“Combining California’s debt with publicly held federal debt, we estimate a total debt-to-GDP ratio of 125% (or 153% using the broader definition of federal debt),” California Policy Center report released in 2017 points out. “This level places California distressingly close to peripheral Eurozone countries that faced financial crises in 2011 and 2012. Portugal’s 2015 debt-to-GDP ratio was
129% and Italy’s was
Just to clarify what the report (from 2017), that they base the substantive part of the article on, is saying:
- the official debt of state +local governments in California was 426 billion in 2014 and they accept this as credible ball-park figure.
- they add a bunch of other positions, that they consider equal to debt, like unfunded pension obligations, other benefits and end up at 1287 billion. Thats roughly 52% of California's GSP (Gross state product) at the time.
- on top of that they add the share of the federal debt, that is Californian taxpayers may be responsible for (not sure how they calculated this exactly) and end up at 125%/153% debt-to-GDP figures
I like some of their methodology, especially highlighting "hidden" debt like unfunded pension obligations and have little problem with their substantive claims. You can't compare their results with any numbers that are usually referred to, because they use a very different methodology that comes to very different results.
With this methodology every single US state is going to look bad. We can't compare debt numbers, that include many additional items with statistics, that are just the "raw" debt. If you do that you also have to use the 426 billion (or whatever the up-to-date number is). We can happily debate if the US federal debt is too high and if thats a problem, but attributing this to individual states is kind of pointless.
The approach to compare US-state debt with the debt of other countries is questionable, but the very least you should do similar accounting. They managed to increase the official number from 426 to 1287 billion. What happens with Italy's federal debt when we do the same and add additional averaged local debt ? I have no idea and I doubt anyone can honestly calculate this, but its probably not going to be pretty.
You might argue that US federal debt is too high. If the US is doomed, California is probably fecked as well, but that has nothing to do with their state government. Hiding pension obligations isn't pretty but common in most countries. California will be fine.