The DP Draft - Climaxed

As usual with my drafts, happy to run a Europa league with the losing teams of round 1 since everyone has put in a fair amount of effort with 16 picks.

If the managers are interested of course

@Zlatan 7 @P-Nut @Physiocrat @Lord SInister

Basically, same reinforcement rules -

1. Pick 1 player from your R1 opponent
2. Rest of the reinforcement pool would be anyone that is not part of the 8 teams (so you can pick winning team players)

So essentially, wouldn't have any degrade in quality of teams or the draft, just a smaller trophy.

I also have a hidden agenda that this would keep the voting numbers up as I could offer a prisoners of war reinforcement for semis too

Losing wankers!
As usual with my drafts, happy to run a Europa league with the losing teams of round 1 since everyone has put in a fair amount of effort with 16 picks.

If the managers are interested of course

@Zlatan 7 @P-Nut @Physiocrat @Lord SInister

Basically, same reinforcement rules -

1. Pick 1 player from your R1 opponent
2. Rest of the reinforcement pool would be anyone that is not part of the 8 teams (so you can pick winning team players)

So essentially, wouldn't have any degrade in quality of teams or the draft, just a smaller trophy.

I also have a hidden agenda that this would keep the voting numbers up as I could offer a prisoners of war reinforcement for semis too
I am fine with that, sorry missed to vote in harms game, as I was bit busy, my vote would have gone to @harms anyways.
I was thinking last night (big mistake) how Uniteds midfield hasn’t got the quality of player there as in other positions and how midfield is vital in controlling games, that led me into thinking how crap I am at building these draft teams and usually have no plan or reason just pick each player as it comes and only once I’m about 5-6 players in I start thinking how they’d fit together, even though I have a rough idea of what I’d like to end up with.

so I was going to ask what’s your big ideas, do you have a natural game plan of getting a midfield sorted or know a formation before you start and it’s more getting players to fit those positions over the quality of player available to be chosen, I seen mentioned in one game the muller zico pick was instantly going to be hard to beat, I get that too but would that partnership come before a solid midfield, even though a good striker is vital imo! that’s without thinking of fullbacks as I’ve often been rinsed for my choice of fullback in these drafts but I can’t help but fill those positions close to the end.

I’m just rambling now, bored in work with a hangover but just curious how others play the draft. I’m going straight in for two centre mids in my next draft followed by the striker.
if you want to win go attack heavy first. In most cases(unless you feck up rest of the team massively) it will be enough in first round and then in RR you upgrade the rest. Considering we took the route of blocking first few picks thats the best scenario because in drafts the difference between a GOAT attacker and "just" a great one is much bigger then in midfield/defence section.
if you want to win go attack heavy first. In most cases(unless you feck up rest of the team massively) it will be enough in first round and then in RR you upgrade the rest. Considering we took the route of blocking first few picks thats the best scenario because in drafts the difference between a GOAT attacker and "just" a great one is much bigger then in midfield/defence section.
That makes sense Bepo, it’s not even that I like winning, I just don’t like losing :lol: in sport in general, not just drafts.

I think from memory ive always gone midfielder first, usually rijkaard to be honest. I’ll try heavy attack next. I’m a sucker for a 442 aswell so I think that’s where I go wrong building to formations I’m not as well suited to and the shoehorning players in.

anyway, just rambling :)
This depends on the pool, but Sjor’s right in that with our recent reinforcements policy of blocking first rounds of picks picking a GOAT attacker first is the best course of action. Midfields and defence usually allow you a bit of leeway in terms of their structures and you often can elevate players by using them in a good system or finding the right partner…

But it’s almost impossible to sell the voters a good but not great attacker as someone who is good enough unless you do a huge, huge PR-job on him, which rarely happens (and public’s reception usually changes over the course of multiple drafts, not instantly).
just curious how others play the draft

My teams weren't good enough to win many games as well when I started. Quality and wins improved after a couple of drafts AMing a draft regular here (banned now). Gives you a better idea of priority of positions and in general who is rated how in here.
My teams weren't good enough to win many games as well when I started. Quality and wins improved after a couple of drafts AMing a draft regular here (banned now). Gives you a better idea of priority of positions and in general who is rated how in here.

@Enigma_87 or @2mufc0 would be good managers to assist as their teams are usually pretty good without too much funkiness, so you get the general template right.

If you are looking for funky, don't look beyond @Šjor Bepo
My teams weren't good enough to win many games as well when I started. Quality and wins improved after a couple of drafts AMing a draft regular here (banned now). Gives you a better idea of priority of positions and in general who is rated how in here.
Using AMs are for even bigger losers :D
This depends on the pool, but Sjor’s right in that with our recent reinforcements policy of blocking first rounds of picks picking a GOAT attacker first is the best course of action. Midfields and defence usually allow you a bit of leeway in terms of their structures and you often can elevate players by using them in a good system or finding the right partner…

But it’s almost impossible to sell the voters a good but not great attacker as someone who is good enough unless you do a huge, huge PR-job on him, which rarely happens (and public’s reception usually changes over the course of multiple drafts, not instantly).
Maybe attacker first and then midfield then for my next draft :)
It’s not even that I want to learn Anything or care about the winning, I’m happy just building the teams, it was more out of curiosity
I was thinking last night (big mistake) how Uniteds midfield hasn’t got the quality of player there as in other positions and how midfield is vital in controlling games, that led me into thinking how crap I am at building these draft teams and usually have no plan or reason just pick each player as it comes and only once I’m about 5-6 players in I start thinking how they’d fit together, even though I have a rough idea of what I’d like to end up with.

so I was going to ask what’s your big ideas, do you have a natural game plan of getting a midfield sorted or know a formation before you start and it’s more getting players to fit those positions over the quality of player available to be chosen, I seen mentioned in one game the muller zico pick was instantly going to be hard to beat, I get that too but would that partnership come before a solid midfield, even though a good striker is vital imo! that’s without thinking of fullbacks as I’ve often been rinsed for my choice of fullback in these drafts but I can’t help but fill those positions close to the end.

I’m just rambling now, bored in work with a hangover but just curious how others play the draft. I’m going straight in for two centre mids in my next draft followed by the striker.
It depends. There are drafts where I come into it wanting to try out some particular setup. In some cases my first pick (or first two picks) is just the best player available at the time within the rules and I come up with an idea of how I want them to play afterwards. I'm generally inspired by some manager's setup or I could even be inspired by something a drafter here tried out at one time.

I think, in general, it's advisable to make the first pick or first two picks the players you build your side around.
Yeah they are good points, I will always intend to build around the first few picks but then end up struggling to find players in certain rounds that lead me down a different route ( almost always!).

I know I should pay more attention to the rules too and some research into my picks wouldn’t go amiss :wenger:

on a different note this has just made me think of my first and favourite draft I’ve done, the monopoly draft, pick a player with a moustache or hairy chest etc.
This draft has been a good un too, just a bit harder to keep up with at the start as I didn’t have time to follow it well enough.
on a different note this has just made me think of my first and favourite draft I’ve done, the monopoly draft, pick a player with a moustache or hairy chest etc.
Yeah, it's been fantastic.
Remember putting Carlos beside Passarella in one of my first drafts and getting torn apart by @antohan
Probably, had that discussion many times over. It's akin to playing Scirea next to Dani Alves. Somewhat different liberos but it should jump straight at you that either will have to sacrifice their game and play with the handbreak on, or it will be a feckin' disaster.
I think from memory ive always gone midfielder first, usually rijkaard to be honest.

Rijkaard is special.

I find that it's easy to build a (very) good and functional central or defensive midfield without any GOAT players, so I try to prioritize #10s/Forwards or Libero for my earlier picks followed by fullbacks. If you have a Zico/Muller up top, then it's easy to sustain that with likes of Lerby, Kante or Essien late in the draft.
@Himannv , I cant create a new convo with you too. I pinged you on an old convo, please share tactics there. Thanks