the world of Oblivion that still makes it stand out in my memory.
As an aside, has anyone played the multiplayer mod for morrowind before? It's quality.
I remember going round a mate’s house as a kid and seeing him and his brother were playing this. Was immediately captivated. Think it was prob my first proper RPG of that ilk. FFX prob my first in general.
I played it back in the day, don’t remember much of it. Remember there was a big ass dragon somewhere which is pretty much all rpgs ever.
I think I played it too late - I would've loved it in my teens probably. Where's the time to play these games as an adult? They take hundreds of hours, and you really need to do it in 2 - 3 hour chunks to immerse yourself... Maybe when kids get older it's possible?

Skyrim had a magic about it though. Must be amazing playing these games as a 14 year old.
I think I played it too late - I would've loved it in my teens probably. Where's the time to play these games as an adult? They take hundreds of hours, and you really need to do it in 2 - 3 hour chunks to immerse yourself... Maybe when kids get older it's possible?

Skyrim had a magic about it though. Must be amazing playing these games as a 14 year old.
Played Skyrim at launch and during its peak era. Had no idea about Morrowind or Oblivion until afterwards when I finished Skyrim and was hooked, looking for anything that could keep the adventure going.

Unfortunately, the games felt clunky, outdated and unplayable.

Would love to play modernised versions of both.
I think I played it too late - I would've loved it in my teens probably. Where's the time to play these games as an adult? They take hundreds of hours, and you really need to do it in 2 - 3 hour chunks to immerse yourself... Maybe when kids get older it's possible?

Skyrim had a magic about it though. Must be amazing playing these games as a 14 year old.

A number of my friends with young children express the same thing, and that they're opting for shorter games with less need for deep engagement. Just comes with the territory I guess.