Retired Dictator
ellie brown said:could I swap 'proud new mummy' for 'the east is red', might give some of the ones in CE due warning...
there you go Ellie
ellie brown said:could I swap 'proud new mummy' for 'the east is red', might give some of the ones in CE due warning...
Hey Kristjan, i´ve been watching two newbies, robertsoncrusoe and revelz, and they may be ready for promotion, can you look at them? i ask the same to goldenblunder with no answer yet.Kristjan said:there you go Ellie
Kristjan said:there you go Ellie
ok. thanx.Kristjan said:I'll take a look when I have the time
SmashedHombre said:Thats clear favouritism.
I might get mehro to chop you with his big sword.
WeasteDevil said:His big pork sword.
WeasteDevil said:He also loves a bit of sausage in the morning.
WeasteDevil said:He also loves a bit of sausage in the morning.
99RedBalloons said:Hello WeasteDevil...
Please could you change my tagline to 'SmashedHombre's #1 Fan' even though he's a bit of a t0sser
99RedBalloons said:Hello WeasteDevil...
Please could you change my tagline to 'SmashedHombre's #1 Fan' even though he's a bit of a t0sser
SmashedHombre said:
i like it
mehro said:why would you do that to yourself?
99RedBalloons said:Smashedhombre is a Legend who should sit alongside Keano and Cantona in the clubs history.........Or should that be Djemba and Kleberson?
jasonrh said:Why does Smashed get the bold strolling gaytard tagline?
Good point, there.99RedBalloons said:Because he'a a bold strolling welsh gaytard
WeasteDevil said:He's not keeping it forever, just a short while.
WeasteDevil said:Noodle put that there, only he can take it away.
WeasteDevil said:I'd have to find out who put it there first.
a_devil_inside said:Smashed tagline looks cool, unlike the real person
SmashedHombre said:Hey I'm one cool cat
SmashedHombre said:Hey I'm one cool cat. Don't make me go gansta on yo ass
Can I suggest "Boring and Tedious" as a replacement?vijay said:Weaste, how about changing my tagline?
Its boring and tedeious.