Television Tempting Fortune


Plz look at Me! Pay attention to Me!
Oct 28, 2020
Crusaders FC
Anyone watching this? I think it's brilliant and really funny too.

Basically a group of 12 people on an 18 day trek across south africa with a 300k prize at the end. However along the way there are a variety of extortionate priced temptations which get deducted from the overall prize pot. Thus plenty of drama too.

Reminds me a bit of Bear Grylls The Island / Survivor etc.. Those sort of shows with a twist.
Started watching it. Couldn't stand that thick twat who took basically every temptation. Turned it off and deleted the series link

:lol: I think it's quality watching them kick off at people who do it. Honestly it's great TV. Gets better as it goes in.
That Lani is hilarious, hope she keeps taking everything
That Lani is hilarious, hope she keeps taking everything
Agreed. The wee old lady is so funny too. Everything that comes up "But when will you ever get the opportunity to eat a chocolate bar in a South African jungle again"

You just know she's gonna splash the cash on an expensive safari soon.
Agreed. The wee old lady is so funny too. Everything that comes up "But when will you ever get the opportunity to eat a chocolate bar in a South African jungle again"

You just know she's gonna splash the cash on an expensive safari soon.
9k on 3 beds :lol:.
It's an interesting watch because each person is worth 25k to the prize, but any time you take a temptation you're asking other people to chip in. So how far would you go?
The rigidity of those who don't want people to spend anything has probably increased the spending from the others tbh, and is making dealing with any spending harder for themselves.

You knew exactly what was going to happen as soon as they split them.:lol:

C4 have some great shows at the moment with this, rise and fall, and the new taskmaster.
9k on 3 beds :lol:.
It's an interesting watch because each person is worth 25k to the prize, but any time you take a temptation you're asking other people to chip in. So how far would you go?
The rigidity of those who don't want people to spend anything has probably increased the spending from the others tbh, and is making dealing with any spending harder for themselves.

You knew exactly what was going to happen as soon as they split them.:lol:

C4 have some great shows at the moment with this, rise and fall, and the new taskmaster.
It was nearly 18k on 6 beds before they doubled up haha.

I think mindset is important with this sort of thing. You need to go into it with the understanding that there will be contrasting views on the temptations. And if you're going in expecting a full 25k you're gonna be disappointed.

Personally speaking I think they should have tried to clear this issue at the start. Find the minimum people are happy to leave with and if that's 20k then say there's a 60k pot remaining for temptations to get through the tasks and what not.

I think initially the first time you naturally feel guilty about taking a temptation but then if some prick started calling me weak and stuff I'd probably channel that as motivation to spend more. I think watching them get wound up would make it worth the money alone.

What's rise and fall? Not heard of that one yet. I'm a sucker for these sort of shows.
Enjoyable yet frustrating. Don't think I'm got as annoyed watching a TV show before.
It was nearly 18k on 6 beds before they doubled up haha.

I think mindset is important with this sort of thing. You need to go into it with the understanding that there will be contrasting views on the temptations. And if you're going in expecting a full 25k you're gonna be disappointed.

Personally speaking I think they should have tried to clear this issue at the start. Find the minimum people are happy to leave with and if that's 20k then say there's a 60k pot remaining for temptations to get through the tasks and what not.

I think initially the first time you naturally feel guilty about taking a temptation but then if some prick started calling me weak and stuff I'd probably channel that as motivation to spend more. I think watching them get wound up would make it worth the money alone.

What's rise and fall? Not heard of that one yet. I'm a sucker for these sort of shows.
Aye, it's admirable to start out not wanting to take any but they should've had a proper discussion when they realised how tough it was going to be.
They're travelling a decent distance every day in hot weather on 1k calories a day.

Rise and fall took a group of people and split them up into rulers and grafters. The rulers get to decide on how much work the grafters will do each day to earn money.
Rulers meet every few days to vote one ruler out, grafters then get to nominate a couple of themselves to go up to meet the rulers and the rulers choose one to join them.
Only one person can win all the money at the end and you have to be a ruler to be in with a chance.
James... He's definitely "built different" :lol:
Just watched the last couple of episodes tonight. Really enjoyed that show and hope they do it again, was a good mixed group of contestants too.

That 3k tea bag though haha. Everyone paid 250 quid for him to have his cup of tea. "Built differently"

I tell you what though see that bath tub. I'd have paid 30 quid to get in the middle of that too :lol: bargain!
Just watched the last couple of episodes tonight. Really enjoyed that show and hope they do it again, was a good mixed group of contestants too.

That 3k tea bag though haha. Everyone paid 250 quid for him to have his cup of tea. "Built differently"

I tell you what though see that bath tub. I'd have paid 30 quid to get in the middle of that too :lol: bargain!
The weirdest bit was how people then kept talking about him not taking any temptations. :wenger:
He was the worst person on the show for me.
The weirdest bit was how people then kept talking about him not taking any temptations. :wenger:
He was the worst person on the show for me.

He's just built differently. But not when it comes to tea.
The safari made me laugh a bit because he kept shouting "once in a lifetime" and I swear some of those only went on it cause they felt pressured.

The safari must have taken ages cause I swear when they all had their piss up that I didn't see any of them. I'd have rather have got pissed up in the cocktail bar with everyone else lol!

Think some of them felt like twats at the end as well when they realised they didn't even lose 10% of their prize pot after all that moaning. They'd have lost more money if someone had quit and not made it so maybe the temptations weren't so bad..
@sebsheep started watching that rise and fall now but only a couple 3pisodes in. Seems pretty good. Not looking for a thread on it here though as would be filled with spoilers but I'm enjoying it.
The safari made me laugh a bit because he kept shouting "once in a lifetime" and I swear some of those only went on it cause they felt pressured.

The safari must have taken ages cause I swear when they all had their piss up that I didn't see any of them. I'd have rather have got pissed up in the cocktail bar with everyone else lol!

Think some of them felt like twats at the end as well when they realised they didn't even lose 10% of their prize pot after all that moaning. They'd have lost more money if someone had quit and not made it so maybe the temptations weren't so bad..

Yeah was thinking that at the end too, the difference between Mr Built Different & the ones who took loads when it was their own money wasn't much at all really in the grand scheme of things, defo worth taking the temptations at that point