Music Surprising protest songs

U2. Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Always felt this song really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday. You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"

Recently found out it's actually about some massacre in Derry. Ugh. I won't be playing that again.
What about John Lennons song with the same title?

Far more inflammatory than U2s, which isn't actually about Bloody Sunday, rather an ode to the division within his own family, Catholic father Protestant mother, "Mothers children brothers sisters torn apart", and growing up in a largely nationalistic Ireland in the 70s, "it puts my back up against a wall, but I won't heed the battle call".
What about John Lennons song with the same title?

Far more inflammatory than U2s, which isn't actually about Bloody Sunday, rather an ode to the division within his own family, Catholic father Protestant mother, "Mothers children brothers sisters torn apart", and growing up in a largely nationalistic Ireland in the 70s, "it puts my back up against a wall, but I won't heed the battle call".

Textbook Lennon.

Not familiar with the whole Bloody Sunday situation but the Irish have certainly gone through a major image change in my mind.

Old images of leprechauns. Shamrocks. Horses running through council estates. Toothless simpletons with eyebrows on their cheeks. Men in huge platform shoes being arrested for bombings. All gone.

"Ders more to Oireland dan dis."
Textbook Lennon.

Not familiar with the whole Bloody Sunday situation but the Irish have certainly gone through a major image change in my mind.

Old images of leprechauns. Shamrocks. Horses running through council estates. Toothless simpletons with eyebrows on their cheeks. Men in huge platform shoes being arrested for bombings. All gone.

"Ders more to Oireland dan dis."
So you used to think of Irish people in stereotypes that you got from movies?
U2. Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Always felt this song really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday. You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"

Recently found out it's actually about some massacre in Derry. Ugh. I won't be playing that again.
What the feck?
U2. Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Always felt this song really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday. You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"

Recently found out it's actually about some massacre in Derry. Ugh. I won't be playing that again.

No it's not and they lost any attempt to ever say it was when they dedicated it to the British Army a few years back.

What Bono would know about the Troubles you could write on a stamp
So you used to think of Irish people in stereotypes that you got from movies?

I don't watch movies, apart from James Bond. I actually planned to watch the Spy Who Loved Me Later but someone's taped over it with Americas Strongest Man.
No it's not and they lost any attempt to ever say it was when they dedicated it to the British Army a few years back.

What Bono would know about the Troubles you could write on a stamp

Flatley, my dear, I dont riverdance...
The year is 2028 and I say Bella Ciao. It is this song from the Netflix sitcom that you hear in clubs and bars, but it is actually a 19th century old Italian protest song.