The Coronavirus Draft

What kind of reinforcements would you like in semis?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Coropa League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12
EAPA. Di StéfanoS. MazzolaCafuG. ScireaF. CannavaroI. NettoC. MakéléléH. P. BriegelG. BuffonG. SignoriG. MendietaP. Elkjaer
PhysiocratVan BastenJ. MasopustH. StoichkovZ. BoniekD. SantosL. ModrićA. CostacurtaShesternyovB. LizarazuM. NeuerF. TottiB. Bremner
IsotopeL. MatthäusG. FacchettiP. BreitnerD. LawL. ThuramM. KaltzM. LaudrupW. SchulzJ. SantamariaS. Eto'oF. AlbertU. Fillol
MichaelM. PlatiniO. BlokhinRummeniggeM. SammerD. AlvesN. GonçalvesF. RedondoL. JúniorDidiSchwarzenbeckR. CarvalhoJ. L. Chilavert
GreensmileyF. RijkaardEusebioJ. ZanettiSchnellingerO. RuggeriM. TrésorM. TardelliR. GiggsL. KubalaJ. JohnstoneP. JenningsR. Bonhof
2mufc0ZicoSchweinsteigerP. MaldiniD. EdwardsRivaldoA. BrehmeC. GentileL. SuárezA. PicchiP. SchmeichelJairzinhoP. Gento
IndnycB. CharltonE. FigueroaRomarioN. VidićP. VieiraG. MüllerN. SantosD. McGrainM. ColunaK. HamrinO. KahnN. Stiles
I suspected I came bottom especially when I came up against Moby who I had at No.1. ISO's side is criminally underrated, I had him at 4th
i had him 6th #isogate
Dont pick McCourt, Paddy McCourt
I just dont think you understand
That if you pick McCourt, Paddy McCourt
You're gonna have a riot on your hands.

Coropa League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12
EAPA. Di StéfanoS. MazzolaCafuG. ScireaF. CannavaroI. NettoC. MakéléléH. P. BriegelG. BuffonG. SignoriG. MendietaP. Elkjaer
PhysiocratVan BastenJ. MasopustH. StoichkovZ. BoniekD. SantosL. ModrićA. CostacurtaShesternyovB. LizarazuM. NeuerF. TottiB. Bremner
IsotopeL. MatthäusG. FacchettiP. BreitnerD. LawL. ThuramM. KaltzM. LaudrupW. SchulzJ. SantamariaS. Eto'oF. AlbertU. Fillol
MichaelM. PlatiniO. BlokhinRummeniggeM. SammerD. AlvesN. GonçalvesF. RedondoL. JúniorDidiSchwarzenbeckR. CarvalhoJ. L. Chilavert
GreensmileyF. RijkaardEusebioJ. ZanettiSchnellingerO. RuggeriM. TrésorM. TardelliR. GiggsL. KubalaJ. JohnstoneP. JenningsR. Bonhof
2mufc0ZicoSchweinsteigerP. MaldiniD. EdwardsRivaldoA. BrehmeC. GentileL. SuárezA. PicchiP. SchmeichelJairzinhoP. Gento
IndnycB. CharltonE. FigueroaRomarioN. VidićP. VieiraG. MüllerN. SantosD. McGrainM. ColunaK. HamrinO. KahnN. Stiles

The tragedy is that I like this pool way more.
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The tragedy is that I like this pool way more.
Want me to move you there? :D
Can I get "Coropa league champions 2020" t-shirt if I win it?

If so, we have a deal.
Done. @P-Nut , I hope you are on board as well?

Never a dull moment working with Beam. That pool does look stupidly stacked though, reckon if we keep reinforcements separate they'll be mad close by the time we get to the super cup :lol:
List Randomizer
There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Enigma
  2. DVG7
  3. Harms
  4. Šjor/Invictus
  5. Himannv
  6. Pnut/Jim
  7. Moby
  8. Pat

Coronavirus Champions League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
HimannvL. MessiV. van DijkRonaldinhoR. KeaneE. DavidsM. AmorosA. PirloM. BossisG. BergomiJ-M PfaffN. HidegkutiD. Villa
MobyF. BaresiD. DžajićZ. ZidaneP. R. FalcãoA. NestaS. EffenbergS. MatthewsE. GeretsG. BatistutaJ. CamachoMazurkiewiczLewandowski
DVG7J. CruyffA. RobbenXaviR. FerdinandA. IniestaD. GodinR. RensenbrinkMarceloP. GuardiolaS. BusquetsW. SuurbierA. Carrizo
Šjor/InvPeléV. VoroninGarrinchaU. SeelerR. KrolP. ScholesC. FerraraV. VasovićK. De BruyneS. MaierG. BuchwaldP. McCourt
EnigmaL. RonaldoP. LahmF. PuskasJ. TiganaD. PassarellaK. FörsterS. MarzoliniR. RivelinoVan HanegemG. BanksB. ContiA. Vidal
HarmsG. BestB. RobsonR. GullitG. RiveraR. CarlosH. ChumpitazS. KocsisS. CampbellJ. BozsikLeandrovan der SarV. Bessonov
Pnut/JimBeckenbauerP. NedvědM. DesaillyL. RivaL. Suárez. MB. VogtsR. BaggioL. YashinDemyanenkoD. BeckhamN. KanteB. McNeill
PatC. RonaldoP. McgrathJ. NeeskensA. CabriniL. Figo C. AlbertoJ. PirriE. FrancescoliD. DrogbaB. SchusterP. ShiltonL. Blanc
The reinforcements can start for the first draft. I am having trouble readjusting the table as per new order, so just update the table in your row when your turn comes.

Follow the list randomizer to tag next guy. Keep the list randomizer in the post when you update the table so its easier for the next guy.

Please don't skip a person after 8 hours. The draft will move only once they pick. If they take indefinitely long time, I will make their pick (perhaps around the 12-16 hour mark)

@Enigma_87 , go ahead
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List Randomizer
There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Skizzo
  2. Michael
  3. Greensmiley
  4. EAP
  5. Physiocrat
  6. Indnyc
  7. Isotope
  8. 2mufc0

Coropa League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
EAPA. Di StéfanoS. MazzolaCafuG. ScireaF. CannavaroI. NettoC. MakéléléH. P. BriegelG. BuffonG. SignoriG. MendietaP. Elkjaer
PhysiocratVan BastenJ. MasopustH. StoichkovZ. BoniekD. SantosL. ModrićA. CostacurtaShesternyovB. LizarazuM. NeuerF. TottiB. Bremner
IsotopeL. MatthäusG. FacchettiP. BreitnerD. LawL. ThuramM. KaltzM. LaudrupW. SchulzJ. SantamariaS. Eto'oF. AlbertU. Fillol
MichaelM. PlatiniO. BlokhinRummeniggeM. SammerD. AlvesN. GonçalvesF. RedondoL. JúniorDidiSchwarzenbeckR. CarvalhoJ. Chilavert
GreensmileyF. RijkaardEusebioJ. ZanettiSchnellingerO. RuggeriM. TrésorM. TardelliR. GiggsL. KubalaJ. JohnstoneP. JenningsR. Bonhof
2mufc0ZicoSchweinsteigerP. MaldiniD. EdwardsRivaldoA. BrehmeC. GentileL. SuárezA. PicchiP. SchmeichelJairzinhoP. Gento
IndnycB. CharltonE. FigueroaRomarioN. VidićP. VieiraG. MüllerN. SantosD. McGrainM. ColunaK. HamrinO. KahnN. Stiles
SkizzoD. MaradonaA. ColeB. MooreJ. KohlerT. HenryG. SounessT. BurgnichT. CerezoH. CrespoR. DasayevW. SagnolK. Dalglish
@GodShaveTheQueen are all players in Coropa League available to us to pick + unpicked players, or is it unpicked players from both leagues?

Wow, you havent read the rules at all have you? :D

Only the players from your league are available to you. The unpicked ones are not available too for snake round.

I'd strongly suggest reading the rules ones in full.
Coronavirus Champions League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
HimannvL. MessiV. van DijkRonaldinhoR. KeaneE. DavidsM. AmorosA. PirloM. BossisG. BergomiJ-M PfaffN. HidegkutiD. Villa
MobyF. BaresiD. DžajićZ. ZidaneP. R. FalcãoA. NestaS. EffenbergS. MatthewsE. GeretsG. BatistutaJ. CamachoMazurkiewiczLewandowski
DVG7J. CruyffA. RobbenXaviR. FerdinandA. IniestaD. GodinR. RensenbrinkMarceloP. GuardiolaS. BusquetsW. SuurbierA. Carrizo
Šjor/InvPeléV. VoroninGarrinchaU. SeelerR. KrolP. ScholesC. FerraraV. VasovićK. De BruyneS. MaierG. BuchwaldP. McCourt
EnigmaL. RonaldoP. LahmF. PuskasJ. TiganaD. PassarellaK. FörsterS. MarzoliniR. RivelinoVan HanegemG. BanksB. ContiA. VidalPelé
HarmsG. BestB. RobsonR. GullitG. RiveraR. CarlosH. ChumpitazS. KocsisS. CampbellJ. BozsikLeandrovan der SarV. Bessonov
Pnut/JimBeckenbauerP. NedvědM. DesaillyL. RivaL. Suárez. MB. VogtsR. BaggioL. YashinDemyanenkoD. BeckhamN. KanteB. McNeill
PatC. RonaldoP. McgrathJ. NeeskensA. CabriniL. FigoC. AlbertoJ. PirriE. FrancescoliD. DrogbaB. SchusterP. ShiltonL. Blanc

List Randomizer
There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Enigma
  2. DVG7
  3. Harms
  4. Šjor/Invictus
  5. Himannv
  6. Pnut/Jim
  7. Moby
  8. Pat

Coronavirus Champions League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
HimannvL. MessiV. van DijkRonaldinhoR. KeaneE. DavidsM. AmorosA. PirloM. BossisG. BergomiJ-M PfaffN. HidegkutiD. Villa
MobyF. BaresiD. DžajićZ. ZidaneP. R. FalcãoA. NestaS. EffenbergS. MatthewsE. GeretsG. BatistutaJ. CamachoMazurkiewiczLewandowski
DVG7J. CruyffA. RobbenXaviR. FerdinandA. IniestaD. GodinR. RensenbrinkMarceloP. GuardiolaS. BusquetsW. SuurbierA. Carrizo
Šjor/InvPeléV. VoroninGarrinchaU. SeelerR. KrolP. ScholesC. FerraraV. VasovićK. De BruyneS. MaierG. BuchwaldP. McCourt
EnigmaL. RonaldoP. LahmF. PuskasJ. TiganaD. PassarellaK. FörsterS. MarzoliniR. RivelinoVan HanegemG. BanksB. ContiA. VidalPelé
HarmsG. BestB. RobsonR. GullitG. RiveraR. CarlosH. ChumpitazS. KocsisS. CampbellJ. BozsikLeandrovan der SarV. Bessonov
Pnut/JimBeckenbauerP. NedvědM. DesaillyL. RivaL. Suárez. MB. VogtsR. BaggioL. YashinDemyanenkoD. BeckhamN. KanteB. McNeill
PatC. RonaldoP. McgrathJ. NeeskensA. CabriniL. FigoC. AlbertoJ. PirriE. FrancescoliD. DrogbaB. SchusterP. ShiltonL. Blanc

List Randomizer
There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Skizzo
  2. Michael
  3. Greensmiley
  4. EAP
  5. Physiocrat
  6. Indnyc
  7. Isotope
  8. 2mufc0

Coropa League Teams

ManagerRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 13Round 14
EAPA. Di StéfanoS. MazzolaCafuG. ScireaF. CannavaroI. NettoC. MakéléléH. P. BriegelG. BuffonG. SignoriG. MendietaP. Elkjaer
PhysiocratVan BastenJ. MasopustH. StoichkovZ. BoniekD. SantosL. ModrićA. CostacurtaShesternyovB. LizarazuM. NeuerF. TottiB. Bremner
IsotopeL. MatthäusG. FacchettiP. BreitnerD. LawL. ThuramM. KaltzM. LaudrupW. SchulzJ. SantamariaS. Eto'oF. AlbertU. Fillol
MichaelM. PlatiniO. BlokhinRummeniggeM. SammerD. AlvesN. GonçalvesF. RedondoL. JúniorDidiSchwarzenbeckR. CarvalhoJ. Chilavert
GreensmileyF. RijkaardEusebioJ. ZanettiSchnellingerO. RuggeriM. TrésorM. TardelliR. GiggsL. KubalaJ. JohnstoneP. JenningsR. Bonhof
2mufc0ZicoSchweinsteigerP. MaldiniD. EdwardsRivaldoA. BrehmeC. GentileL. SuárezA. PicchiP. SchmeichelJairzinhoP. Gento
IndnycB. CharltonE. FigueroaRomarioN. VidićP. VieiraG. MüllerN. SantosD. McGrainM. ColunaK. HamrinO. KahnN. Stiles
SkizzoD. MaradonaA. ColeB. MooreJ. KohlerT. HenryG. SounessT. BurgnichT. CerezoH. CrespoR. DasayevW. SagnolK. DalglishM. Platini
@GodShaveTheQueen do we have to change our formation/tactics for the next round? In the end 4-4-2 could turn out to be the best formation for me as I'll have pretty limited options in 2nd pick and with a sheep turn might that be the case too.
@GodShaveTheQueen do we have to change our formation/tactics for the next round? In the end 4-4-2 could turn out to be the best formation for me as I'll have pretty limited options in 2nd pick and with a sheep turn might that be the case too.

No, it's not mandatory.

Every school has both good and bad students. You can only teach and hope for the best.