IMO gun control won't solve the issue. It may tone down things a little bit, but that's it. It's really a cultural thing in USA to have a gun and follow the old rule of "I ain't seen a problem that can't be solved by kickin ass" mentality. Mix those together and you get an explosive cocktail of gun related murders, assaults, etc.
There are other countries (yes, even in Europe) with the same leniency on people having guns that don't have as much trouble as US does.
Even in countries that don't have those rules, it's actually relatively easy to get a weapon on the black market, or alternatively you can just join a hunting club / target shooting club and get a gun legally for leisure purposes. But the majority of the people on those countries don't have that mindset of owning gun, unless they are those hunting fetishist or criminal organizations or just people who obsess by having a gun.
If guns became controlled, those people who really want a gun would easily get them in the black market.
Education is always key but control guns or the use of them even more. There might be countries that they might be able to obtain a gun legally but they need to pass a background test, and they might need to show proficiency and they probably have limitations where they can have it (home. shooting range) or how you transport it (unloaded in a box in your trunk). What it doesnt make sense is that you can carry an assault rifle in a supermarket or anywhere. If fines would be heavy on having a gun out at the open, no one would be stupid enough to show them around or even bring them hidden. And if someone would see somebody with a gun, they would not say: "whatever". Would say: "what the feck is going on!"
Then, you say that they would be able to buy it in the black market....Well, I was talking with a guy that I told him that I never seen a gun in Spain besides police/military and rifles for hunting (scarce) and he said, well I could get you an AK-47 for 15.000 euros.
But as Jim Jeffries said in his bit, if you have 15.000 euros, you are little saver keep going!
I am sure you can get guns for free just stealing from any random person if you are in a life of crime. If guns would be restricted and it would be a decent buyback option, little shits that can get a gun for the cheap, they would need to get 15.000 euros/usd first to get a gun. Sure some would have them, but they would be so few, that they would be detected more often and with the right punishment, would make little sense
It will always be crime, it will be always crimes with guns, but there is a lot of senseless bullshit shootings and accidents
Also, the police, if they would know that people would be way less likely to get a gun, they would be less trigger happy because it would way less risk to get shot and also they would not be able to use the excuse: " I thought he/she had a gun" because now, everybody (every jury that judges them) believe them because it can be plausible, but without guns in the streets several would make little sense to be true
In any case, why not fecking try it, just to see what happens