Superman: Man Of Steel


Full Member
Aug 15, 2003
It's not being released until July 2013 but the 1st picture of Henry Cavill as Superman has been released.

I like the suit, I much prefer the larger S shield and although it's difficult to tell I think they might have got rid of the red shorts.

I'm hoping for good things for this movie after the disappointment of Superman Returns.
They have announced most of the main cast and there's some familiar names in there.

Superman/Kal El/Clark Kent - Henry Cavill
Lois Lane - Amy Adams
Martha Kent - Diane Lane
Jonathan Kent - Kevin Costner
Perry White - Laurence Fishburn
Zod - Michael Shannon
Faora - Antje Traue
Jor El - Russell Crowe
Lara Lor-Van - Julia Ormond
I can't wait for this. I'm annoyed that it's release has been pushed back six months so that it doesn't clash with the hobbit.
Superman is the best superhero with the worst movies, as Batman is the worst superhero with the best movies.
Superman is the best superhero with the worst movies, as Batman is the worst superhero with the best movies.

How is Batman the worst superhero? Get's more done than most and doesn't have any superpowers.

Superman is boring. Won't get surprised by him. He doesn't kill people much and it bites him in the ass over and over again. He's so boring that people don't even know the difference between him and Clark Kent!
Think the suit looks terrible. And I'm not sold at all on Cavill. Was watching Superman Returns earlier (underrated IMO) and Brandon Routh makes a great Superman and should have err returned.

Like the rest of the cast though.

I'm so worried that Snyder is going to destroy the franchise.
How is Batman the worst superhero? Get's more done than most and doesn't have any superpowers.

Superman is boring. Won't get surprised by him. He doesn't kill people much and it bites him in the ass over and over again. He's so boring that people don't even know the difference between him and Clark Kent!

Superman would win in a fight between him and Batman, therefore he's a better superhero.
The only thing I don't like is his hair.

Here's hoping this movie will be dark and gritty. Let him feel real pain and humiliation, that would be nice.

Think the suit looks terrible. And I'm not sold at all on Cavill. Was watching Superman Returns earlier (underrated IMO) and Brandon Routh makes a great Superman and should have err returned.

Like the rest of the cast though.

I'm so worried that Snyder is going to destroy the franchise.

Kate Bosworth was awful though. Her big forehead was so distracting.
The only thing I don't like is his hair.

Here's hoping this movie will be dark and gritty. Let him feel real pain and humiliation, that would be nice.

Kate Bosworth was awful though. Her big forehead was so distracting.

I meant the cast of The Man of Steel. Bosworth was an atrocious Louis Lane....made Terri Hatcher look amazing.
Superman just doesn't appeal to me. Superman saves people, antihero arrives, antihero gets Kryptonite, antihero uses Kryptonite against Superman, either Superman pushes himself on or someone helps Superman, Superman defeats antihero.

His physical vulnerability being only Kryptonite is just plain boring and I've never really cared weather Clark Kent gets Lois Lane either so that never kept be captivated either.
Nah, I don't think Supes is boring, his enemies are. Not one villain really lets him suffer mentally nor physically. I'm not a Superman fan, but I do know a bit about this character. As far as I know, Lex Luthor and Zod are his only noticeable opponents. Pretty disappointing if you ask me. Every great hero has to have several great villains.
I disagree that Superman is a boring character. He's just a difficult one to write good stories for. If you want a good Superman story, look at All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison. It basically distills everything about the character. If you don't like it, then yeah, Superman's not your thing, but he's more than just an unbeatable muscleman.

Also, I really hope this new Superman film doesn't go down the dark and gritty route, which I remember some movie exec talking about after the success of The Dark Knight. Totally doesn't suit the character at all.
Nah, I don't think Supes is boring, his enemies are. Not one villain really lets him suffer mentally nor physically. I'm not a Superman fan, but I do know a bit about this character. As far as I know, Lex Luthor and Zod are his only noticeable opponents. Pretty disappointing if you ask me. Every great hero has to have several great villains.

What about Darkside, Doomsday and Brainiac? Three powerhouse villains there.
Doomsday is a crap villain, there's nothing to him except "wants to kill things".

He killed Superman which makes him pretty impressive in my book. I'd love to see him vs Superman on the big screen.
What about Darkside, Doomsday and Brainiac? Three powerhouse villains there.

Def strong physically, but to me, I don't think they're interesting characters. They're lacking a human aspect.
I was a bit harsh I guess. A film with Doomsday in it could work. He's a physical match for Superman and a villain who isn't Luthor/Zod, and it would be a change from the Donner circle-jerk that Superman can be in popular media. But he as a character is flat. That's not an inherently bad thing, it would mean more focus on Superman himself as a character.

All I really want from the next Superman movie is a) For it not to be overly grim, which makes me worried about Zack Snyder directing and Nolan producing and b) it not being a Donner-retread. It should try to do it's own thing.
Superman just doesn't appeal to me. Superman saves people, antihero arrives, antihero gets Kryptonite, antihero uses Kryptonite against Superman, either Superman pushes himself on or someone helps Superman, Superman defeats antihero.

His physical vulnerability being only Kryptonite is just plain boring and I've never really cared weather Clark Kent gets Lois Lane either so that never kept be captivated either.

I think you mean antagonist rather than antihero.
Superman would win in a fight between him and Batman, therefore he's a better superhero.

Geek warning but Batman has beaten Superman every time they have been in a fight. There is a reason Batman always carry Kryptonite(in comics) if a certain person goes out of control. The Superman movies so far has been kinda crap though, it's because they always use Lex Luthor that might be the most boring villain ever. The new one looks promising though considering the people behind it.
Snyder has promised that Superman is seriously going to kick some ass in Man of steel.
Just hope for a strong storyline and a continuity leading up to his death under the hands of Doomsday.
Brainiac, Darkseid, The Parasite, Doomsday, Titano, The Suneater I could go on with an endless of characters if needs be who could challenge supes other then Luthor or Zod. Wat I want though is for a real good old fashioned superhero film, not some tortured dark brooding sod, or an off the wall smart arse character just alets go get em action romp, thats light, cheery, but most of all fun. I also hold up the first 2 superman films as being just as good as any Batman film. I am sick and tired of this material they seem to be using for all the costumes recently though, this is it fabri or carbon fibre sit. I can understand the Batman having it, but this is superman, he doesn't need any magical scientific material, it's there for the iconography alone and to cover his baby suit. they should have just slapped some bright blue fabric over him like reeves incarnation.
Batman sh*ts on him... Superman is the joke of superheros! Come on, it's like DC Comics were just taking the p*ss & created a indestructible, all powered American alien - but wait he can be killed if there's kryptonite around! Oh & it just so happens that most of Superman's nemesis's can get there hands on this so called "kryptonite" off the black market. That's my take on Superman :lol::p

Oh & Henry Cavill looks pretty awful as him.
Batman is so easily the best superhero.

Superman and Spiderman are too 'nice' and boring. And the whole Spiderman series starring Toby Mcguire were absolutely horrible.
Think The Hulk is the best superhero.But the films have not done him justice
Think The Hulk is the best superhero.But the films have not done him justice

Watched 'The Incredible Hulk' again the other day, I don't think that's a bad film in the slightest, very underrated imo. Quite a shame Edward Norton won't be reprising his role of Banner in The Avengers, he played the role great.
Watched 'The Incredible Hulk' again the other day, I don't think that's a bad film in the slightest, very underrated imo. Quite a shame Edward Norton won't be reprising his role of Banner in The Avengers, he played the role great.

I liked it too. Nothing to get too excited about but a good film overall imo
I liked it too. Nothing to get too excited about but a good film overall imo

Yeah it was a very good starting point to what could of led into a few more films! I'm not sure if they'll be carrying on with the Hulk movies with Mark Ruffalo after The Avengers - wait & see i suppose.
Superman would win in a fight between him and Batman, therefore he's a better superhero.

No he wouldn't. Batman would find krypton whilst Superman would never finish him off because at least at some point he had good in him.

Then again most of them aren't that good because the same villains keep reappearing again and again.
For me it was the guy who played the Lex character.It was a joke

Kevin Spacey?....Kevin Spacey rocks dude. He's Kevin fecking Soze.

As for Superman's the best hero....Well, I've just invented Uberman, who's just like Superman, except he isn't affected by Kryptonite. He isn't affected by anything. Anything at all. And he can do everything too. He's sick at table tennis.

So he's clearly the best Superhero. Init.

I know I'm not a comic guy and I'm sure there are some really deep books and what not, but Superman is incredibly lame as a character. He's the wet dream of a bullied 9 year old (well, actually the wet dream of two jewish kids in the 30s)..."Wow wouldn't it be amazing if there was a super cool guy who was really good and pure and could do"..There's no drama with him. It's just incredibly dull. And his disguise is glasses.

I also watched Superman 2 the other day when it was on some digi channel...It was fecking appalling. Acting, continuity, everything. Terrible film.