Suprisingly good movies*

What's that about a Dog Soldiers 2? Any trailers out?

A sequel Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat is planned. This will take up the story from where it left off and will involve American soldiers.[1] Writer/Director Neil Marshall is not involved with the production and neither is cinematographer Sam McCurdy or any of the original cast. Rob Green is currently pencilled in for directing duties,

The film was originally billed as an October 2005 release[2]; in November 2005, it was still described as being in pre-production.[3] However it was reported in January 2006[4] that filming would commence in April 2006.
A sequel Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat is planned. This will take up the story from where it left off and will involve American soldiers.[1] Writer/Director Neil Marshall is not involved with the production and neither is cinematographer Sam McCurdy or any of the original cast. Rob Green is currently pencilled in for directing duties,

The film was originally billed as an October 2005 release[2]; in November 2005, it was still described as being in pre-production.[3] However it was reported in January 2006[4] that filming would commence in April 2006.

Don't like the sound of that - the original Neil Marshall film was a cracking update of the werewolf genre, as original as The Howling or An American Werewolf in London. Both of the latter films gave rise to lousy follow ups. :(
The Heartbreak Kid

rented it a few weeks ago as there was feck all else there. I feared the worse but i enjoyed it
Dog Soldiers is on tonight, well this morning 1.30am. Might stay up for that then get onto the match afterwards.

Haha. Well I think the age difference might play a part in this.

I do have a fascination with the devil/angel thing, and I really dig the whole gothic and dark theme to movies.

Anyhow, for a movie that I figured would be shite; I found it surprisingly enjoyable.

It looked great albeit hugely derivative of the matrix, but that only carries the film for about 5 minutes. The plot just made no sense whatsoever and was merely fight a bad angel, find a fallen good angel, fight a bad angel, find a good fallen angel looped again and again as the hugely obvious conclusion lumbered over the rainy horizon.

I expected little and was hugely disappointed nonetheless.
It looked great albeit hugely derivative of the matrix, but that only carries the film for about 5 minutes. The plot just made no sense whatsoever and was merely fight a bad angel, find a fallen good angel, fight a bad angel, find a good fallen angel looped again and again as the hugely obvious conclusion lumbered over the rainy horizon.

I expected little and was hugely disappointed nonetheless.

Yikes, you're a hard man to please Wibbs.

For mine I don’t think there was meant to be an in-depth storyline. From the start you knew it was simply going to be a ‘find the bad guy, win’ type movie, well at least I figured that was what it was all about.

Spoiler alert

Personally I liked how the ‘good’ angels where able to be corrupted, and how they succumbed to the bleakness of the human existence. This ideal appealed to me greatly.

The twist was relatively pick able though, after he killed the pimp dude, and rescued the chick-angel-turned-man from his clutches, I started to run all the angels through my head – and then thought the bad guy was Michael.

It certainly made sense when I thought about the start scene where he breaks that guys neck, and the actual daemons showed unnatural hostility towards him. Then there was the ‘your boss will be angry’ conversation.

In your post before you said it didn’t make sense, what part did you mean?
geez pal, I know its opinions and all that but semi-pro!, thankfully I watched what happens in vegas straight after which meant the whole night wasnt ruined.

I just dont think Will Ferrell can carry a whole movie on his own these days, at least in old school, anchorman etc he had a good supporting cast.

ok suprisingly good movies:-

Pans Labriynth
Reign over me
American Psycho

That's a bloody good shout actually. At first I couldn't understand why they had cast Adam Sandler as the lead but you started to understand and sympathise with his character more and more as the film went on and his inner turmoil started to show. Have to admit I really liked it
Reign Over Me.
The Woodsman.
Big Nothing.
The Condemned.
Lucky You.
That's a bloody good shout actually. At first I couldn't understand why they had cast Adam Sandler as the lead but you started to understand and sympathise with his character more and more as the film went on and his inner turmoil started to show. Have to admit I really liked it

Wicked, although geez I nearly bawled my nuts off, especially when he broke down outside the shrinks and in the courtroom, hardcore and sandler was pretty good (I hate admitting that) the only thing that discredited the movie (although quite weird and hot) was Saffron Burrows character
In your post before you said it didn’t make sense, what part did you mean?

My list is quite long and would involve numerous spoilers. The whole premise didn't work for me really.

Spoilers in white alert.

1) Why could the good angels only come down one at a time until the previous one had been killed or become fallen? The opposition had no such restrictions.
2) The whole energy draining thing made no sense since these were creatures operating outside the normal laws of physics.
3) Some things hurt/killed them an some things didn't or at least they could heal themselves unless it was a bullet/knife - except the first angel did heal himself from as knife wound. Confusing.
4) How and why did the baddie merge with Michael? Or did he kill the baddies and take over his id or?
5) There are no female angels according to scripture and even of they were they are sexless beings which makes the becoming a prostitute and then banging Gabrielle thing a bit unlikely.
6) Why did their souls get destroyed if their body died?
7) If Gabriel was defeated couldn't he just blow his horn and save the whole shebang with a resurrection event?
8) I may have missed this bit but what was the whole point? What were the bad angels trying to do that needed stopping?
9) In fact why do they have to assume human form to enter pergutory since pergutory is a plave for souls who are between heaven and hell and not bodies?
10) The suicide bit and him becoming a fallen angle didn't work either. Why? What motivation would he have had for doing either?

I'm sure there are more as well.
Haha, good questions indeed. I think can answer maybe four of those.

2) I think regardless of the supernatural-ness of the beings, it was more a case of the darkness that was prevalent blocked/closed the connection between them and the ‘source.’

4) He killed the bad guy right at the start, the scene where he snaps the guys neck. He kind of assumed the mantle as big-bad boss, but obviously the others where sceptical and mistrusting for the most part.

8) The good guys just wanted to save the people/souls.

10) I think his ‘eyes were opened,’ like Michaels had before him, and he didn’t want to turn out the same. Or something like that.
Reign Over Me.
The Woodsman.
Big Nothing.
The Condemned.
Lucky You.

Great film, so much better than expected. The best film WWE have brought out by a country mile. Vinnie Jones is awesome in it, I actually found myself rooting for him over Stone Cold. I went to the premiere of this movie at the Wrestlemania 23 weekend in Detroit last year :D
Saw Knocked Up for the first time.

Was entertaining throughout, not extremely funny but there where a few moments. I enjoyed it, which I wasn't expecting too.
Reign Over Me

one of the most surprisingly good movies I've seen in a while.. Adam Sandler was actually very good in it, for once not being the lazy arse actor he usually is playing the same character in every movie.
Napoleon Dynamite

Thought it just looked like another silly cheaply made comedy, until I watched it and realised the powers of Pedro. Now its one of my favourites.