tagline demands

99RedBalloons said:
Hello WeasteDevil...

Please could you change my tagline to 'SmashedHombre's #1 Fan' even though he's a bit of a t0sser :D


i like it
99RedBalloons said:
Smashedhombre is a Legend who should sit alongside Keano and Cantona in the clubs history.........Or should that be Djemba and Kleberson?

smashed is a legend. the newbie's all love him.
:lol: what on earth??

Oh and it should definitely be keane and king eric...
Pathetic bias with the scrolly-ness

:lol: It's flashing and scrolling now...

How about giving me a nice tagline, eh? :) Given all of our friendly conversations we had.
Weaste Weaste! I don't deserve such a degrading tagline! :(

Maybe if you could change it to "Nincompoopy fecktwats Slayer" I'd donate to the Caf!!!