Then you would be part of the problem. I don’t say this with malice, and with the complete realization that I am the proverbial old man screaming at clouds. Handguns and semi-automatic rifles exist for a single purpose: To kill humans. They are not used (seriously at least) for hunting. They are purely for killing or maiming. Combine that with a species that is violent and impulsive and well, you see the results.
I never have, and never will, own a gun. Ever. Maybe at some point in the future someone will break into myself and harm me or my wife. That is a ridiculously small chance (no atter what the media fear mongers say), but it is a price we are willing to pay so that there is zero chance that my nieces or nephews find a gun and kill/hurt themselves, or that one of us has a mental health crisis and acts impulsively.
Being touched by gun violence is simply a part of being American. For example, two of my high school classmates (one murder in a random drive by, the other suicide) died by guns the summer after graduation. That's just one example. I am tired of "thoughts and prayers", the "righteous" anger, the sadness, the "shock", of my countrymen and women who at the same time own guns themselves. If you own a gun, if you buy a gun, if you buy ammo for your gun, if you go to shooting ranges with your gun, you are part of this problem. Whatever though. #2A4Life, right?