The Art of Bore
If they dont then in a few weeks the PL rights for the next 5 years go up for acution and I honestly doubt there would be a huge bidding war for them without the 6 ... and I doubt with lest say a 75% drop in TV rights if most of the other 14 clubs would remain solventThis will depends on who blinks.
If the FAs kicked these 12 teams out. Short term pain long term gain. If they still allow these 12 to participate in domestic league and only out of the CL, the uefa are fecked and the rest of the european football is fecked.
As much as i support united. For the better good i hope the FAs stick to their gun and dont negotiate with them.
These is very not fair for the hundreds of european clubs that needs the UEFA to survive and compete.
But as it is the CL cant afford to negotiate, and cant afford to give in. They have no other option. These 12 greedy clubs have forced a show hand, leaving no room for negotiation. I hope they crash and burn.
If its not resolved by the time the rights go to auction I can see the bids saying we will pay X amount for the rights but something like 25% X if the big 6 are not allowed to compete
I really cant see the other PL clubs being the turkey that votes for Xmas - and from a legal perspective Im not sure the directors of thise clubs would willilngly vote for somethig at would bankrupt them as they have directors duties... so yeah i think the Pl will be finw with it in the end and frankly I dont care if UEFA suddenly dont get to cream a huge % of CL revenues for themselves - I mean UEFA and FIFA can just sell the next worls cup to saudi or whatever so yeah I dont think there is a party invloved who isnt driven by money