Can Anderson score? No.
Enjoying S2, but they messed up focusing on the kids so much IMO.
The special effects are horrible. So cheap looking. Can’t remember if they were better in S1, or there was just less of them? Definitely not enjoying this season as much. I mean, it’s fine. But it’s a big step down.
He's awful.The general is just a stereotypical villain but it works
He's awful.
Like a boss you'd meet halfway through a resident evil game or something.
Thanks for letting me know. I kinda read s3 was coming out but was kinda surprised to just see it on netflix randomly. One to watch and good to see s3 is enjoyable.Return to form in S3. Very much enjoying it. Feels like this show has really flown beneath the radar. Comfortably a match for a show like Fallout (although aimed at a younger audience) but with barely a fraction of the hype.