Right lads, says Redcharlie, rising breathlessly from the backseat of the 122 double decker and untangling himself from the longest, most svelte pair of legs imaginable. You've seen my gaff and half the joys of south of the river, but hang around here any longer and the rent collector aka, the bus conductor'll be on your case. Which was actually spoken more to Big Andy and Weaste, rather than 26, Davo and Devilish, as the former pairing were leaning over the back seat so far they were sniffing my lady's twitching tootsies. Noticing that Davo seemed more interested in landmarking casinos and greyhound tracks, 26 remembered Stan. Where is the southern cnut when you need him, eh ( pronounced aye)? he cried. And that foodie cnut, Spin?
And so at the next bus stop, we clamber as one out of my gaff, with my svelte long-legged beauty in tow, whom we shall call erm, Sky, on account of her pins and keeping an eye on Weaste, who is throwing some Spanish her way ( knowing that RC can't understand a word) and Andy, who is pretending to be tired and walking several feet behind her with a furtive, lecherous grin, we make for north of the river, to seek out the elusive Plek and his half-built arch.