And football. It's a show that clearly doesn't care about football.Should remove Comedy from thread title
And football. It's a show that clearly doesn't care about football.Should remove Comedy from thread title
I can’t take Roy Kent seriously. I don’t get why @Solius likes his character so much.
he should've been a one episode cameo in which case a Roy Keane type character would've been a bit of a laugh, like Zava, but being one of the main characters is just weird. The joke got old ages ago.
I'd say you barely dipped your toe into the ocean of shit that is that show. You got away lucky.I’d just like to say I watched a grand total of one episode and immediately appreciated how bad it was.
Why are you suggesting the players and coaches have no money?Absolutely terrible. Everything about it. Nothing at all believable. From the fact that it is based on a PL team full of players and coaches who seem to have little to no money, to the terrible writing and awful in -game shots. Ridiculous characters like Keeley. I think it is hard to rate as a genuine football fan, but if you know nothing about the game then perhaps it can work.
Why are you suggesting the players and coaches have no money?
I've seen some of the players driving fancy cars and not seen anyone mention money problems. It's never seemed to me like an issue. Especially with the players being shown as having multiple women in bed with them and stuff like that and Sam being able to afford opening a restaurant.Relative to the average PL player, they all live extremely modestly on Ted Lasso. Ted himself lives on top of a fecking shop for heavens sake. They have started to upgrade the car collection a bit, but in general, they make it look like a Championship/League One affair.
Relative to the average PL player, they all live extremely modestly on Ted Lasso. Ted himself lives on top of a fecking shop for heavens sake. They have started to upgrade the car collection a bit, but in general, they make it look like a Championship/League One affair.
Yep. They tied up the Ted Lasso story nicely and sort left some vagueness to the other characters if they do want to some other things later on.Lovely finale, lots of laughs too
Hope the Glazers aren't watching and getting any ideas...
Rebecca selling 49% stake in the club for big investment.
Have to say, I defended this show a lot and I still like it overall but that was a disappointing finale for me. The only saving grace was they didn't win the league
The Scrubs finale (don't count the spin off) I felt was fantastic and actually made me emotional, this just left me feeling a bit 'meh'. The bonus 7 minutes made me more sad than the actual finale
I really felt when they did the montage of Roy becoming manager, Beard getting married (no Ted...) etc. was all a dream as the next bit is Ted landing. It would have been a nice ending like Scrubs, yeah it probably happens but it's a dream and who knows
Also maybe a small point but for me scenes about Colin coming out to the team/press reaction to the kiss with the boyfriend, Nate and Ted's first interaction once he returns, Ted telling Rebecca he is off etc.. All these scenes I think we're important but just glossed over
I did not want complete vagueness nor did I want a tied up bow of an ending. I think I just wanted to feel gutted it's over when the last scene played but I didn't
I'm only half way through season 2 and it's become a very predictable slog. I think Bill suffers from everyone around him telling him all the time about how he's the master of emotional moments in comedy.
Shrinking is so much better, but it still has the same tropes and I expect it to go much the same way.
Yeah I like Shrinking but agree, it already feel it's predictable and using the same gimmicks
But I did just read Bill Lawrence was only really involved in season 1 and took a back seat approach in the next 2 seasons. They were mostly driven by Jason and Brett
Premature celebrations is known to happen to fans in the Premier League as well. Just look at Arsenal fans this year.Why were they all celebrating like they won the league, fans rushing the ground etc when City were still beating Liverpool?
ah yeah because it’s written for Americans who don’t have a clue probably anyway and they wanted to do a ‘twist’ - ohhh no they didn’t win! Well of course not. None of the fans would be celebrating like that if City were still winning
for me the worst parts was the whole Nate arc - him being such a twat bully out of nowhere he didn’t deserve any redemption and they did it so ham fisted. Keely was also pretty much perpetually cringe
and the team itself needed to have a few more personalities and not be this insanely stupidly nice hive mind
my god the show is excruciatingly cringe and cheesy, even though there were one or two better episodes towards the end. Still ultimately a load of shite though
Premature celebrations is known to happen to fans in the Premier League as well. Just look at Arsenal fans this year. storming the ground before knowing the other result? Nah
Why were they all celebrating like they won the league, fans rushing the ground etc when City were still beating Liverpool? Oh yeah because it’s written for Americans who don’t have a clue probably anyway and they wanted to do a ‘twist’ - ohhh no they didn’t win! Well of course not. None of the fans would be celebrating like that if City were still winning
for me the worst part was the whole Nate arc - him being such a twat bully out of nowhere, he didn’t deserve any redemption. and even when you knew they were going to do it they then did it in such a ham fisted way. Why do we care about Nate and the polish girl, we still hate you mofo. Didn’t even get to see him quit West Ham etc. Keely was also pretty much perpetually cringe
and the team itself needed to have a few more personalities and not be this insanely stupidly nice hive mind
my god the show was overall just excruciatingly cringe and cheesy, even though there were one or two better episodes towards the end. Still ultimately a load of shite though
Those pesky American Hamburger fans.
Does the captain still look like he ate his centre half partner?
My wife’s been bothering me to watch this season but after the last one I can’t be arsed. She loves it. Mind you, she’d watch anything on the goggle box, except non fiction (documentaries, nature shows, etc).