Returning to another issue you raised in your response: DUI's. DUI laws in Wisconsin are a joke and amongst the most lenient in the country. The vast majority of voters in Wisconsin want those laws changed but for decades they stall out when they get brought up for a vote in the legislature. Why? A huge reason is the lobbying effort of the Wisconsin Tavern League, the trade association made up of bars/pubs/taverns/restaurants. That's right, bars don't want tougher DUI laws because they see financial loss in them being in place. I know that if I go to a bar that is a member of the League that my money will, in some amount, make its way into the pocket of a state politician to "encourage" him/her to not vote for tougher laws. So I do the only thing I can, I check out the membership list of the league before going to any new bar/pub/etc. I have not, and will not, patronize those establishments until they not only STOP lobbying against these laws, but until they actively lobby for them.
Sandy Hook was the moment that a potential gun industry/culture led movement for change died. If the slaughter of 20
children resulted in not only no change, but a doubling down by the industry/culture, we have no hope in any meaningful reform. It doesn't matter if someone is a responsible gun owner, just like it doesn't matter that I never drink and drive. Ultimately our dollars, spent with these organizations, will be used to further block meaningful change for those things we
say are important for us. So yes, there is collective guilt for the continued lack of real and meaningful change for people who continue to feed money into the coffers of those who actively prevent that change. The reason someone makes those purchases (hunting, Red Dawn Cosplay, etc.) does not matter. The money still flows in and to convince oneself that you are playing no role in the continued lack of action is denial.
So what does this mean? For me this means I decline going out with friends if they are going to a Pub that is a league member. It means spending more on an Uber to go somewhere further. It means pissing off friends when I ask to go somewhere else. For gun owners? I guess something similar. Stop purchasing ammo. Stop purchasing new guns. Stop contributing to organizations that lobby against reform. Money, and the loss of it, is the only message that will have impact because the blood of THESE kids apparently means feck all.