Television The Apprentice 2019

He was part of the Raj too.

Ffs Steve :lol:
I don’t think I’ve ever seen dean smile. He always has this unimpressed look on his face :lol:
How did he only knock off 10% for that shit show?!
Remember there was a candidate a few years ago who always provided feck all but was saved by the fact that she was on the winning team every week? What was her name again? Anyway I think dean is that candidate this year
Remember there was a candidate a few years ago who always provided feck all but was saved by the fact that she was on the winning team every week? What was her name again?
Theresa May?
I mean most of the firing were justifiable in that the candidates were rubbish, but Sir Alan is at least a bit racist. He has prior history, for instance his tweet about the Senegal football team last year.
You're right, I forgot about that.
Noooo I wanted to see him being grilled by the interviewers!!

Marianne should have gone too thought we were in for a double or triple sacking we haven't had one yet. Had she asked about dietary requirements like she was meant to (though dont recall him telling her to ask that?) They would have won comfortably. Surprised he was going to bring back that other blonde woman whose name I cant remember as she saved them from bigger refunds by ordering a couple of vegetarian meals

Soon as they saw it was a student travel company and the boss said they wanted a fun way to celebrate their 40th anniversary you'd change it from the violins they only made the violins good as Thomas made them fun. Thought more would complain at the late food
Lottie's team got lucky why wouldn't you chuck a couple of bottles of wine right at the start in each carriage then people can help themselves between "servings"
Lottie’s team ridiculously fortunate to win that task I thought. Should have been a far bigger refund given for the lack of alcohol at the start and the poor service after.

Wonder was it a coincidence that Lewis got moved from her team this week after banging her in Finland.
Lottie’s team ridiculously fortunate to win that task I thought. Should have been a far bigger refund given for the lack of alcohol at the start and the poor service after.

Wonder was it a coincidence that Lewis got moved from her team this week after banging her in Finland.

Wait, what? :eek:
Dean has to be the worst candidate in the history of the show to have gotten this far. He's fumbling his way through the process through sheer luck and the fact that he happens to be on the winning side. Surely you can get rid of someone even if they were part of the winning team when they're this incompetent.
Not watched any of this series. Had enough of reading Karen Brady in the paper never mind seeing her on tv.
Dean's lack of intelligence is incredible really. Even as an apprentice candidate he's something special.

I don't think you could ever blame Sugar for firing BAME or gay candidates that are so clearly appalling. It is his money after all.

You could definitely pose the question to the producers though. They need one or two gay candidates and the best they can come up with is Ryan-Mark and Riyonn? One intolerable, one hysterical, both absolutely useless and clearly neither the sort of person Sugar, or anyone else, would ever countenance investing in.

I'd wonder if the poor standard of minority candidates this year was a conscious choice or simply down to a lack of good applicants. Probably the latter. There was not one single candidate who gave you an aura of charisma or confidence.
The problem the show has now is that it’s a business version of Love Island. Does anybody seriously believe Lottie is on the show to get far in business? She’s there for social media followers.
I'd wonder if the poor standard of minority candidates this year was a conscious choice or simply down to a lack of good applicants. Probably the latter. There was not one single candidate who gave you an aura of charisma or confidence.

I think the prize genuinely isn't all that great £500k for half your business? Think about how much investment you can get elsewhere from VC firms if you have a half way decent idea.
I think the prize genuinely isn't all that great £500k for half your business? Think about how much investment you can get elsewhere from VC firms if you have a half way decent idea.

It's even worse than that - it's only 250k.
Really wanted to see Thomas in the interviews. Him being ripped to shreds by Linda would have been brilliant!

Down to the final 6 and still struggling to pick out a winner out of that lot. Has to be one of the worst sets of candidates for quite some time.
Wanted to see both Thomas and Ryan Mark in the interviews, disappointed! I'd hire Thomas as a salesman if I owned a company

I really hope Lottie gets to the interviews and tries to patronise them and act like they are beneath her like she seems to think the other candidates are could be hilarious
No personality left now. Without Thomas the others are just dull.
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Thomas seems like a nice guy but he always goes into negotiations like a bull in a china shop and it was gonna cost him eventually. And Lottie needs to stop trying to lead everything if she’s not going to put herself forward as PM.

On another note, I actually really liked team unison’s song and I think their client was harsh in saying that it wasn’t uptempo enough for TV. Not that it really matters since they won anyway.
No personality left now. Without Thomas the others just dull.

To be fair there's only a couple or so more episodes left now so those only in for their personality should be gone by now.

Still a shame to see Thomas go, reminds me a lot of my mate, a complete nice bloke.
Dean is still there! :lol:


Thomas had to go i suppose. Although i do agree with what he said in the boardroom, in that he does always speak first and then others follow. At least he has some ideas and is not afraid of putting himself out there, unlike most of them. That Pamela should've gone ages ago. Literally can't think of anything she's done.

But Dean. Fecking hell. The absolute worst candidate to have got the far without a shadow of a doubt.
Sad to see Thomas go, thought he came across as a great guy. Definately deserved the firing though.

Who does Lottie think she is. ‘Ive been in the music industry for 15 years’ :lol:

She's only 19 isn't she!? :lol:

Been in the industry since she was 4!
Dean is still there! :lol:


Thomas had to go i suppose. Although i do agree with what he said in the boardroom, in that he does always speak first and then others follow. At least he has some ideas and is not afraid of putting himself out there, unlike most of them. That Pamela should've gone ages ago. Literally can't think of anything she's done.

But Dean. Fecking hell. The absolute worst candidate to have got the far without a shadow of a doubt.

Dean actually had a decent week this week though? Certainly did everything that was asked of him anyway - and had to put up with Lottie being a dick.
Dean actually had a decent week this week though? Certainly did everything that was asked of him anyway - and had to put up with Lottie being a dick.

He's terrible. Been terrible in every task, tbh. There's absolutely no way he should still be in the running. Him and Lottie together are quite something. I'm no fan of her either, really. She's the youngest there, and she really acts like it. Thinks she's the smartest person in the room at all times but i can ignore that - it's just all bollox. But Dean gets me. The guy is so far out of his depth. :lol:

But yeah, i guess he done what he had to do. Although not sure how much that really was.
They're all shite.

Dean will win though. There was a big improvement from his first task as PM to his 2nd. Really the worst set of candidates that have ever been on the show though (And I'm sure we say this every year).
They're all shite.

Dean will win though. There was a big improvement from his first task as PM to his 2nd. Really the worst set of candidates that have ever been on the show though (And I'm sure we say this every year).

Feck me, that would be brilliant if he did. I think Lewis will win
Tom had to go. It got to the point that PM were getting criticised for not controlling him as if he wasnt the problem in the first place
Dean is still there! :lol:


Thomas had to go i suppose. Although i do agree with what he said in the boardroom, in that he does always speak first and then others follow. At least he has some ideas and is not afraid of putting himself out there, unlike most of them. That Pamela should've gone ages ago. Literally can't think of anything she's done.

But Dean. Fecking hell. The absolute worst candidate to have got the far without a shadow of a doubt.

There's a difference between being courageous and just plain stupid. He was told repeatedly from early on in the process that he had to be less hard-headed and take on the contributions of others. He was a shoe-in to win based on Sugar's conspicious fondness for him and his talent for face-to-face selling. It's impossible to really know how much he integrated that advice given the editing but it's fair to say in nearly 10 weeks he failed to make the adjustment since he was continually criticized and eventually fired for it. He was lucky not to go last week for volunteering himself into the boardroom out of some warped sense of chivalry for a candidate who should have been fired already anyway, had it been anyone else that did that Sugar would have punished them on the spot.
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