I have to admit that, amongst other things, I'm cynical about some aspects of his life & philosophy, mate. For example: much of his protesting/demonstrating appears to be mere posturing, 'slumming it,' in & for effect; his knack of discovering that the 'most beautiful boys' happened to also be his most promising students...ahem; how often his philosophy ties-in with his own lifestyle & sexuality (although he really made no secret of this and, admittedly, this corresponds with his concept of a 'work') etc.
And then there's his hero-worship of dangerous men, murderers who sometimes happen to have "dazzling eyes"...yawn; not every transgressor is a rebel, and not every criminal is a would-be intellectual, no matter what Foucault claimed to believe - most are in fact pathetic (see Ian Brady). In short, I find his conclusions biased & skewed despite the occasionally poetic and attractive side of his writing.