Sunday Times: PM met Ed Woodward, 3 days before the Super League announcement and gave backing for the move

Hardly surprising from a guy who wrote two articles for brexit.
Also exposes Woodwards lie in claiming he resigned because of Glazers wanting to join ESL.

I absolutely despise Ed Woodward.
I don't believe this. The PR campaign from Woodward is so obvious and disgusting.

Why would Boris approve such a move , when the Country will lose a lot of taxes because of ESL
Boris is someone who is well known for going along with whatever the last person who spoke to him pitched.
Everyone was all for it, apart from the fans. Any of the suits claiming otherwise is a lying bastard.
Just as an aside - Boris is about to launch a World Cup hosting bid at which there will be an opportunity to show off many a British flag - wonder what UEFA could possibly have given him to change his mind.
Just as an aside - Boris is about to launch a World Cup hosting bid at which there will be an opportunity to show off many a British flag - wonder what UEFA could possibly have given him to change his mind.

I think he just echoed public sentiment. Realpolitik, I guess. Anything to appeal to the masses.
I don't believe this. The PR campaign from Woodward is so obvious and disgusting.

Why would Boris approve such a move , when the Country will lose a lot of taxes because of ESL

How is this PR from Woodward? His people are claiming he was unaware of the SL plans until the day before. This article claims the opposite.
Various government ministers have been on TV this morning saying these leaks are no good for the country. Get fecked with that, dont lie and there would be nothing to leak.
Boris was probably promised shares in a totally unrelated offshore untraceable company and it all looked very rosy.

However politics got in the way and it all went south.

Obviously this maybe some Woodward/Glazer spin but from my experience from the corporate and government world most naturally pursue self interest.

Boris is probably still seething with his Tory and labour chums in secret about Rashfords campaign. Dirty Cnuts.
This week just keeps getting better and better :lol: It wouldn’t surprise me by this time next week Martians land on Earth and ask to play in the Super League.
Why does this not surprise me :lol:

Why anybody bothers to vote is beyond me. Bunch of lying cnuts.

This is exactly why you get lying turds in power, because people like you don't care and think it doesn't matter. Just go and vote green or Monster Raving Loony or some other do gooder if you're disgusted with the integrity of the mainstream parties. Doing nothing lets the lying turd incumbent back in through inertia if nothing else. They all need to feel the fear to keep them in check.
I think he just echoed publication sentiment. Realpolitik, I guess.
He opposed it hours after the announcement got leaked - Gary Neville ranting wouldn’t have caused that. UEFA became aware on Thursday and lobbied the FA to intervene. Everyone had released their statements denouncing even before the clubs announced it and fans had a chance to say anything - it was impeccably coordinated. My favourite story in all of this is the ESL clubs were desperately trying to lobby govt. after the announcement but were unsuccessful...possibly the first time very rich people have been unable to contact Boris!
This week just keeps getting better and better :lol: It wouldn’t surprise me by this time next week Martians land on Earth and ask to play in the Super League.
They'll steal the abilities of top players and it'll be up to Mbappe and a cartoon rabbit to stop them in a showdown football match.
It’s always the ones you must expect Pt. 4202828901918101919191
He opposed it hours after the announcement got leaked - Gary Neville ranting wouldn’t have caused that. UEFA became aware on Thursday and lobbied the FA to intervene. Everyone had released their statements denouncing even before the clubs announced it and fans had a chance to say anything - it was impeccably coordinated. My favourite story in all of this is the ESL clubs were desperately trying to lobby govt. after the announcement but were unsuccessful...possibly the first time very rich people have been unable to contact Boris!

This has nowt to do with Gaz Neville. Folk were up in arms when they heard the rumours. Neville's reaction was like most fans'...I don't know any fan who thought it was anything but a disgusting idea.
fecking Woodward will say anything to make himself look good. Even things that make him look bad.
This has nowt to do with Gaz Neville. Folk were up in arms when they heard the rumours. Neville's reaction was like most fans'...I don't know any fan who thought he was anything but a disgusting idea.
My point is how would Boris know that enough to make a statement a few hours after a rumoured announcement? This is a battle between the top clubs and UEFA for who controls the money tree - whoever lobbies best with the biggest brown envelopes will win.
This has nowt to do with Gaz Neville. Folk were up in arms when they heard the rumours. Neville's reaction was like most fans'...I don't know any fan who thought it was anything but a disgusting idea.

Um, there were a few in here.
The Tories in England long imagined that they were enthusiastic about monarchy, the church, and the beauties of the old English Constitution, until the day of danger wrung from them the confession that they are enthusiastic only about ground rent.” — Karl Marx, 1852
Boris Karloff's back-tracking, devious nature was made patently clear during the pandemic.
Probably the only group of people less on the pulse of working class football fandom than billionaire American owners are fox-hunting, game-shooting, horse-fecking scum like Johnson, so this doesn't surprise me at all. He heard 'more money for rich people' and liked the sound of it, then he heard 'working class people we fooled into voting for us in 2019 no likey' and disowned the plan in public.

We should shout this from the rooftops. 'Red wall' voters don't seem to care when Johnson shows himself to be the very worst person and the least-qualified leader imaginable but if he's seen to be coming for their football maybe they'll think on in 2024.