Gaming The Best Gamer on Redcafe

They're designed to be casual games from the outset, and also to appeal to people who struggle with traditional shooters. Character abilities are never balanced and only get worse as more characters/abilities get added. With Overwatch high level games are just boring slogs, who wins is usually decided by which team sync up their ults better. And a big problem with hero shooters is how poorly they translate to spectating and casting in esports events.

Even Valorant, which was designed to be the competitive non-respawn hero shooter equal to CS, is an omnishambles. It's a graveyard for failed American CS players, propped up by Tencent money. For some reason China has fallen in love with hero shooters much like they fell in love with, and then ruined, PUBG.

Could this same argument not be applied to L0L or DOTA? OK they're not shooters. But your arguments for character abilities and balancing could be applied the same? Similarly team sync and ults can have a huge impact in those games too. I don't really spectate overwatch as an esports so can't comment on the spectacle.

Personally I stand by the thought that OW problem was the team size more. If it was built as a 4v4 or 5v5 from the off then I think it would have taken off more. 6v6 was just too large.

I think alot of your argument applies more to Apex Legends because in my eyes that is alot less balanced as a hero shooter. I think overwatch is ace though. And I know I'm a bias fan boy here.

The problem with Overwatch is that having a very bad player on your team has a larger impact than a very good player. Smurfing isn't as easy as it is on other shooter gamers were it's very easy to carry a game. Don't get me wrong you can smurf against the worst very easily but a player in masters won't carry a gold player as easily as they would in other games. And for me this is another sign of why it's such a good game because team comp and communication is so vitally important.

And lastly alot of other shooters have perks, items, guns etc you choose which are often very unbalanced. Cod4 was all about the ak47, m16, mp5 and ak74u along with the sniper. The rest of the guns were rarely used.
Whereas in Overwatch Zarya was a beast a few seasons back and now isn't so good. Hamster however has had a buff and is now a wrecking force when before he could have been seen as a troll pick.

I think we may have to agree to disagree though here. And I am a fan boy so yeh.

Not really played or looked at valorent so can't really comment on it.
Mouse and keyboard only I think I'd stand a chance. Was playing in Unreal Tournament clan tournaments back in 2002-2005 and we managed to crack top10 in Europe. But that was going on 20 years ago and I'm not as good as I was then....
Against controllers players I don't know, the modern controller player who knows how to maximise the aim assist on something like Call of Duty can probably beat me more than 50% of the time.
Happy to take on @Redlambs on any competitive shooter and see if he can walk the walk!

he can sure talk a good game.
Yeah definitely, applies to them as well, and same as with Overwatch/PUBG all the money in those games as esports comes from China. Basically any game China champions as an esport is a sure sign it isnt competitive.

One thing you can say for DOTA is that it's more watchable than the hero shooters because it's a slower paced game and you can follow what's going on.

Not sure I'm getting where you're coming from in terms of competitiveness?

League was pretty big for an esport in its day, not so sure if it still is as I haven't touched it in years but I'm sure it used to the biggest for some time in terms of crowds watching/people watching the stream etc.
Can’t tell a skill ceiling on a game without putting some time into it.

The macro level league reaches if you are seriously into it, while not as in depth at DOTA. Still requires many techniques from wave management, dragon control and so on.

If anything COD is far less skill needed then a game like Overwatch, as there’s knowing all the abilities when there up and so much more.
Can’t tell a skill ceiling on a game without putting some time into it.

The macro level league reaches if you are seriously into it, while not as in depth at DOTA. Still requires many techniques from wave management, dragon control and so on.

If anything COD is far less skill needed then a game like Overwatch, as there’s knowing all the abilities when there up and so much more.

I can conclude from this response that you and I must be the two best gamers on redcafe.

Wonder if we will get a new tagline to show off our accolades.
After bragging here I platinumed SIFU, I noticed it had "Arenas" now. That shit is hard.
I completed Dark Souls with no online guides, spells or ranged attacks. More self-abuse, rather than achievement.
Gtf0. Try and play a shooter without aim assist using analogue sticks and see how you get on. This is the sort of comment I expect from a pc gamer that struggles to accept that they're a noob.

Fifa/Pes doesn't get you credit for playing competitively. It's like winning an under 9s football league.

DOTA is just people who couldn't make it in L0L.

CS does earn respect especially if 10 plus years ago. But in today's age it's like playing checkers at the old people's home.

Never been more triggered by a post and that's saying something for me.
Shooters are for nerds. The only legit competitive games are Starcraft and Street fighter.
Football with toy cars. :lol: Nah I'm not having this mate.
Think of it as playing Football while Controlling just One boot where the boot is shaped like a toy car (which isnt so far from reality i mean have you seen what football boots look like these days?). Controlling it to so much detail that after what, 9 years after release, there are still new mechanics discovered. I Think this is still closer to real football than hitting "left plus X plus right paddle to do a cruyff turn" .

Cheers sw (plat 1, but 42 min no life lost to finish "Mission Impossible" on c64 )
I am quite good at NBA 2k mobile, grinding it again for the playoffs theme and with the simplest style: ball to Doncic, run up & down the arc until a spot opens and… BANG! another three. :lol:
Think of it as playing Football while Controlling just One boot where the boot is shaped like a toy car (which isnt so far from reality i mean have you seen what football boots look like these days?). Controlling it to so much detail that after what, 9 years after release, there are still new mechanics discovered. I Think this is still closer to real football than hitting "left plus X plus right paddle to do a cruyff turn" .

Cheers sw (plat 1, but 42 min no life lost to finish "Mission Impossible" on c64 )

Nah I've played rocket league before and it's quite fun and I can see why there is a decent competitive scene around it. Just not my cup of tea personally but defo a fun game.
Sorry if I've misinterpreted what you're saying.

I think you've got a terribly cynical view of things if I'm honest. When I was involved in esports around 2010 people got pcs because of a bigger game library and to play games they couldn't on console.
The call of duty esports scene was non existent on pc aside from a few search and destroy tournaments. The games weren't cross platform then either. There was no motivation to go to pc to cheat. It was to play games you can't on console mostly.

Now maybe things have somehow changed drastically in recent years. I don't agree with your views that cheating is rife and I've put alot of hours into gaming. Ive also both organised and competed in many cod lam events and online tournaments and again this cheating thing really was a non issue around 2010. Again maybe things have drastically changed but in my experience cheating was generally more of a pc issue and in my thousands of hours on ps it's barely impacted me.

And I apologise for that seeming harsher than it was intended. But cheating definitely is rife with online tournies. The devs involved aren't supposed to care either, their job isn't to police those and even if it was, how do they stop it? Lan is a different beast of course. But the way people make money off of it these days means there will always be people who make money off of it in anyway possible. That isn't cynical, that's the truth.

Agree with final paragraph.

That's because my background, both gamer and developer, is console first.
The only current game played with a controller that has a respectable competitive scene is Rocket League, across all genres.

Apex Legends?

Has a very healthy professional competitive scene with a big mix of both controller players and Mouse users its also the number 1 battle royale by quite some distance isn't it.

True competitive game should be raw input with the same hardware so consoles shouldn't really enter the conversation.
Battle royales ain't competitive games.

Course they are watch the pro scene on apex leagues and i'm saying this from someone that still watches most majors in CS:GO so i'm well aware of what most people would consider "the competitive shooter"

The competitive integrity due to the mix of inputs/platforms is not as high as a LAN CS:GO tournament, but its still a legitimate competitive scene/game.
BRs have competitive scenes because they're the most popular genre for streaming, not because the genre itself has any real element of competition.

Even hearthstone has/had a 'competitive scene'. Doesn't mean it's a competitive game.

A strange comment when you don’t have understanding of the depths, tactics involved in the game.

nothing to do with the genre as I can tell you warzone competitive scene and Fortnite’s are crap.

There has been numerous cases of high profile cheating at LANS at the top level in Counter strike to mention @Redlambs point. I think AI will be the tool to stop cheating in most cases, obviously the current go to is a kernel level anticheat which a lot of people do not like, I’d imagine CS2 will be the same.
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And I apologise for that seeming harsher than it was intended. But cheating definitely is rife with online tournies. The devs involved aren't supposed to care either, their job isn't to police those and even if it was, how do they stop it? Lan is a different beast of course. But the way people make money off of it these days means there will always be people who make money off of it in anyway possible. That isn't cynical, that's the truth.

That's because my background, both gamer and developer, is console first.

I agree with what you're saying but I still believe it's a bigger issue on PC than console as its easier to exploit in my opinion. I'm no dev so correct me if I'm wrong.

And you're right about cheating in online tournaments. Even back in 2010 on game battles ladders there were cheats that would exploit things. More exploiting bugs or lying about the outcomes of games rather than aim bots but still cheating.
I remember taking pictures on my phone every time a game ended of the scoreboard and players as evidence against potential cheaters.

I think it's down to the tournament organisers to police that rather than devs though. And while they can't police everything they can certainly try to improve the integrity by requiring players to stream their competitive tournament games and such live so that there is footage which can be referenced.

And yeah since 2010 things have changed loads. Back then you were playing to win a signature for your forum or a headset if you're lucky. Nowadays you're playing for 6 or 7 figures in some tournaments.

Someone needs to make an old boys gaming league in my opinion for 30+ so I can compete again. I used to love it back in the day.
Someone needs to make an old boys gaming league in my opinion for 30+ so I can compete again. I used to love it back in the day.


The problem isn't skills draining because of our old wrists and declining reactions, well maybe it partly is, it's about the time to devote more.

100% if I wanted to really try to compete in Valorant or CS:GO2 and dedicated myself to it, I wouldn't complete with the pro kids, but I sure as shit would rise the ranks. My aim is still as true, I just don't either the time nor interest in learning the maps and all the points.

Same on any console shooter (not that any of them interest me lately which is a huge shame).

But I really do respect the modern competitors. On the one hand they didn't have to learn the hard way like we did, on the other, the shit they pull off is insane and bar raising. I blame Fortnite for that :lol: Since turbo build into editing, it has changed movement in gaming forever.
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i got a 5 star rated island on animal crossing.
I knew I liked you for a reason

SFIV was a great game. I've never been a fan of Tekken or Mortal Combat or any fighter games really but I loved Street Fighter IV. Was a big Blanka noob lol!
Shooters are for nerds. The only legit competitive games are Starcraft and Street fighter.

I beat some [pG] players in StarCraft, once played Zenith who was a pro who destroyed me, also used to play with Midian who was the best UK player who went and played pro which wasn't common.
SFIV was a great game. I've never been a fan of Tekken or Mortal Combat or any fighter games really but I loved Street Fighter IV. Was a big Blanka noob lol!
I loved SF2 as a kid but I played SF3 competitively. I pretty much stopped that by the release of SF4 but I played it a lot regardless. SF5 was a pile of shit though.

I really like Tekken. I think that was the game I was best at. Well... that or Cool Boarders 2 haha
I used to be amazing in fighting games. I even won a Sega Genesis as a prize at gaming club in some shithole in Serbia. younger gamers probably won't get it, but trust me, winning such prize while playing Mortal fecking Kombat... it doesn't get more special for a kid in those years. I still remember 2 older guys twice my size attacking me on the street soon after, beating the shit out of me and stealing couple of coupons which I also got as award :lol: good days.
I beat some [pG] players in StarCraft, once played Zenith who was a pro who destroyed me, also used to play with Midian who was the best UK player who went and played pro which wasn't common.

I wonder why the UK never did particularly well at any of CS, Starcraft, Dota, Age of Empires, etc. What are you guys playing all the time, FIFA?
@RedEM10 is a fifa/cod beast. Bar the pro player I think he could beat most of you on fifa.
I had the Curveball records on the old RedCafe arcade, so I'm definitely the best. Actually I think I was trading records with @Marcosdeto, so that might mean I'm about to go insane.


Played it once and only got to lvl 8, I'm a fraud.
Oh yes, the time I had every top 10 tetris score in the arcade only for Weaste to go on a huge meltdown, claiming mass cheating, and so he hacked his pc to slowdown the clock and make the games slow to a crawl - because everyone else was doing it right? - but then still couldn't budge a single score and then claimed some other form of arcane fraudulent chicanery was going on that he couldn't break. Yeah Weaste it was called being actually good at games.

It was a big Redcafe cover up when they claimed they closed it down due to cheating, when in reality it was becsuse a stupid old fool who was shit at games had a tantrum.

I'll never miss a chance to relive that story.
Oh yes, the time I had every top 10 tetris score in the arcade only for Weaste to go on a huge meltdown, claiming mass cheating, and so he hacked his pc to slowdown the clock and make the games slow to a crawl - because everyone else was doing it right? - but then still couldn't budge a single score and then claimed some other form of arcane fraudulent chicanery was going on that he couldn't break. Yeah Weaste it was called being actually good at games.

It was a big Redcafe cover up when they claimed they closed it down due to cheating, when in reality it was becsuse a stupid old fool who was shit at games had a tantrum.

I'll never miss a chance to relive that story.

You weren't kidding :lol:

So the admins can fiddle around with the high scores as well as posts can they? Even delete high scores?

What's the point if everyone cheats at them? Even moderators.

My last high score on the Hexxagon I was going for the best time (no fun simply getting 58 points), which Rossi19 holds at 24 seconds if I remember, I hit 25 seconds (almost got there) and then you deleted it.

Getting angry at @Wibble:

He keeps deleting every reference I give of ways to cheat, even though I have never used them myself. I you get certain people cheating, why restrict the knowledge of how to cheat to those that know? It's an unfair playing field. Either you deal with the cheaters by banning them or deleting their scores, or you should let everyone have the knowledge of how to cheat.

You clearly are not doing so though are you? The top Tetris scores are clearly insane, and not possible playing the game normally.

Tetris throttle control:
Sort of, but you don't know how much each person slowed it down, because with that link I posted, you have a throttle control. You could play the game at normal speed, and then when it starts getting hairy, pause it, turn down the throttle and go slower.

Come to think of it, I seem to remember Curveball eventually being cheated by someone, so maybe the angry voyeur was right all along.
Bonus round:

Here in lies the problem. "D u n n o" is not text speak, it is in fact valid English language, it is how the people from the North of England actually pronounce the bloody word. Yes, even to the point that you can write it as such in a non-formal situation.

If the point of this strange censorship is for this, then the powers that be have really lost the plot (if it is for the word "c u n t", then Jesus Christ). Instead of dealing with the football forums in a correct manner, they instead decide to create arcades to attract even more teenage arseholes with games you can cheat at, split up the general forum when there was no need to do so, and then censor perfectly valid northern dialect.

"Too many stickies, let us create a new forum" is how it goes. Well, how about no, how about create sub forums? Ah, because then you get whinging cnuts don't you? And "It's too difficult to moderate" (ask mi bollocks). The Ashes forum was a disgrace. What the feck is this place¿ it has more non-football forums than it has football forums (and only two dedicated to the bloody team it was supposed to represent)

I'm not even mentioning the X-Files.

I may have stuck my oar into a very big cooking pot, but it seems the final product of the recipe was not what was intended.
To be fair though he did have good arguments and the evidence to back up his accusations. And if you ever played with him on PlayStation you'd know he was a decent gamer unlike that plonker ciderman and his kinect
I used to be amazing in fighting games. I even won a Sega Genesis as a prize at gaming club in some shithole in Serbia. younger gamers probably won't get it, but trust me, winning such prize while playing Mortal fecking Kombat... it doesn't get more special for a kid in those years. I still remember 2 older guys twice my size attacking me on the street soon after, beating the shit out of me and stealing couple of coupons which I also got as award :lol: good days.
Sorry mate, I really wanted the coupons.