Swearing in Grand Theft Auto games

Learn a real skill first, like programming/art/sound design or if not, get into level design and modding. It'll stand him in great stead and give him a way to really show what he's capable of.

Just having 'good ideas' is not enough, everyone and their dog thinks they can design games. The real skill is being able to design knowing all the constraints you face.

He was going to register at a one year school offering a game design certificate, but I told him to register in a Computer Science/Engineering program. I thought that if his fundamentals were solid, he'd have no problem applying them to any field, game design included.
He was going to register at a one year school offering a game design certificate, but I told him to register in a Computer Science/Engineering program. I thought that if his fundamentals were solid, he'd have no problem applying them to any field, game design included.


Funnily enough I was called up to Rockstar North for an interview for a decent design position, but declined because I was just settling down and didn't want to move up there.

My background is strongly in programming, but I do have graphics, sound and lead design credits to my name. It's a shit industry to work in by and large though and competition for design work is tough, so he'll need as much knowledge in as many areas as he can get.
Just watch some moteherfecking Samuel L Jackson movies. It should ease your fecking mind.