Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
Steve 'gissa' Jobs?
Apple is the most aggressive, autocratic, and abusive company in tech history. The reason their products are successful is that they control the hardware and software departments in all of their ecosystems thus making it a very tightly controlled environment with heavy shaping of customer behavior, just like a herd of sheep. They completely lock their customers with their interlinked products, many of them hollow, restrictive and overpriced hence many of their customers turn into fanboys because they don't know any better. Slowly this fanboyism turned into cult status, and the myth that they have the best products just refuses to go away.
Add to this clever and aggressive marketing, and you have a winner.
They successfully made a farce out of Microsoft, and despite Windows Vista being no less secure than Mac OSX (less yearly critical vulnerabilities) people just would never listen, and Windows 7 only improved upon that.
Now we're seeing it repeat again in the mobile market, they came up with iPhone (which was NOT the first touch device, unlike what the fanboys think) but admittedly was a very good one. and Google is taking Microsoft's role with it's open to license, and open to mod Android and it's the same again. A tightly controlled system vs an open one which is prone to heavy fragmentation.
Apple's products will always be friendlier to consumers because of the high level of control over everything Apple has, but I'm not sure that alone justifies the hype.
Google's acquisition of Motorola Telecom is all about patents, but surely it gives Google a chance to play the Apple and Microsoft role (at the same time) in its android adventure?
Interesting times.